After surviving an attempted cult sacrifice, Jason Fenix finds himself entangled in the affairs of a secret, government organization that is responsible for handling paranormal, esoteric and occult activity. Unable to recall the past eight months, Jason must work together with Special Agents Elijah Long and Alexandria Watts, in order to solve the mystery behind his missing memories.
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ALEGNA FALA is your quick and lighthearted podcast about technology in everyday life! In just 2 minutes, discover how innovation and artificial intelligence are transforming the way we learn, work, and live—at school, at home, at work, and even on the street. All of this with scripts written by me, Angela Rocha, and narrated by the charismatic voice of AI Jenny.
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Can Technology Solve Education’s Biggest Challenges?
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1:56In today’s episode, ALEGNA FALA explores whether technology can truly bridge the gaps in education or if it risks creating new divides. According to UNESCO’s 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report, while technology promises to expand access to learning, digital inequalities persist — and are even growing. During the pandemic, nearly a third of stu…
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Lost in his own corner of the multiverse, Jason Fenix finds himself sucked into a plot surrounding the Children of Brimstone, and two people investigating them - Detective Elijah Long and Dr. Alexandria Watts. At the same time, a series of reemerging memories bring him ever closer to learning the truth of why he was chosen by Satan. But every answe…
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No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA traz uma reflexão sobre identidade e cultura com Black-ish. A série mistura comédia e questões profundas ao explorar a vida de Dre, um pai que está prestes a ser promovido, mas se preocupa com a desconexão dos filhos com sua herança cultural. Ao lado de sua esposa Rainbow, eles embarcam em uma jornada de risadas, …
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No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA apresenta Best Lover, um dorama que transforma contratos em histórias de amor. Com Zhou Mi e Da-hae Lee no elenco, essa trama cheia de romance, clichês e superações se passa no glamouroso mundo do entretenimento coreano. Prepare-se para conhecer Hee Sung, um ator marcado por um amor do passado, e Choi Hwan Yeong, …
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The Power of Introversion: Why Quiet Strength Matters
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1:43In today’s episode, ALEGNA FALA celebrates the quiet strength of introverts. While extroversion is often praised as a gift, introversion is a unique ability to observe, analyze, and contribute meaningfully. Introverts don’t speak just to be heard — they speak when they have something valuable to add. Research shows that 30% to 50% of the population…
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Hello, My Twenties! 2ª TEMPORADA | Que Dorama é Esse?
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1:58No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA mergulha na emocionante segunda temporada de Hello, My Twenties! (Age of Youth). A casa Belle Epoque está de volta, com novas fases, desafios e personagens que nos fazem rir, chorar e refletir. Entre traumas, superações e aquele romance que aquece o coração, essa temporada equilibra emoção e diversão como ninguém.…
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The trio’s down to one. Allie Watts is trapped in another universe with one goal: find Elijah and Jason. With the help of some strangely familiar allies, will she be able to find and save them before it’s too late? EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Joseph P. Farley WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong and Ausdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga, J…
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Tecnologia na Educação: Solução ou Desafio?
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1:41No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA sobre os desafios e promessas da tecnologia na educação. De acordo com o relatório da UNESCO, enquanto a tecnologia facilita o acesso ao ensino, as divisões digitais ainda ampliam desigualdades. Durante a pandemia, quase um terço dos alunos ficou sem acesso ao ensino remoto, e apenas 40% das escolas primárias no m…
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Paixão Imprevista (Accidentally in Love) | Que Dorama é Esse?
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1:57No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA apresenta Paixão Imprevista (Accidentally in Love), um dorama chinês que mistura romance, comédia e reflexões sobre amizade e identidade. Chen Qing Qing, uma jovem rica, foge de um casamento arranjado e acaba cruzando o caminho de Si Tu Feng, um cantor famoso. Entre encontros inesperados e muitos conflitos diverti…
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Agro 4.0: Como a Tecnologia Está Revolucionando o Campo
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1:42No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA sobre como a tecnologia está transformando o agronegócio em um cenário de inovação e eficiência. Com a Internet das Coisas (IoT) movimentando bilhões de dólares até 2025, o campo se tornou um laboratório de soluções inteligentes. Descubra como o Brasil lidera essa revolução, com aumento de produção, redução de cus…
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Jardim de Meteoros ( Meteor Garden) | Que Dorama é Esse?
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1:41Nǐ hǎo, dorameiros! No episódio de hoje, o ALEGNA FALA mergulha no universo de Meteor Garden (ou Jardim de Meteoros), uma adaptação chinesa do clássico mangá Hana Yori Dango. Angela Rocha compartilha sua visão sobre o F4, os conflitos emocionantes e as reviravoltas dessa história que mistura amor, drama e polêmicas. Já odiou e amou um casal ao mesm…
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Season 3 premieres February 4th, 2025! STARRING IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Erin Nicole Lundquist Rita Amparita Chelsea Krause Griffin Puatu Noah Belachew Jamie-Lyn Markos Corey Holland Xander Grant Eurie NamPor The Technomancy Project
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Hello, My Twenties! 1ª TEMP. | Que Dorama é Esse?
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2:01O ALEGNA FALA mergulha no universo de Hello, My Twenties!, um #dorama que mistura risadas, dramas e lições de vida na convivência de cinco universitárias. Prepare-se para rir, chorar e, quem sabe, soltar um "saudades, Belle Epoque" ao se apaixonar por essas histórias cativantes. Ah, e já corre, porque a 2ª temporada está disponível! Este episódio f…
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Currently, only episode 1.01 of the Reimagined Season 1 is available, but if you want to be the first to know when more episodes are released, be sure to subscribe!Por The Technomancy Project
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1.01 REIMAGINED - The High Priestess, The Magician, and The Hanged Man
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35:55Hear the Technomancy Unit’s first mission come to life in an entirely new way in the reimagined pilot episode. WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga, Josdon Thong, and Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga, Josdon Thong, and Ausdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdon Thong MAIN THEME BY: Arjuna Woods END T…
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Belial’s plan has finally been revealed and Earth is under the looming threat of the almighty Vatori fleet. With their time running short, can the Technomancy Unit find some way to prevent an all-out war between worlds? WRITTEN BY: Colin Bradley, Emily Consaga, Josdon Thong, and Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga, Jos…
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In a last ditch effort to keep Belial from breaking out of containment, Jason Fenix, Elijah Long, Allie Watts, and Agent King are forced to look deep within themselves, and discover who their real enemy is. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon …
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After months of searching, the Technomancy Unit finally reaches a breakthrough in their search for the Immortals. Their discovery takes them abroad to the beautiful country of Norway, but their mission becomes more complicated once they discover that not all is as it seems. WRITTEN BY: Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consa…
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Reeling from the events back in Las Vegas, Elijah struggles to move forward and has taken a turn for the worse. Can Allie and Jason pick up the pieces before the Technomancy Unit falls apart? WRITTEN BY: Josdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdon Thong …
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Following a sketchy lead provided by Layla, the Technomancy Unit makes their way to Las Vegas to search for an Immortal named Quinn. However, as per usual of their luck, things never go the way they plan. WRITTEN BY: Colin Bradley and Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga S…
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Everyone has skeletons in their closet that they refuse to talk about. And when Elijah receives a less-than-welcome visitor from his mysterious past, he’s forced to confront that darkness head on. WRITTEN BY: Josdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdon T…
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Somewhere in Canton, Mississippi, there are cases of miraculous recoveries and overnight phenomena occurring with no rhyme or reason. What could be the cause behind these strokes of good luck? It’s up to the Technomancy Unit to find out. WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY:…
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With the search for the other Immortals begun, the trio start their investigation at a local museum. However, things never stay easy for too long as they unexpectedly come face-to-face with relics from Jason’s distant past. WRITTEN BY: Colin Bradley and Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN …
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2.02 - Beneath the Yew Tree, Comes the Witching Man
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42:19With the team reunited under the threat of Belial’s rampage, they must race against the clock to find a way to stop him. But how do you stop a King of Hell? You might not like the answer… WRITTEN BY: Josdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga, Josdon Thong, and Joy Ofodu SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdo…
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How well do you actually know your enemy? In this episode, we finally learn Jason’s side of the story and see exactly how he came to be a King of Hell’s host. WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdon Thong MAIN THEME BY: Arjuna Woods END …
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Season 2 of The Technomancy Project premieres June 1st. Make sure you're there. Twitter: @TechnomancyUnit Instagram: @technomancyproject TikTok: @thetechnomancyproject Starring Noah Belachew as Jason Fenix Erin Nicole Lundquist as Allie Watts Griffin Puatu as Elijah Long Rita Amparita as Vox Hereticus Yannick Haynes as Belial Joy Ofodu as Ijeoma Nj…
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Season 2 of The Technomancy Project premieres June 1st. Make sure you're there. Twitter: @TechnomancyUnit Instagram: @technomancyproject TikTok: @thetechnomancyprojectPor The Technomancy Project
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Zona de Conforto: Pra Ficar ou Sair Correndo?
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16:37A vida de Au Pair é uma montanha-russa? No ALEGNA FALA de hoje, vamos explorar os altos e baixos dessa experiência única. Será que você está preparado para o looping de emoções, desafios e aprendizados? Aperte o cinto e venha descobrir! Me encontre no X e Instagram: @angelar0cha
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In the conclusion of season 1, our heroes must face their biggest enemy yet. Still stunned by the reveal at the end of last episode (go listen to it), the team must pull themselves together to do their jobs, even if they’re not getting paid nearly enough for this shit. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of…
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Jason is gone. King is pissed. Elijah and Allie are in hot water. They’ve got 48 hours to find Jason or everything they’ve built together will all be for nothing. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This episode was written by Josdon Thong. CREDITS: Daniel Lear as Jason …
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Allie has never been a fan of the outdoors. But when rumors of disappearing campers and a supposed witch cause the gang to head out into the great wilderness, bugs and no wifi will be the least of their worries. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This episode was writte…
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It’s that time of year again. A warlock, a mad scientist, and the Spider King must put aside their differences to secure their quarterly funding. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This episode was written by Emily Consaga. CREDITS: Daniel Lear as Jason Fenix Erin Nicol…
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Multiverse theory is one of science’s greatest unsolved mysteries. Fortunately, with Elijah’s help, Allie will finally be able to check it off her bucket list. Will this be the adventure of a lifetime or the stuff of nightmares? The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This e…
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A favor from your boss is always invaluable. That is why Agents Long, Watts, and Fenix take a break from saving the world from the forces of evil to babysit their boss’ daughter on her birthday. Too bad the kid’s a little monster. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This…
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An alien race known as the Vatori land on earth for the first time since the 60s. Well, crash land would be a more accurate term. With their ship broken, seemingly beyond repair, Allie becomes their visitor’s only hope to return home. Let the shipping commence. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteri…
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When a strange whistling is heard on the far outskirts of Uada Falls, Jason and Elijah follow it to the farm of Thomas, a former druid and Elijah’s sponsee. There they learn just how dangerous it can be to be consumed by grief. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This ep…
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1.01 - The High Priestess, The Magician, and The Hanged Man
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47:28Waking up, cold and chained down, in a dark basement was not where Jason Fenix expected to find himself. And not alone. Before the cultists can kill him, he's saved by two mysterious strangers. Instead of freeing him, the two strangers take Jason with them to an undisclosed location where his life will never be the same again. This episode was writ…
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Ser Flamenguista: Orgulho que Não se Explica! (Ft. Convidada)
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34:14Happy Friday! Hoje no ALEGNA FALA, descubra uma curiosidade incrível: a Micaele, flamenguista de coração, já teve a oportunidade de estar no Estádio Santiago Bernabéu para ver o Madrid jogar. Uma experiência de tirar o fôlego, né? Quer acompanhar mais? Segue a Micaele no Twitter @madmantw 🤍 e me encontre por lá também @angelar0cha 🎙!…
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Verdades Cruas de Quem Trabalha com Telemarketing (Ft. Amigas)
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31:49Seu primeiro emprego foi no telemarketing? No ALEGNA FALA de hoje, conto como minha experiência com atendimento ao público me aproximou desse universo da comunicação. E não estou sozinha: chamei convidados para compartilhar como é estar do outro lado da linha, resolvendo os problemas de muitos ao longo do dia. Spoiler: tem histórias que você precis…
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Intercâmbio sem Surpresas: Dicas Essenciais (Ft. Amigas)
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50:48Pensando em ser Au Pair ou começar um intercâmbio? Antes de sair do (talvez) conforto da sua casa, vem ouvir as dicas valiosas da Aisha, Gabriela, Marcela e Camile. No ALEGNA FALA de hoje, elas compartilham experiências que podem transformar sua jornada. Não perca! Me encontre no X e Instagram: @angelar0cha…
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A Grama do Vizinho é Mais Verde? (Ft. Amigos)
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49:53Eu não sei se a grama do vizinho tá mais verde, mas tem gente achando que a minha tá brilhando. No ALEGNA FALA de hoje, falamos sobre como todo mundo quer opinar na sua vida, mesmo sem vivê-la. E pra deixar o papo ainda melhor, trago os relatos da Nicolle, do Gustavo, da Gabriela, da Michale, da Bianca e da Karina. Quer compartilhar a sua história …
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Vistos Suspensos: O Que Aconteceu em 2020?
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25:49Parece que eu tô brava, mas eu tô de boa. Espero que todos que tiveram o visto cancelado por conta do COVID-19! estejam bem & que o mais rápido possível tudo volte a dar certo pra você. Esteja bem e fique safe! Ah, tô no Twitter all day @angelar0cha 🐍 | Instagram @pausaparaseriepodcast 🎙
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Expondo Tudo na Internet: Por Que Fazemos Isso? (Ft. Amigos)
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42:47Tá sem o que fazer? A gente também. Então vem ouvir algumas confições que fizemos, que claramente vamos nos arrepender de ter falo no dia seguinte. Esse episódio foi inspirado no Podcast “Filhos da Grávida de Taubaté”. Ah, tô no Twitter all day @angelar0cha 🐍 | Instagram @pausaparaseriepodcast 🎙
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A Realidade de Morar Fora: Encantos e Desencantos
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29:40Já falando na real para quando chegar aqui não falar que não foi avisado(a). Não é uma regra, pode ser que não aconteça com você, mas pode ser que sim... Enfim, eu poderia ter regravado as partes que errei no áudio, mas já são 1:51 e eu preciso trabalhar, né?! Nos que lutemos para aprender português antes de tentar o inglês. Me encontre no X e Inst…
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Rematch: O Desafio que Toda Au Pair Pode Enfrentar
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8:57Que Au Pair não gela só de ouvir "R.e.m.a.t.c.h."? No ALEGNA FALA, encaro esse pesadelo de frente e conto minha experiência ao passar por dois rematches. Entre emoções intensas e autossabotagem, compartilho como é lidar com o turbilhão de sentimentos quando alguém decide que você não é "a pessoa certa". Vem rir (e refletir) comigo nessa montanha-ru…
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Intercâmbio nos EUA: O Que Ninguém Te Conta
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10:24Intercâmbio de Au Pair: sonho ou desafio? No ALEGNA FALA de hoje, descomplico tudo sobre essa experiência que é uma mistura de trabalho, aprendizado e grandes responsabilidades. Dou dicas essenciais pra quem quer começar e explico o que realmente é necessário pra embarcar nessa jornada. Ah, e já adianto: não é férias, viu? Me encontre no X e no Ins…
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Strong Woman Do Bong-soon | Que Dorama é Esse?
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7:04O ALEGNA FALA volta com mais um episódio do Que Dorama é Esse? e a estrela da vez é Strong Woman Do Bong-soon! Com superpoderes, bom humor e muita ação, Bong-soon não é apenas forte: ela é icônica. Me encontre no X e Instagram ➞ @angelar0cha
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Qual foi seu primeiro dorama? No ALEGNA FALA de hoje, relembro meu começo no mundo dos doramas com Noble, My Love. Foi o ponto de partida para uma maratona sem fim e, claro, para aquelas sessões intensas que fazem a gente ignorar mensagens de amigos e família só pra ver "só mais um episódio". Quem nunca, né? Este episódio foi escrito por Angela Roc…
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