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Dito e Feito

Teatro do Bairro Alto

Dito e Feito é um podcast do Teatro Bairro Alto em que falar é uma forma de fazer, e vice-versa. A sua periodicidade vai ser irregular. O formato também. Acompanhem-nos nas redes sociais e em teatrodobairroalto.pt ///// Dito e Feito (Said and Done) is a podcast by Teatro do Bairro Alto in which saying is a way of doing, and vice-versa. Its frequency is irregular. So is its format. Follow us on social media and at teatrodobairroalto.pt
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Paul Jam

Deep House & Tech House

Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music. Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age. At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years old, and had another invitation to be the DJ resident of a discotheque in Lisbon. Due professional reasons years late, he left his career of Re ...
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Revamp Podcast

Eduardo Levenfeld

Revamp Podcast brings to you every week great information and insights about startups, entrepreneurship and technology. The podcast series is a creation of Eduardo Levenfeld, Brazilian and Spanish, with over 20 years of international career in technology and business, and a big passionated flame for tech, people and change. Eduardo led projects and business development in Latin America, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, serving clients such as Siemens, Alstom, United Nations, and GE, and to ...
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Nuno Carvalho iniciou profissionalmente na industria musical em 1990 como produtor audio da Rádio Cidade e responsável por todos jingles promocionais da estação de 1991 a 1993. Nesse mesmo período lançou os primeiros CDs de Dance Music da Radio Cidade criando Megamixes para os CDs: “Electricidade 1 &2” e “Electricidade 2”, produziu na altura em conjunto com o DJ Jorginho os CDs "Supermix 7&8" lançou ainda as colectaneas "Dance Power 1" e "Dance Power 2" que ainda detêm o record de colectânea ...
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show series
Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Pensar a cidade e as suas transformações. Novos paradigmas, outras línguas.Observar uma outra cidade que se reinventa e edifica.Lisboa, outrora capital do império, hoje apresenta-se como uma cidade culturalmente efervescente, atraindo artistas e intelectuais das diferentes Diásporas africanas.Este movimento transporta consigo mudanças e questioname…
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Antes da estreia da sua nova criação O Centro do Mundo, a dupla Ana Borralho & João Galante conversam com duas das intérpretes da peça, Ana Freitas e Inês Cóias, sobre o processo criativo, os temas e a expetativas de reação da parte do público. Ao longo de uma hora, conversam sobre a importância do ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response - Respo…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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As criadoras e intérpretes Alice Azevedo e Sónia Baptista apresentam este ano no TBA espetáculos sobre o mesmo assunto: pretexto ideal para uma conversa no Dito e Feito. Entre "Se não és lésbica, como é que te chamas?" de Alice Azevedo (em fevereiro passado) e "Dykes on Ice" de Sónia Baptista (de 30 de maio a 2 de junho) assistimos a um jogo de dif…
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Regressus, inspirada no repertório poético de Amílcar Cabral, é uma obra artística que explora a ideia de reversibilidade sonora a partir do entrançamento de testemunhos, evocações, rezas, mandingas, oratórias, carpidos, confissões, canto-poemas, vocalizações e inflexões vocais femininas (reais e geradas por Inteligência Artificial). Tendo como fio…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Neste episódio transitamos entre o ciclo Fertilizar/Nutrir que se encerra, ou melhor se transforma e o ciclo Semear que agora começa ou recomeça. Antônio Bispo dos Santos, poeta, filósofo, quilombola, professor, ativista, também conhecido como Nêgo Bispo, no livro A Terra dá, a Terra quer, propõe uma cosmovisão contracolonial. A contracolonização c…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Depois do fogo veio a terra. Fertilizar e Nutrir, territórios-corpos-lugares.De janeiro a março de 2024 na programação de discurso, mergulhámos no húmus, no invisível, no ventre.Escutámos o pulsar da matéria.Aliámos prática e afetos.Descansámos como ato político, de resistência.Neste episódio iremos escutar Tobi Ayé e Sarah Jordão conversar, a part…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Nos dias 22 e 23 de março de 2024 o TBA apresenta Notebook da coreógrafa e artista visual Alexandra Bachzetsis, depois da sua passagem por Lisboa com a obra 2020: Obscene. Neste episódio, Alexandra conversa com a artista portuguesa e investigadora na área da performance, Ana Dinger, sobre os temas, as práticas, os interesses e as ideias que atraves…
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Esta é uma conversa (em inglês) com Greg Wohead, Mariana Sá Nogueira, Paula Sá Nogueira e Tiago Jácome sobre o espectáculo The Man Who Was a Spoon, que vai estar no TBA de 6 a 9 de Março. Fala-se de fantasmas e ilusões, de coisas sérias, parvas e estranhas, de tentativas e erros, de jogos, experiências e manifestações. Também se fala sobre falar. A…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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"Nosotros tambiénos estamos viendo.Aquí estamos, escribiendo comosentimos, en nuestros tiempos queson muchos; ninguno linealni precipitado a la muerte comoel reloj del tiempo blanco"A partir dos diálogos do livro homónimo, Francisco Godoy Vega, curador, artista e poeta QPOC (Queer Person of Color) convida-nos a transitar com desconfiança pelos mund…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Este episódio encerra o ciclo O Fogo como Tecnologia cósmica da programação de discurso. Tendo como referência e ponto de partida a peça A Missão da Missão de Aurora Negra (Cleo Diára, Isabél Zuaa e Nádia Yracema) que esteve em cena no TBA de 7 a 16 de dezembro de 2023, neste episódio iremos escutar a comunicação que a historiadora Aurora Almada e …
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Neste episódio do Dito e Feito a coreógrafa Dinis Machado partilha connosco quatro poemas avulsas escritas entre 2012 - quando deixou Portugal para se mudar para a Suécia devido à crise económica - e 2023 - quando se prepara para deixar a Suécia devido à coligação populista eleita em 2022. Estas poemas pedestres materializam a voz interior de um co…
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Challenging the Memory é uma tapeçaria sonora tecida por Dewa Alit que exala uma riqueza tímbrica e complexidade rítmica reconhecíveis no seu extenso percurso como compositor e pioneiro da nova música balinesa.A peça é elaborada a partir de uma coleção de experiências passadas, ensaios e gravações não editadas, entrelaçando memórias com o exercício…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Neste episódio do Dito e Feito recuperamos a conversa que abriu a programação de Discurso da atual temporada do TBA.Queimar – Verbo-ação. Uma conversa a várias vozes tendo o fogo como terreno comum.Como praticar gestos de mudança e especular arquiteturas de cuidado e de futuro em espaços onde a reprodução da invisibilidade e apagamento de corpos e …
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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"Não." é o título do terceiro episódio da série de audiodramas, Ritual de Escuta, produzida pela Afrolis. O direito ao “não”. Quem pode dizer “não”? Quando dizemos “não”? Que consequências daí advêm? O que nos motiva? Poderá ser apenas libertador? O terceiro episódio da série Ritual de Escuta explora as possibilidades e limitações desta palavra, qu…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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MEXA é um coletivo de São Paulo que junta artistas e ativistas, pessoas negras, trans, LGBTQIA+ e mães. Na sua prática, utilizam estratégias artísticas para defender e promover o encontro de uma diversidade de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Na sua estreia em Portugal, trazem ao TBA Poperópera Transatlântica, uma performance que rela…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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"A Promoção" é o título do segundo episódio da série de audiodramas Ritual de Escuta, produzida pela Afrolis. Neste episódio com argumento de Manuela Paulo, a Afrolis debruça-se sobre a temática da síndrome da impostora vivida por várias mulheres negras que chegam a lugares de poder. Duas irmãs de gerações diferentes assumem posturas opostas perant…
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Em setembro do ano passado, o investigador Luís Trindade e o jornalista José Marmeleira foram protagonistas de uma sessão de Práticas de Leitura dedicada ao livro "Silêncio Aflito". No livro, Luís Trindade reflete sobre a sociedade portuguesa entre 1940 e 1970 através da música que se fazia e se ouvia nesses anos. Lembramos neste novo Dito e Feito …
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In this week's episode, we will explore the impacts that generative AI is already generating in education and individual development, not only in classrooms but also in organizations. Link to schedule a conversation with Yera (mentioned at the end of the episode): https://calendly.com/eduardo-yera/30min…
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No episódio desta semana, vamos explorar os impactos que a IA generativa já está gerando na educação e desenvolvimento do indivíduo, não somente nas salas de aula, mas também nas organizações. Link para agendar uma conversa com a Yera (mencionado no final do episódio): https://calendly.com/eduardo-yera/30min…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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In this episode, we will present 4 insights on how to use AI tools to optimize and personalize your pitch deck, as well as increase engagement and success rate for your fundraising. In the episode, it's mentioned about AI tools for creating slides, and here are the links: (1) https://gamma.app/ (2) https://www.storydoc.com/pitch-deck-creator…
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Neste episódio, vamos apresentar 4 insights sobre como utilizar ferramentas de IA para otimizar e personalizar o seu pitch deck, além de aumentar o engajamento e índice de sucesso para o seu fundraising. No episódio, eu comento também sobre ferramentas de IA para criar slides, e aqui seguem os links: (1) https://gamma.app/ (2) https://www.storydoc.…
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Hidden track é um termo conhecido, na área da música, como uma peça musical não listada ou uma canção fantasma que está presente num dispositivo áudio de forma secreta ou invisível.Nesta peça sonora, Hidden track é um passeio secreto. Propõe uma paisagem submersa através de gravações de campo realizadas em zonas consideradas periféricas como Lavre,…
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In this episode, we will talk about what digital citizenship is and what it is not, the main advantages for a startup, and as a bonus, you will also learn more about the countries that are offering digital citizenship programs in June 2023. The list of countries offering digital citizenship in 2023 is:EstoniaPortugalLithuaniaSouth AfricaBrazilUkrai…
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Nesse episódio, vamos falar sobre o que é e o que não é a cidadania digital, quais são as principais vantagens para uma startup, e como bônus você também vai saber mais sobre os países que estão oferecendo, em junho de 2023, programas de cidadania digital. A lista de países que oferecem cidadania digital em 2023 é:EstôniaPortugalLituâniaÁfrica do S…
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