Welcome to my new series on entrepreneurship. Today, I want to discuss why entrepreneurs truly matter. Contact Us Book an Appointment My company works with entrepreneurs at all levels of success. Sometimes, starting a business is like loading an airplane at the end of the runway. Once you’re set to go with enough fuel for a long trip and start head…
Do you have a plan in place in the chance of an unexpected death? Today I want to talk about why that is an important step to take for your business. Book an Appointment Fill Out a Business Advisory Questionnaire If you own a business with a partner and you have not planned for a catastrophe, then you could end up creating a huge mess down the road…
When a shareholder retires and sells their stake to younger employees, the tax cost of the transaction is more than 60%. An ESOP lets you create a completely tax-free transaction. Book an Appointment Fill Out a Business Advisory Questionnaire If you're a retiring shareholder who wants to sell your company stock to younger employees or future compan…
How do you come up with the proper compensation package for your management team and your company? I recommend having a study done. Book an Appointment Fill Out a Business Advisory Questionnaire If you run and own a company, you know that it can be a real challenge to figure out the compensation package for your management team. Sometimes, your man…
If you plan on selling your company one day, you need to plan your exit strategy now. Book an Appointment Fill Out a Business Advisory Questionnaire Starting a company is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make in your life, and your hope is that at some point in time, it will grow to the point where it has real value and you can sell your sh…
Estate planning is a difficult challenge, but working with a firm like ours can help you navigate this delicate matter. Book an Appointment Fill Out a Business Advisory Questionnaire If you own and operate your own company, you know what a challenge it can be to develop an estate plan. You might have some kids who work in the business and some who …
We judge ourselves based on the results we get with our clients. Here are the four ways we know we’ve done our job. Book an Appointment Fill Out a Business Advisory Questionnaire We’re passionate about what we do, and we evaluate ourselves based on the results we get with our clients. There are four things we want to accomplish with any clients we …
What are we really about at Nabity Business Advisors? We help businesses with long-term strategic planning. Book an Appointment Fill Out a Business Advisory Questionnaire I'm often asked what Nabity Business Advisors is really all about. I like to tell people that clients hire us to quarterback a lot of the big, strategic planning issues that they …