Citylight Church's mission is multiply disciples and churches in order to make much of Jesus. Visit us at
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Citylight Council Bluffs' mission is to multiply disciples and churches to make much of Jesus. Visit us at
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The weekly podcast of our Sunday teachings at CityLight Vineyard Church in Newark, DE.
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for CityLight Church in Adelaide, South Australia. Don Reddin and the preaching team at CityLight bring dynamic, Biblically-based, Gospel-centered messages each week that will inspire and strengthen your walk with Christ. CityLight Missionally engages culture, Makes disciples, Trains leaders, and Multiplies communities with the Gospel! Visit us online at
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CityLight Hamburg ist eine christliche Freikirche. CityLight zählt sich zu den weltweiten Calvary Chapel Gemeinden. Wir glauben, dass Gottes Wort lebendig und mächtig ist. Aus diesem Grund lehren wir die Bibel Vers für Vers.
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Enjoy listening to Citylight Lincoln Church's Sermons. Feel free to share. We pray these sermons help you see the beauty, love, and grace of Jesus!
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for CityLight Church in North Adelaide, South Australia. This podcast consists of the messages from our Sunday gatherings. Our hope and prayer is that you will be inspired and strengthened in your walk with Christ with our dynamic, Biblically-based, Gospel-centered messages each week. We’d love for you to join us this Sunday! Find out more at
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We don’t want to just gather a crowd or “do church.” We’re on mission to multiply disciples of Jesus – real people experiencing the life of Jesus and being changed by Him. We dream of the life of Jesus spreading throughout the West End into pockets of people, into businesses and schools, into neighborhoods and networks. We envision people experiencing the life of Jesus as His light spreads throughout the West End of Council Bluffs.
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Are you looking for a way to build up your faith and experience the power of the Holy Spirit in your life? Join us here for the CityLight Church podcast - coming to you - straight from the heart of New York City. As you dive into God’s Word with us - expect to be encouraged! We believe that God has real hope and a future for you. Each week, Pastor Bo Jancic and his team will challenge you to think, inspire you to grow, and remind you that God deeply loves you. To join us - subscribe to the C ...
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In this episode, we explore how spending time in the ‘cave’ of self-pity can open the door for the enemy to wreak havoc in your life. While it may be comforting at first, entertaining the spirit of self-pity can be your undoing. So how are we to respond when tempted to embrace self-pity? Drawing inspiration from biblical figures like Elijah, David …
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Life puts a lot of baggage on us! We have to carry other people’s expectations, stress from work, family issues, health issues, and more. As we look at Psalm 62, we find a deep source of encouragement as we learn that trying harder isn’t always the solution. Often the way through the struggle isn’t by relying on ourselves more, it’s by relying on H…
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The Nations and the Tower of Babel | Genesis 10-11
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39:09Por Chris Hruska
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Por Citylight West CB
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Series: Suffering Jesus Scripture: Luke 22:1-6, 31-38, 47-62 We hope you enjoyed listening to this message! If you’d like to stay updated on what God is doing at Citylight Council Bluffs, be sure to follow us: Citylight Council Bluffs Facebook Instagram Citylight Council Bluffs Sunday Gatherings at 9:00 & 11:00 AM Livestream at 9:00 AM 2109 Railroa…
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In this episode, Josh Luse takes us through Genesis 21 with Hagar and Ishmael.Por Citylight Lincoln Church
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Por Daniel Grace
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1 Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:12 by Sandy Morey
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Der Brief an Titus - Titus 1 : 5-9 | Janos Hench
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51:46ZusammenfassungDas Gespräch behandelt die Lehren des Briefes an Titus und konzentriert sich auf die Qualitäten und Verantwortlichkeiten von Kirchenleitern. Es betont die Bedeutung gesunder Lehre, die Eigenschaften effektiver Leiter und die Notwendigkeit persönlichen und gemeinschaftlichen Wachstums innerhalb der Kirche. Zudem wird hervorgehoben, wi…
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The God of Restoration: Bryan Anderson’s Journey
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43:24In this powerful episode, CityLight’s own Bryan Anderson shares how heartbreak, isolation, and broken trust can be transformed into renewed faith and healing – or as Bryan puts it, “Restoration of the Soul”. After growing up in the Christian faith, Bryan spent over a decade away from God living a very secular life that left him wounded and hurting.…
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God's Faithfulness in our Foolishness | Genesis 20:1-18
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28:29In this episode, Kyle Dellevoet talks through Genesis 20Por Citylight Lincoln Church
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Por Citylight West CB
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Never Gonna Give You Up | Genesis 8:20-9:29
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38:36Por Joe Julian
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This world throws many punches at us and they can be a struggle! As we finish our study of 1 John, we discover that following Jesus means that we are overcomers! By His grace, strength, and power we can overcome! If you are feeling stuck, this is a teaching for you!Por Christian Dunn
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Series: Suffering Jesus Scripture: Luke 21:5-38 We hope you enjoyed listening to this message! If you’d like to stay updated on what God is doing at Citylight Council Bluffs, be sure to follow us: Citylight Council Bluffs Facebook Instagram Citylight Council Bluffs Sunday Gatherings at 9:00 & 11:00 AM Livestream at 9:00 AM 2109 Railroad Hwy, Counci…
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1 Thessalonians 2.17 - 3.11 by Tim Patrick
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Hebrews Chapter 6 - Assured of Your Salvation
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44:40What is the unforgivable sin? Pastor Bo delves into an age-old question so that you can have peace and assurance for your salvation. While looking at Hebrews 6 as well as other scriptures, he uses his typical humor to take us through this weighty topic and help us stand firm in the presence of the doubt and fear the enemy may send our way. (00:00) …
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In this episode Skyler Kilzer takes us through Genesis 19 and the destruction of Sodom and GamoraPor Citylight Lincoln Church
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How strong is your love reflex? When presented with a situation where it might be difficult for you to act in love, how do you respond? As we study 1 John, it becomes vividly clear that God’s love reflex is to do whatever it takes for those He loves. When we wonder how to love someone, all we need to do is look at the cross. So how does that inform…
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Por Citylight West CB
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Define The Relationship | Genesis 8:20-9:29
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43:51Por Trevor Nashleanas
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Por Matthew LaPine
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When comparing two meals, one made with week-old oil used too many times, and the other, cooked in fresh oil with a pleasing aroma, which would you choose? Pastor Bo likens our walk with God to this choice – do you want to live out your faith with fresh oil, or be a stale, dry, and dusty Christian? Going beyond the basics, Pastor Bo elaborates on f…
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Series: Suffering Jesus Scripture: Luke 20:1-44 We hope you enjoyed listening to this message! If you’d like to stay updated on what God is doing at Citylight Council Bluffs, be sure to follow us: Citylight Council Bluffs Facebook Instagram Citylight Council Bluffs Sunday Gatherings at 9:00 & 11:00 AM Livestream at 9:00 AM 2109 Railroad Hwy, Counci…
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Apologies, the end of the sermon was cut off!Por Don Reddin
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1 Thessalonians 2:1-16 - Matthew Ewers
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Before God, on Behalf of Others | Genesis 18
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32:00In this episode Austin Edwards takes us through Genesis 18Por Citylight Lincoln Church
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When we come to Jesus and surrender our lives to Him, His light begins to dispel the darkness in our lives. At the beginning of creation God said, "Let there be light!," it is in this same way Jesus comes into our lives as the true light that casts out all darkness. The exciting part is that it doesn't stop with us! As we are transformed by His lov…
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God is Good, and We Are Not | Genesis 5:1-6:8
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39:43Por Chris Hruska
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Series: Suffering Jesus Scripture: Luke 19:45-48, 20:45-21:4 We hope you enjoyed listening to this message! If you’d like to stay updated on what God is doing at Citylight Council Bluffs, be sure to follow us: Citylight Council Bluffs Facebook Instagram Citylight Council Bluffs Sunday Gatherings at 9:00 & 11:00 AM Livestream at 9:00 AM 2109 Railroa…
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Der Brief an Titus - Titus 1 | Janos Hench
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45:26Zusammenfassung: Dieses Gespräch befasst sich mit dem Brief an Titus und untersucht seinen historischen Kontext, den Charakter von Titus und die apostolische Autorität des Paulus. Es betont die Bedeutung der Authentizität im christlichen Dienst, die Relevanz der Ewigkeit und die Bereitschaft, innerhalb der Gemeinde zu führen und zu dienen. Die Disk…
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Por Citylight West CB
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Por Don Reddin
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1 Thessalonians 1.1-10 by Tim Patrick
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In this episode, Pastor Bo challenges the traditional notion that poverty is synonymous with virtue, delving into scriptural insights that present prosperity as a divine tool for fulfilling not only our own needs but also those of others. As we examine the concept of the "spirit of poverty," we uncover how societal misconceptions about wealth can s…
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As we begin our study of the book of 1 John, we look at how important it was that the followers of Jesus would be people of the Truth. Not just people who told the truth, but people who lived according to the revealed Truth of Jesus! Much like today, John was battling against many ideologies that threatened to pull people from the true faith in Jes…
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Laugher, Pain & a Weird Sign | Genesis 17
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32:00In this episode Josh Luse talks through Genesis 17Por Citylight Lincoln Church
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As we begin our study of the book of 1 John, we look at the importance of the followers of Jesus being people of the Truth. Not just people who told the truth, but people who lived according to the revealed Truth of Jesus! To follow the example Jesus gave us through His life and teachings. Much like today, John was battling against many ideologies …
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Por Citylight West CB
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Our Parents' Children | Genesis 4:1-16
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40:35Por Gavin Johnson
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Suffering Jesus: The Things That Make For Peace
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42:55Series: Suffering Jesus Scripture: Luke 19:28-44 We hope you enjoyed listening to this message! If you’d like to stay updated on what God is doing at Citylight Council Bluffs, be sure to follow us: Citylight Council Bluffs Facebook Instagram Citylight Council Bluffs Sunday Gatherings at 9:00 & 11:00 AM Livestream at 9:00 AM 2109 Railroad Hwy, Counc…
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Por Harald Baulis
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The Angry God - Compassion Sunday 2025
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46:13Will Hall
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Uncover how trust and a kingdom-first mindset pave the way to supernatural increase in part four of the Manifested Abundance series! Join guest minister Nathaniel Saint-Eloi as he delves into the power of aligning your finances with God’s principles, illustrating how an open heart and a willingness to honor God first, can turn scarcity into overflo…
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What if we let Jesus into the "Now ", in the daily aspects of our lives. What if we saw the highs and lows in our lives as moments of opportunity for us to allow Jesus into those places in our lives? When we do, we are sure to see He is moving in each and every aspect of our lives. Let's listen as Brad Dunn shares from his heart how God has moved i…
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Matthew 6:13 - Lead Us Not Into Temptation
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29:54Por Citylight West CB
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The Fall, and the Cyle of Sin | Genesis 3
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31:32Por Chris Hruska
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Series: Suffering Jesus Scripture: Luke 19:1-10 We hope you enjoyed listening to this message! If you’d like to stay updated on what God is doing at Citylight Council Bluffs, be sure to follow us: Citylight Council Bluffs Facebook Instagram Citylight Council Bluffs Sunday Gatherings at 9:00 & 11:00 AM Livestream at 9:00 AM 2109 Railroad Hwy, Counci…
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Prinzipien der Leiter - Römer 16 | Janos Hench
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56:00Zusammenfassung Dieses Gespräch befasst sich mit den Themen Leiterschaft und Nachfolge, wie sie in Römer Kapitel 16 dargestellt werden. Der Referent betont die Bedeutung des Dienens, der Einheit und der Rolle des Gottesdienstes für eine effektive Leitung. Anhand von Beispielen biblischer Gestalten wie Phoebe, Priscilla und Aquila zeigt der Referent…
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Faithless but Not Forgotten | Genesis 16
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27:31In this episode, Kyle Dellevoet preaches through Genesis 16 and the story of Abram and Sarai with Hagar and the birth of IshmaelPor Citylight Lincoln Church
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