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Southern Cross Combat brings you all the latest interviews and news in Australian and New Zealand Mixed Martial Arts. Follow the podcast on Instagram to stay up to date on all the news @SouthernCrossCombat
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Combat Story

Ryan Fugit

Real combat stories from the military's elite. This podcast highlights the courageous, outrageous, crazy, and surreal experiences veterans recall from their toughest days in the foxhole, cockpit, and front lines. We interview JTACs, Special Operators (Delta), Special Forces, Jet Pilots, Combat Aviators, Infrantrymen, Marines, and vets from over 50 years of combat experience.Interviews touch on the toughest missions these vets faced, how they handled them, their first combat experiences, how ...
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A weekly glimpse into the Combat Base Club and Chris Haueter's world famous Garage. We discuss life, philosophy, ethics, and jiu jitsu history with Chris and Melissa Haueter. Look out for a variety of guests with special interest in music, art, jiu jitsu, judo, MMA, and from all walks of life.
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Área de Combate

ESPN Deportes, Carlos Contreras Legaspi

Todo el análisis de artes marciales mixtas, boxeo y otros deportes de combate los encuentras en Área de Combate, un espacio donde escucharás a los mejores expertos, invitados de primer nivel, noticias relevantes y mucho más.
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Combat Phase is a weekly podcast celebrating miniature-wargaming. Hosts Kenny and Wargamer Shawn grow the hobby community and bring excellent resources to listeners around the world. Join us each week as we discuss news and rumors, tips for the hobby, community support and everything for the avid wargamer.
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Equip yourself for theological warfare; the battle of ideas surrounding Christianity and truth rages daily, let's get you set up to defend, define, and understand your faith as well as that of others. Christian Combatives is a Video and Podcast project from a Lutheran pastor, Army Chaplain, and Marine Corps veteran to encourage competence and confidence in the Christian faith by engaging with Scripture to respond to a variety of questions from the mundane to the critical. So... let's get int ...
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Marc Mortelmans

Combats est le podcast de celles et ceux qui s'engagent au quotidien pour défendre le Vivant, l'environnement, les animaux et la planète en général. Combats est le jumeau "sur le front" de Baleine sous Gravillon. Comme pour BSG, il est animé par Marc Mortelmans, le créateur de Mécaniques du Vivant ( sur France Culture. «Vient un moment ou parler, débattre, ne suffit plus. Il faut agir» disait Victor Hugo. Pour cette saison 2024-2025, Combats diffuse chaque l ...
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Teach martial arts radically better using the ecological dynamics and constraints-led approach to training. Explore the little-known frontiers of skill adaptation, perceptual-motor learning, and performance science for combat sports such as jiu jitsu, taekwondo, kickboxing, karate, muay thai, and more.
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Dubbed the ”247 Combat Sports Podcast,” this show will be hosted by local MMA expert, fan, and reporter Hunter Homistek. Featuring some of Western PA‘s most notable figures — past, present, and future — the Pittsburgh Combat Sports Podcast aims to highlight the local scene and bring attention to the many incredible athletes, gyms, trainers, and businessmen and women working tirelessly to establish Pittsburgh as a combat sports hub. There might be some laughs and wild behind-the-scenes storie ...
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Nicholas Wilson

Sharing my experience and others about our deployments with the idea that it will help civilians understand our troubles. I will also be giving insight to veterans on what worked for me as I transitioned.
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Voces combativas (GAR)

Grupo Acción Revolucionaria

Bienvenido al podcast "Voces Combativas" del Grupo Acción Revolucionaria. Nuestro objetivo es generar una alternativa digital para la lucha y protesta. Hablamos de temas políticos nacionales e internacionales. Luchar, vencer.
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A smart UFC podcast based out of Dallas, TX giving you a hilarious take on the latest news and headlines across the MMA landscape. Watch on YouTube:
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C4 Combatives RSS

C4 Combatives

Combatives and martial arts podcast about the role fighting plays in preserving culture, society, and individual freedom. This podcast is sponsored by Lead Slingers Whiskey and Spartan Training Gear
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Air Combat Sim

Authentic Media

Air Combat Simulation Podcast, by Authentic Media, brings content creators, missions builders, experts and enthusiasts to explore the world of combat aircraft simulation.
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A Vitória no Combate

coquetel'li: mix de ideias

Este livro oracional traz muitas súplicas a Deus de cura e libertação especialmente nos dias difíceis diante de batalhas espirituais podemos recorrer às orações seculares em português e latim.
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Stage Combat The Podcast

Haywood Productions, LLC

What happens when actors stop being quiet and start speaking up: Season 3 of "Stage Combat The Podcast"! Stage Combat is about fighting back when we are mistreated in our workplaces, no matter what stage we may be on in our lives! Hosted by attorney/advocate/actor Sean Hayden. In 2019, Sean Hayden thought he had booked the role of his dreams as an actor at the prestigious Goodspeed Opera House in its production of "Billy Elliot, The Musical." As he drove over the Connecticut river and laid h ...
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In the international struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic, some countries are emerging better prepared while others are facing an uphill task. On 'Combating Coronavirus', we'll tell you what lessons India can learn from other countries and highlight the good, the bad and the ugly.
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Weekly show hosted by Christian Phelps talking Wrestling, MMA and Boxing. A weekly retro section talking about historic events in the world of professional wrestling. Cover art photo provided by Marija Zaric on Unsplash:
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show series
This week on the Combat Base Podcast we discuss Children's Combat Sports. Is this good for society?! We give some material to chew on. Enjoy and let us know what you think!*Please consider becoming a YouTube Super or subscribing to our Patreon*…
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Interested in eco/CLA but stuck in a traditional school? Or maybe you’re frustrated with your progress, want to try something new, but are stuck inside a learning environment you don’t control. Either way, you still have some options. Of course, it’s optimal to run your own club or gym, but you can take ownership of your own learning journey and ge…
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Today we sit down with Roberto Toncig, a retired Italian Army and former Government Executive with 40+ years of experience in the field of Defence and Security. He spent over two decades in steeped in International Relations and Security, most of them spent in challenging positions at various Italian Embassies abroad. In addition to Italian and fan…
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Matt and Ed recap UFC 313 and talk about how much "stars" matter for the UFC. Help support the podcast by visiting our affiliate links when you shop online: Get Coast-2-Coast Combat Hour Merch on Millions! Shopping on Amazon? Make sure to use our Amazon Store link: ⁠…
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In this Bible study we talked about: Should we have little children be lay readers? Why do we want people other than the pastor to read? The difference between a role and a list of tasks. What is the purpose behind having different people read the readings? God holds the pastor accountable for how the church worships, so the pastor should make the …
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📖Le contenu de ces émissions est tiré du livre En finir avec les idées fausses sur le monde Vivant de Marc Mortelmans (Éditions de l'atelier 2024). ❌C'est peu de dire que le Vivant, les espèces, les lois et les cycles des milieux, de l'océan, de l'eau ou de l'oxygène sont méconnus. ❌Pire, les idées fausses, les préjugés et les fakes circulent parto…
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Focus sur les requins dans cet épisode. Qui sont-ils? Pourquoi et comment disparaissent-ils à la vitesse grand V. Dans 10 à 20 ans, si rien n’est fait, un tiers des espèces pourraient disparaître à jamais ! Le requin Peau bleue (Prionace glauca) est l’un des derniers grands requins de Méditerranée. Lui aussi est en danger critique d’extinction selo…
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En 50 ans, les populations de requins et de raies océaniques ont décliné de 70 %. À ce rythme, la plupart des espèces pourraient s’éteindre d’ici 10 à 20 ans. Que pouvons-nous faire, chacun à notre échelle pour enrayer ce massacre silencieux, perpétré dans l’indifférence? Pour en savoir plus : ______…
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Dans cet épisode, notre invité Matthieu Lapinski, le président d’Ailerons, resserre la focale sur les raies en général et les espèces méditerranéennes. Ailerons a lancé en 2010 le projet Diable de mer. Cette opération, basée sur les sciences participatives, vise à recenser les observations du Diable de mer méditerranéen (Mobula mobular), la cou…
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En 50 ans, les populations de requins et de raies océaniques ont décliné de 70 %. À ce rythme, la plupart des espèces pourraient s’éteindre d’ici 10 à 20 ans. Selon les chercheurs, la population mondiale du Requin longimane par exemple, une espèce commune dans les années 1970, a décliné de 98 % au cours des 60 dernières années. Ces grands prédateur…
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📖Le contenu de ces émissions est tiré du livre En finir avec les idées fausses sur le monde Vivant de Marc Mortelmans (Éditions de l'atelier 2024). ❌C'est peu de dire que le Vivant, les espèces, les lois et les cycles des milieux, de l'océan, de l'eau ou de l'oxygène sont méconnus. ❌Pire, les idées fausses, les préjugés et les fakes circulent parto…
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In this Bible study we talked about: Different approaches to theology Lutherans and later protestants used. Can a Christian lose their salvation? Can Christians combine other religions with their own? Is it more terrifying to believe it's possible to apostatize, or to never know if your faith is real or false? The terror of doing a Fruit Check to s…
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This week on the Combat Base Podcast we discuss Rickson Gracie. Chris shares his experience! Enjoy and let us know what you think!*Please consider becoming a YouTube Super or subscribing to our Patreon**Leave quest…
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My friend Daniel Marino made a critical observation about the karate community: “It’s about looking good, not learning how to fight.” Now, if you’re a part of the so-called “practical karate” or “practical bunkai” movement, you might think that you are exempt from this statement…but you’re not. Dan wasn’t just talking about the most traditional of …
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📖Le contenu de ces émissions est tiré du livre En finir avec les idées fausses sur le monde Vivant de Marc Mortelmans (Éditions de l'atelier 2024). ❌C'est peu de dire que le Vivant, les espèces, les lois et les cycles des milieux, de l'océan, de l'eau ou de l'oxygène sont méconnus. ❌Pire, les idées fausses, les préjugés et les fakes circulent parto…
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In this Bible study we talked about: The Greek and Hebrew names for books in the Bible we don't often hear in English. A few interesting facts about a few of the different books in the Bible, like the Gospel accounts. We start to get into the book of James and immediately get off on a tangent about Purgatory, Limbo, and the storehouses of grace tha…
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In this episode, we sit down with statesman and Ambassador David Miller, who shares his expansive and storied career, starting from his early days surveying economic impacts in Vietnam to his intricate experiences with the National Security Council and various international postings. We’re joined by Glenn Corn, who spent a career, much like Amb Mil…
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Los expertos de combate analizan la pelea entre Alex Pereira y Magomed Ankalaev, además hacen sus pronósticos en el resto de la cartelera (Gaethje vs. Fiziev, Turner vs. Bahamontes y Lemos vs. Lucindo), asimismo reaccionan a la presentación de la alianza entre Turki Alalshikh y Dana White. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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This week on the Combat Base Podcast we catch up with longtime friend Richard Norton. If you watch martial arts movies you have seen his work. He has a fantastic story about how following your passion turns into opportunity. A very fun episode! Enjoy and let us know what you think!*Please consider becoming a YouTube Super or subscribing to our Patr…
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📖Le contenu de ces émissions est tiré du livre En finir avec les idées fausses sur le monde Vivant de Marc Mortelmans (Éditions de l'atelier 2024). ❌C'est peu de dire que le Vivant, les espèces, les lois et les cycles des milieux, de l'océan, de l'eau ou de l'oxygène sont méconnus. ❌Pire, les idées fausses, les préjugés et les fakes circulent parto…
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Matt and Ed preview UFC 313 and react to the news of the UFC's boxing venture. Helps support the podcast by using our affiliate links when you shop online:Shopping on Amazon? Make sure to use our Amazon Store link: ⁠ regional MMA on Spectation Sports. Use code: CARBAZEL for 20% off your first month or annual…
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This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit Today I analyze a jiu jitsu seminar conducted by David Ooi in Singapore. In the process, a lot of good little nuances surface that I don’t often get to talk about in other places. Other Paid Articles You Don’t Want to Miss……
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A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Vie Sauvage, le 3 mars, BSG rediffuse cette série avec Philippe Grandcolas. Philippe Grandcolas est biologiste, et l’auteur du “Sourire du pangolin” (CNRS Éditions / oct 2021), un ouvrage dans lequel il nous invite à méditer sur notre rapport au Vivant. Dans ce dernier épisode, nous évoquons en souriant les…
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A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Vie Sauvage, le 3 mars, BSG rediffuse cette série avec Philippe Grandcolas. Philippe Grandcolas est biologiste, et l’auteur du “Sourire du pangolin” (CNRS Éditions / oct 2021), un ouvrage dans lequel il nous invite à méditer sur notre rapport au Vivant. L’étymologie du mot nature signifie “ce qui est à naît…
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A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Vie Sauvage, le 3 mars, BSG rediffuse cette série avec Philippe Grandcolas. Philippe Grandcolas est biologiste, et l’auteur du “Sourire du pangolin” (CNRS Éditions / oct 2021), un ouvrage dans lequel il nous invite à méditer sur notre rapport au Vivant. Les sciences du vivant ont apporté quantité de connais…
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A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Vie Sauvage, le 3 mars, BSG rediffuse cette série avec Philippe Grandcolas. Philippe Grandcolas est biologiste, et l’auteur du “Sourire du pangolin” (CNRS Éditions / oct 2021), un ouvrage dans lequel il nous invite à méditer sur notre rapport au Vivant. Philippe Grandcolas est le directeur de l’Institut de …
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In this Bible study we talked about: A reminder about what we talked about in the book of James, context to understand James ch 2 Giving special treatment to famous or rich people If you break part of the law, you are guilty of the whole thing. Being saved by faith vs saved by works Having faith and not acting out that faith with your works Does Ja…
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Today’s Combat Story is a Frontline Perspective with Tamerlan Vahabov on Ukraine's Defense, Challenges, and Future. In this interview, Tamerlan tells us about his work as a former advisor to the Director of Defense Procurement and the Minister of Interior in Ukraine. He shares his compelling journey from Azerbaijan to Ukraine, highlighting his role…
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This week on the Combat Base Podcast we ask masters in the art of Jiu Jitsu (Chris and Melissa Haueter) what differentiates craft from art. The answer will intrigue you! We round out the episode with a deep Q about training partners of the opposite sex. A very fun episode! Enjoy and let us know what you think!*Please consider becoming a YouTube Sup…
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SEASON 3 Season Finale! Episode Eighteen. "Walking Away From Broadway" Synopsis: At the end of a season of incredible stories, Sean looks to the future and finds inspiration chatting with Bobby Steggert: an actor who experienced a life-changing epiphany while working on a Broadway stage. Content warning: Strong language. Thank you to Bobby Steggert…
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