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show episodes
Join relationship expert Daniele Hage as she shares her insights and tips on how to bring out the best in yourself and your partner. In each episode, Daniele and her guests explore topics such as effective communication, nurturing the feminine self, and keeping the spark alive in long-term relationships.
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Hør min historie om hvordan jeg hadde det fra jeg slet psykisk. Jeg vil også prate om temaer innen psykisk helse og personlig utvikling. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/charlottehagen/support
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For deg som ønsker hageinspirasjon, råd og praktiske tips når det gjelder planter, blomster og alt annet som hagelivet har å by på. Vert er Gerd Ellen Ottersen. Hun formidler hageglede, -kunnskap og inspirasjon, både alene og i samtaler med spennende hage- og plantegjester. Episodene har noe å by på enten du er fersk eller erfaren med hage og planter. Hagespiren samarbeider med Hageselskapet, utgiver av landets største hagemagasin. En organisasjon som deler hageinspirasjon og kunnskap med ha ...
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Peiling med Noresjø og Hagen

NHO Logistikk og Transport og Grønt landtransportprogram

Podcasten ”Peiling” med vertene Ole A. Hagen (NHO Logistikk og Transport) og Ingelin Noresjø (Grønt landtransportprogram). De diskuterer samferdselspolitikk, transport, logistikk og det grønne skiftet. Gjester i studio er ledende personer i samferdsels-Norge innen alle transportformer.
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Een podcast voor kerkgangers, kerverlaters en kerkelozen. Altijd voorbij ’t Bijbel-pierenbadje, met relevante geloofsonderwerpen en thema’s die jou prikkelen, uitdagen, je leven raken, en helpen koers te houden in de woelige wateren van een steeds complexer wordende wereld. Neem gerust een kijkje over de heg… ============ * Saint K9® Podcasts zijn opgezet ter inspiratie, opbouw en verdieping van je geestelijke leven en wil jou hoop geven en (opnieuw) enthousiast te maken voor God en Zijn Woo ...
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En serie på St Rita Radio til inspirasjon for en dypere tro og vennskap med Jesus Kristus gjennom Karmelittordenens spiritualitet og helgener. Ved Anne Samuelsen, legkarmelitt og opplæringsleder i Karmels sekularorden i Norge. EWTN Norge drives av en stor gruppe dedikerte frivillige og finansieres utelukkende av bidrag fra våre lesere, lyttere og seere. Din støtte er avgjørende for at vi kan fortsette å spre evangeliet til enda flere mennesker i Norge. Takk til alle som bidrar med å hjelpe o ...
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David Hager Los Angeles

David Hager Los Angeles

David Hager, the well-known owner of Los Angeles Plumbing, has once again shown that his commitment to the community goes far beyond fixing leaky pipes. This past weekend, Hager organized a unique charity event dubbed “Flush Out Hunger,” aimed at providing food and plumbing services to underprivileged neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
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Welcome to Hagerty’s No Reserve Podcast! This show is designed to help you make sense of the enthusiast car market whether you’re buying, selling, or simply watching. No Reserve is hosted by Larry Webster, editor of Hagerty Media and Dave Kinney, publisher of the Hagerty price guide. Each week, Larry and Dave pick top highlights from all over the collector car marketplace and answer any questions one might have about the state of the market. Hagerty’s No Reserve is brought to you by the Hage ...
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Hagerty Sidedrafts brings you the greatest automotive stories from past and present from classic car insights and collector market news to interviews with leading experts and profiles of the most interesting icons. Does Cuba hold hidden Ferraris? Who is the Father of the Corvette? And Is the Corvair a death machine? Automotive journalists, Larry Webster and Aaron Robinson, explore theses and other compelling car stories. For more deep dives, visit https://www.hagerty.com/articles-videos.
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Welcome to ALL THE THINGS with Shirley Hagel. Where we will talk about all the things...that I am passionate about. We will talk about life through the eyes of a hairstylist that's passionate about health and running, and you can know for sure I'm going to keep it super real. I am brand new to this so evolve with me, while we talk about all the things! Ps. you can thank my dear friend Logan for the mini dance party at the beginning and end of each episode and my cousin Lillie for the happies ...
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Subscribe to this podcast to receive the latest sermons from Cornerstone Church, and Matt and Kendal Hagee’s practical insights and perspectives to strengthen your relationship with Christ and experience the everyday difference God can make in your life. For more information and to connect with Matt and Kendal, please visit JHM.org/MattandKendal
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The Smart Retirement Life podcast with host Mark Hager, industry expert and Founder of AgeInPlace.com. Learn More : http://MarkHager.com | http://ageinplace.com/srl/ Maximize your free time, deal less with the stresses of the day and really get on with savoring your life after your career, you're in the right place. Great ideas, tips and inspiration to help make your life after all that work stuff richer, fuller and more of what you want.
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show series
I advent tar vi en pause fra trosbekjennelsen og vandrer sammen mot Herrens fødsel. Bønn til Jesusbarnet Herre Jesus, vår guddommelige Frelser. Av kjærlighet til oss ydmyket du deg selv og ikledte deg det vesle barnets skikkelse. Gi oss den nåde å erkjenne din uendelige visdom i ditt hellige barnekårs lønndom og fornedrelse, så vi kan elske deg, lo…
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(Recorded December 16, 2024) As we wrap up another year of thought-provoking discussions on The Great Simplification, Nate takes us on an imaginative journey in this week’s Frankly - exploring a potential movie script idea that blends systems, science and fiction. What if someone who deeply understood the challenges of today's global economic Super…
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NHOs sjeføkonom Øystein Dørum gjester Peiling. Det blir selvfølgelig mye snakk om økonomi; prisstigning, renter, valuta, Trump og toll. Men Dørum dekker også interessante perspektiver på investeringsnivå i samferdselssektoren, og vi får et høyt engasjement om nyttekostnadsanalysene og det grønne skiftet. Øysteins musikkinteresse er legendarisk og v…
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(Conversation recorded on November 7th, 2024) Long-time listeners of The Great Simplification may have a good grasp of the many impending crises that humanity faces. But once we understand the scope of this predicament, what changes could we make to prepare in our own communities right now? Today, Nate is joined by local organizer and activist Chri…
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I denne siste episoden i 2024, oppsummerer Morten og jeg hageåret vårt. Vi har min hage på Toten og Mortens har sin hage på Ammerud i Oslo. Med hage både i fellesskap og hver for oss, er det kjekt å se tilbake på hva som har fungert og hva som ikke ble akkurat slik vi tenkte at det skulle bli. Du finner Hagespiren her: https://hagespiren.no/ Mail: …
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(Recorded December 5, 2024) It’s not everyday that a stranger thanks you for ‘ruining their life’. In this heartfelt Frankly, Nate reflects on a powerful encounter with a venture capitalist whose life was upended - and ultimately enriched - after immersing himself in the full content of The Great Simplification podcast. This man’s journey from tech…
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(Conversation recorded on November 5th, 2024) It is no secret that population dynamics significantly impact global stability. But what’s really behind today’s shifting global birth trends, the increased need for medically-assisted pregnancy, and the changing age demographics of industrialized nations? Furthermore, what are the implications of these…
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(Conversation recorded on December 2nd, 2024) One of the central ecological challenges of our time is addressing the plastic and petrochemical pollution that has exploded over the past several decades. This global issue will require the cooperation of all nations. But based on the disintegration of UN negotiations for a treaty on plastic pollution …
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I denne episoden handler det om de vanligste juleblomstene. De som vi pleier å pynte med i desember og gjennom julen. Noen av dem kan vi ha året rundt, mens andre krever litt ekstra stell for å komme tilbake i blomst. Gjest denne uken er Merethe Hoff. Hun eier og driver Inspira Blomster, en spennende blomsterbutikk på Raufoss. Merethe har årelang e…
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(Recorded November 26, 2024) As we piece together the different facets of our reality, the systems synthesis which emerges confronts us with some uncomfortable truths. These are the advanced inferences rooted in the logic of The Great Simplification. They have important implications for our expectations about the future and how we should respond in…
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I advent tar vi en pause fra trosbekjennelsen og vandrer sammen mot Herrens fødsel. En velsignet adventstid er da den eneste sanne nøkkel til en glad jul. Kristne bør aldri være som de delene av overflodssamfunnet som en sosialkritiker en gang kalte "sjeler uten lengsel". Vi bør av vane være kjent med lengsel fordi vi har praktisert lengsel minst å…
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(Conversation recorded on October 22nd, 2024) The human system as we know it today – which powers our economies, global supply chains, and social contracts – is a fragile network based on innumerable complex components. Yet we rarely stop to recognize its many vulnerabilities, instead taking for granted that it will continue to securely operate ind…
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MAIN SOURCE How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie REFERENCES Flirtology by Jean Smith Bad People Podcast on BBC Sounds A List of All The Books We've Covered Here Subscribe to our Patreon for extra bonus episodes and to sign up for our The Artist Way thing in January! Help Hole is on Instagram and TikTok Sofie is on Instagram, Tik…
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I denne episoden handler det om julemat. Nå som det er hagepause og adventstid, ser vi like gjerne på både kjøttmaten og grønnsakene vi serverer på julaften. Hagespiren har i denne anledningen fått besøk av Eva Narten Høberg. Hun er forsker ved Nibio, og spesielt interessert i norsk matkultur. Her får vi både historie, nyttige tips i forhold til ma…
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(Recorded November 21, 2024) Two weeks ago, in a Frankly called The Battles of Our Time, Nate commented on human behavior and said that, in today's world, only three to four percent of humans are going to do the right thing and appeal to the ‘better angels’ of their nature. Today’s Frankly is a follow-up and clarification of what he meant. It’s tru…
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 4 Av Anne Samuelsen, 28. november 2024 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. Mennesket, skapt i Guds bilde Hele Guds frelsesplan, som både er …
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(Conversation recorded on November 11th, 2024, prior to a ceasefire declared between Israel and Lebanon on November 27th, 2024) If you’ve followed TGS for some time, you’ve heard Nate speak about The 5 Horsemen – the biggest risks for humans and civilization in the coming decade. Today’s episode delves into one of the most rapidly escalating: geopo…
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Wolt-sjef Elisabeth Stenersen gjester Peiling med Noresjø og Hagen. Vi får høre den fascinerende historien om hvordan Narvikingen har bygget opp Wolt i Norge og Island fra scratch til å dekke 58 byer, og hvordan de rekrutterer og utvikler selskapet. Vi er innom det grønne skiftet, tech-utvikling, lønns- og arbeidsvilkår for budene og forretningsmul…
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(Conversation recorded on September 24th, 2024) It is frequently true that those who will inherit the greatest consequences of our climate crisis – today’s youth – have the least voice in shaping what happens next. But if given a seat at the table, what would these children have to say about creating a more sustainable path forward? In this Reality…
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Bli med på en tur rundt en vakker hagedam. I denne episoden forteller Espen Skarphagen om plantene han har både i og rundt dammen sin. Noen planter står med bena i vann. Andre får bare lov til å speile seg i vannet. De står trygt plassert med røttene på utsiden av duken. Nede i dammen svømmer en stim med fargerike Koi. De er følger med Espen når ha…
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(Recorded November 12, 2024) In last week’s Frankly, Nate shared his thoughts on some of the polarities we’ll need to harmonize as we journey towards a more uncertain world. As the holidays approach for many, we will face these “polarities” head-on in relationships with family, friends, and neighbors. How could imagining the different perspectives …
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 3 Av Anne Samuelsen, 21. november 2024 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. Den Hellige Treenighets mysterium er det grunnleggende mysterium …
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In this episode of The Daniele Hage Podcast, Daniele welcomes special guest Adam Allred, a thought leader, entrepreneur, and advocate for restoring the balance between masculinity and femininity. Together, they dive into thought-provoking topics such as the evolving roles of men and women, the importance of mutual respect in relationships, and what…
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(Conversation recorded on October 2nd, 2024) For millions of years, the Amazon Rainforest has been home to a stunning array of plant and animal species, has shaped our world’s climate, provided for millions of humans, and, as today’s guest likes to put it, served as “the heart of the planet.” But what economic and political factors are putting this…
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Det er kanskje fortsatt en del vi kan gjøre for å forberede hagen for vinteren. Noe bør muligens reddes under tak, eller sikres mot snø og heftige stormkast. Er alt på stell kan vi jo pynte litt ute. Også er det lurt å notere seg hva vi bør tenke på til neste år for at hagen skal bli mest mulig spennende å se på gjennom vinteren også. Du finner Hag…
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In een steeds duister wordende wereld, kan je je afvragen hoe het toch komt dat mensen het Licht van God niet verwelkomen in hun leven. En hoe kan het dat het vurige geloof in God van mensen op een lager pitje komt te staan of dat ze dit zelfs kwijtraken? Hoe kan het dat een hart zich verhardt? En hoe ontdooi je weer? Dit keer legt Benaiah ons het …
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(Recorded November 11, 2024) In today’s complex geopolitical landscape, battles and tensions seem to exist everywhere we look. Power shifts and compounding crises are opening up new landscapes for change. As we inhabit and define an unpredictable world order, we will increasingly face “battles” at the individual and community level, too. Now comes …
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 2 Av Anne Samuelsen, 14. november I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. Jeg tror på Gud Fader, den allmektige ... Jeg tror på Jesus Kristus, G…
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(Conversation recorded on September 25th, 2024) The Amazon Rainforest is one of the Earth's most vital systems, playing a key role in maintaining the balance and stability of our climate. Yet this extraordinary ecosystem, which influences global rainfall patterns and regulates temperatures, is increasingly threatened by human activity. What is the …
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