Hello everyone. I am your narrator Meenu Rani Jain. Welcome to my podcast 'शिक्षाप्रद कहानियाँ' and here I will be telling you educational stories where each story will end with a Moral. Thank You. नमस्ते, मैं आपकी कथावाचक मीनू रानी जैन हूं। मेरे पॉडकास्ट शिक्षाप्रद कहानियाँ में आपका स्वागत है और यहाँ मैं आपको ऐसी कहानियाँ सुनआऊंगी जहाँ प्रत्येक कहानी एक शिक्षा के साथ समाप्त होगी। धन्यवाद।
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This story taught us that we should treat everyone in harmony and with equal respect. Whether that person is big or small, always remember that as you would like to be with yourself, you should behave in the same way with others. We should not believe what others have heard, but in case of doubt, we should take a decision only after thorough invest…
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This story taught us that we should not think about our selfishness and should think about the happiness of others, then all our work becomes successful.
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This story taught us that even after seeing, a person who asks a foolish question is like a blind person.
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We learnt from this story that the fate line of man cannot be changed, whatever is the change is under God and not man.
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This story taught us that we should not do bad deeds like stealing because doing bad deeds gives bad results and we should support each other when trouble comes, because organization is the power.
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This story taught us that God is everywhere and should not be sought in temples and mosques, God is omnipresent. God is constantly changing the world.
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This story taught us that wherever we send a foolish person, he only experiences sorrow.
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This story teaches us that a person does not always see the evil of himself, but always wants to see the evil of others, in this affair people also make fool of him, but he keeps thinking of himself as smart.
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This story taught us that we should always do good deeds because everyone helps those who do good deeds.
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This story teaches us that the kind of actions a man does, he gets the same results. We should always do good deeds so that we will always get good results.
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This story taught us that we should give up ego and do charitable work.
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This story teaches us that one cannot progress by being jealous of the success and progress of others. We should compete with ourselves, only then we will be successful.
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This story taught us that no art is wasted and when calamity comes, we should act wisely and should not panic.
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This story taught us that we should never let our thinking narrow.
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From this story we came to know that the children studying in English medium are not only cultured rather children studying in Gurukul can also be more cultured.
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Friends, like those thieves, we also feel sometimes in our life that what we do is always right and we start feeling that we are doing all the things right, so no one can spoil us.Therefore, as it has been said - you will get what you do.
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If to pay off the debt to God have to be born again. We are human. I don't know how much loan we are bounded by. For us to take it down Many births will also fall short. ~of course~ whatever good we can do, We have to do this in this birth.
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The biggest advantage of speaking the truth in today's time is that you do not need to remember the sentences you say. Truth gives us self-respect, makes us high in our own eyesight. When we go to sleep at night, we feel supernatural bliss. Friends, try speaking truth, the answer will come in front of you automatically.…
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From this story we got the lesson that every human being has the same thinking in some matter.
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From this story, we got the lesson that the character should not be rested only by taking the equipment, but in the situation of being able to deliver the same benefit to many others, one should be generous at some point of time.
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From this story we got the lesson that we can overcome all the evils inside us on the strength of our intelligence and wisdom and that external beauty is of no importance. One should be beautiful from inside.
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This story taught us that success is achieved only by continuous effort and we should not be afraid of one-time failure because success is achieved only by continuous effort.
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अत्याचारी शासक चीते से भी भयंकर होता है - कन्फ़्यूशियस
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2:50This story taught us that we should try to challenge the atrocities of the tyrannical ruler by opposing it and we should not bear the tyranny.
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God has given us the power to recognize right and wrong, we should use our power in construction work. The hallmark of humanity lies in supporting the truth, in uplifting the lives of the real poor.Happy Christmas!
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क्रूर और कठोर शीघ्र नष्ट हो जाता है - कन्फ़्यूशियस
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Mais Tarde
2:50This story taught us that we should be humble in our behavior and we should not be cruel and harsh.
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This story taught us that we should not be angry because anger is harmful to us and also harmful to others and if we do harm to someone out of anger, we can never compensate for that.
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This story taught us that by telling lies we can get success, but that success is not permanent. Therefore, we should not lie.
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This story show how important are honesty and truthfulness in one's life.
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We learnt from this story that if there is no struggle, no challenge in life, then a man remains hollow, no quality can come in him. It is these challenges that sharpen the sword of a man, make him strong and sharp, if you want to become talented then you have to accept the challenges, otherwise we will be left hollow. If you want to become bright …
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From this story we got the lesson that truth always wins and liars and dishonest people have to face their punishment one day or the other.
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From this story we get the lesson that we make our destiny by our actions and the grain goes to the stomach of whose fate it is.
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In this story, the way the imprisoned son solves his father's problems even after being in jail, has taught us that where there is a will, there is a way and we are separated by distance of hearts, not by distance of bodies.
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We learnt from this story that even a broken pot can be useful and everyone has some fault or the other.
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We learnt from this story that opportunities keep coming in our life but we do not recognize them or delay in recognizing them. Opportunity is not big or small. We should make full use of every opportunity.
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This story teaches us that parents are the biggest wealth of this world. No matter how much respect you earn in the society or how much money you collect, but there is no greater wealth in this world than parents.
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We know that how powerful Gandhiji's thinking was, it can be understood even better today. Today human beings are facing the brunt of playing with nature, in such a situation our responsibility increases even more that we should make proper use of natural resources and contribute in building a better world. Happy Gandhi Jayanti!…
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धैर्य हर लक्ष्य प्राप्ति में सफलता सुनिश्चित करता है
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3:01From this story, we get the lesson that a patient man moves slowly slowly without being eager to achieve any goal and he becomes successful. On the contrary, the person who makes haste to achieve the goal quickly by leaping, he always becomes the object of ridicule by failing.
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We learnt from this story that who does not have the courage to teach by his conduct, no matter how effective his statement is, he doesn't deserve the award.
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जो विपरीत परिस्थितिओं में भी सुदृढ़ रहता है वही सच्चा हीरा है
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Mais Tarde
5:20We learnt from this story that a man who loses his temper over talk in real life, gets heated, gets entangled is like a glass and he who remains strong even in adverse circumstances, he works with his intelligence, that is the true diamond.
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From this story, we got the education that we can only get pleasure from money, not peace of mind. Therefore, we should not run after money in vain.
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From this story we learnt that we should always do good to others and our actions come back to us.
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We learnt from this story that Rakshabandhan is that bond which can free even the father of the world from bondage, then we are only human beings. Happy Rakshabandhan!
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गुरतेज सिंह - भारत माँ के सच्चे सपूत के बलिदान की कहानी
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Mais Tarde
3:56Tomorrow, on the auspicious occasion of 75th anniversary of our country, I am telling you the story of Gurtej Singh, the true son of Mother India who sacrificed his life for his country in the Galwan Valley War. Happy Independence Day!
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This story taught us that we should not trust anyone blindly and we should know that person thoroughly and only then we should share things with them.
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This story teaches us that we should never ego money and post. We should trust our hard work, always earn honestly and help the person in distress.
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This story taught us that we must cast our vote and do it very carefully.We should not be influenced by any subject and choose our politician. We should select a qualified candidate who can advance the welfare of the country.
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This story taught us that if we do not shine our qualities, then our ability to work decreases and we should believe in our ability.
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From this story, we learnt that no matter how small our living place is, we should keep our heart big. If our heart will be small, even if we have a huge building to live in, then we will not be able to give place to our parents in it.
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From this story, we get the lesson that theft is like sin and if we can rob knowledge, we should loot it not material things.
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This story teaches us that we should not do any work in a hurry and we should control our anger.
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