Thought share about the application of Islamic belief and ethics in our modern pluralistic society. The “How”, for those who understand “Why”. And the “Why” for those who need to understand the reason.
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Channel podcast AQL Islamic Center
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This blog will make available the podcasts from Islamic Center of Frisco, TX
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Illuminating hearts and minds with inspiring recitations and khutbahs from the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh
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CLEAR LAKE ISLAMIC CENTER PODCAST is committed to a set of core principles that provide the framework for everything we do. Our aim is to follow the teachings of al Quran and Al Sunnah in a revivalist orthodox style.
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Founded in 1952 by a small group committed to fostering community, learning and worship, ICSC is an independent organization whose primary goal is the emergence of an American Muslim identity. In this podcast you can listen to our Khutbas (Friday sermons), various lecture series, special programs and more!
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Lectures and classes conducted at the Sacramento Islamic Resource Center
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Auto-generated transcript: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the most honorable prophets and messengers. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and upon his family. He is the most merciful… Continue reading Prepare…
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Auto-generated transcript: My brothers and sisters and elders, all praise and thanks be to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala that insha’Allah He will grant us another Ramadan. This is a gift, the value of which depends on what we choose to do with it. It is up to us to make it as valuable as we… Continue reading Prepare for Ramadan – #1 The post Prepare fo…
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Auto-generated transcript: We had another beautiful dua. There is a wealth of duas in the Seerah. If we are lucky, we will be able to remember them and make this dua inshaAllah. Abdullah bin Umar says that the Prophet used to make this dua. Allahumma inni a’udh bika min zawali ni’matik wa tahawwuli aafiatik wa… Continue reading Blessings that don’t…
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Auto-generated transcript: As-salamu alaykum. I did a detailed lecture on that which I have sent to all of you. It came on the group chat and all that. So, when you have time, watch that. But briefly, there are three things that I want you to keep in mind. Three critical parameters. Ramadan, inshallah, will… Continue reading Quick notes on Ramadan …
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Auto-generated transcript:Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen. Salat wa Salam ala ashrafil anbiya'i wal mursaleen. Muhammadur Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. Tasliman kathiran kathiran. From Mubadhu. I remind myself and you there are four things to do before we enter Ramadan. Number one, clean our hearts. Clean our hearts.…
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Auto-generated transcript: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. This was said in another place, O ye who believe, the Day is written for you as it was written for those before you, that haply ye may be righteous. My dear respected… Continue reading Is this my last Ramadan? – #1…
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Auto-generated transcript: My brothers and sisters, Allah SWT and the Prophet SAW in Riyadh Salihin again about the issue of dua. Abdullah bin Masood reported that the Prophet SAW used to make dua. I ask you for guidance. What tuqa, propriety, to be a mutakeel, wal afaafa, for justity, wal ghina, wani anil alam. From… Continue reading Comprehensive…
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Auto-generated transcript:My brothers and sisters, Allah SWT in the middle of the ayats concerning siam fasting Allah SWT revealed this beautiful ayat where Allah said, Allah said, Allah SWT is saying here that he responds to duas. The month of Ramadan is the month of the Quran. It is the month of dua. My brothers and sisters, we have the hadiths o…
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Auto-generated transcript:In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And peace and blessings be upon the most honorable of the prophets and messengers. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, peace be upon his family and his family. And peace be upon him and his fa…
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Auto-generated transcript: My brothers and sisters, I remind myself and you that time is the most important asset that we have. Time is life itself. Time is so important that Allah SWT took an oath by time. Wallahasr in the linsanat of the fukus. Time is the only non-renewable resource that we have. Everything else… Continue reading Al Ibaad ur Rah…
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Auto-generated transcript:In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala sent Ramadan 4, which is to make us rather Rahman, to make us Mutakoon, to make us people of Taqwa. The people of Taqwa are the special slaves of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. We look at the l…
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Auto-generated transcript: The fifth quality of Ibadur Rahman Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala z-zalib wa allatheena la yada’oon wa allahi ilaha nakhara wa la yaqutuloon an nafsa al-latihi harraba Allah illa bil haq wa la yaznoon wa main yafa’a z-zalika yalqa asama yuza’af lahul azaabu yawmal qiyabati wa yakhludh fiihi muhaana Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala sa…
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Auto-generated transcript: My dear brothers, sisters and elders, the series of khutbahs on Ibad-ur-Rahman is to give us a template to aim for and to ensure that we change ourselves and become Ibad-ur-Rahman and use the month of Ramadan al-Karim to power that change, to make it happen and make it happen faster than normal… Continue reading Al Ibaad …
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Auto-generated transcript: The reason why we should study the jihadis is because if you look at the punishments that Allah SWT prescribed, the azab, the punishments that He prescribed for the Manafiqin are even more than that on the mushrikhi and the kufr. If you see the ayat of Surah Tawbah by Allah SWT, it… Continue reading Signs of hypocrisy The…
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Auto-generated transcript: My brother and sister, this is just a quick one to remind us to prepare for Ramadan. Allah SWT Jalla Jallalahu mentioned this month and He told us that He sent this month for a purpose. He said, Allah said, I have sent this Ramadan month. We have prescribed fasting upon you as… Continue reading Maximizing Ramadan The post…
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Auto-generated transcript: Allah SWT took an oath by time. It’s a general statement which includes all human beings. And it’s a statement with emphasis. Allah is using the word inna which means verily, truly, surely. Again, I’m not sure. Inna linsana laf yukus. Illa allatheena amanoo wa amiloo salihat. Allah took an oath by time.… Continue reading …
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Auto-generated transcript: My brothers and sisters, if there is one thing that Allah has emphasized in the Quran over and over and over again, including taking an oath by that thing and that thing is time. Allah took an oath by time. He said, Allah took an oath by time. And Allah mentioned time in… Continue reading By time The post By time appeared…
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