Fast Bankruptcy Divorce is a romantic drama written and read by Lisa Pegnato. The impact of a broken heart leads a teen girl down a road where she witnesses a loss far greater. Learn more about Lisa's short fiction and other works at Credits: "Fast Bankruptcy Divorce" mixed by Curt Schulkey. Sound effects by Albert Gasser. Music is from the Free Music Archive, including “So Red,” “Cool Change,” “Wait What” and “Spelunking” by Mr. Smith, “Kinda” by Beat Mekanik/Johnathan M Horner,” “L’Ultima Notte di Quiete” by Emilio Robot, and “Tokyo Nights” by Snoozy Beats. Special thanks to Kirsten Sundberg Lunstrum, Ramon Isao, Michael Hofacre, and the women of the Ladies Writing Group and Sewing Circle. Interview edited by Michelle Murray who also hosts and produces this podcast.…