25 - Papo Crítico sobre o Mês de Mentoria para Mestrar 2023 #05
Manage episode 382114075 series 3236268
Neste podcast: Papo Crítico com Julyanna Carmo, Henrique de la Rosa, Luciano Nigro e Bruno Cobbi, a galera do projeto Mês de Mentoria para Mestrar. Trata-se de uma iniciativa para incentivar e guiar novos jogadores a começar a mestrar RPG de Mesa, e que já formou muitos mestres.
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Caixa Postal:
Igor Téuri - Dados Críticos
Caixa Postal 5078 - CEP: 31611-970
Belo Horizonte - MG
Music by
► Kevin McLeod: http://incompetech.com
► Vindsvept: https://www.youtube.com/user/Vindsvept
► Aaron Krogh: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGxVX35l9Tbd10OJTj-isqw
► Tabletop Audio: https://tabletopaudio.com/
Free Music from Foundry VTT Music Modules:
► Adventure Music: https://www.patreon.com/adventuremusicjr
► Boy King of Idaho Music Pack: https://www.patreon.com/boykingofidaho
► Élise in the Clouds - Witchy Things Music Pack: https://github.com/eliseintheclouds/witchy-things/
► Ivan Duch's Music Packs: https://ivanduch.com
► Tabletop RPG Music: https://www.patreon.com/tabletoprpgmusic
► McRoMusic Sampler: https://www.patreon.com/McRoMusic
► Music d20 Sampler: https://www.patreon.com/musicd20
► Tabletop RPG Music: https://github.com/Tabletop-RPG-Music/tabletop-rpg-music/
► KULT: Divinity Lost · Original Soundtrack: https://github.com/YanKlInnomme/FoundryVTT-k4lt-ost
► SoundBoard by Blitz: https://github.com/BlitzKraig/fvtt-SoundBoard
► SoundBoard Pack - Blitz Free Pack: https://github.com/BlitzKraig/fvtt-SoundBoard-BlitzFreePack
► SoundBoard Pack - Community: https://github.com/BlitzKraig/fvtt-SoundBoard-BlitzCommunityPack
► SoundFx Library: https://github.com/CDeenen/SoundFxLibrary
90 episódios