Episode 13: Inspiring Couples Series – Jonathan Mozenter and Rachael Fusting (Part 2 of 2) Relationship, and stacking your own hero’s journey
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Jonathan and Rachael kicked off our couples series last week with a two part marathon of inspiration, which concludes in today’s episode, sharing their comprehensive toolkit as change agents and relationship alchemists.
In this second chat, we learn about how authentic relating can deepen your connections, about whether we see life as happening “for us” or “to us,” and how to address disharmony with appreciative inquiry.
Click play now to hear about a technique that can help you discover your own hero’s journey using archetypes, and how this can also be used to sense the greater potential of other people in your life.
Don’t miss learning about how intelligent and coherent stacking of modalities can save you time, and deliver bigger results.
“Gene Keys kind of dropped me into that more values essence of who I am, and so gave me a measuring stick to weigh my possibilities with, by dropping me into a deeper sense of who I am, and what my inner compass is really pointing towards.” Rachael Fusting.
“Our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions are directly related to our energetic state, full stop. And so you having a bunch of negative thoughts and feelings and stuckness - it’s because your energy levels are stuck at a certain spot. So the first thing is to actually start to be, is like, this isn’t me…. people think they are their thoughts, their feelings, their emotions and sensations, and its nonsense.” Jonathan Mozenter
Here at Fearless Inspiration we are on a mission to build a gigantic bank of inspiration, and events that dissolve barriers. I’d love to hear from you at [email protected]
Show links
Jonathan and Rachael’s website
Kundun – Film
Inception – Film
Renunciation, The Secret Chiefs 3 – Song
Indian Summer, Jai Wolf - Song
Appreciative Inquiry
Integral Theory, Ken Wilber
Gene Keys, Richard Rudd – Book
This Is Your Mind on Plants, Michael Pollan – Book
50 episódios