"Ben Franklin's Musical Theater" with guest, Mrs. Haylee Otero
Manage episode 329974005 series 3277898
In a classical school, fine arts is often seen as the icing on the cake, especially here at Benjamin Franklin High School. Our music program attracts thousands of people, especially this year, with our a new Franklin Center For The Performance Arts.
This podcast looks at how the music and theater program come together as a 'fine art.' Specifically, I dropped in on one of Mrs. Haylee Otero's classes as she put together the annual choir concert. It was just a few weeks after the musical, Bye Bye Birdie, with a cast of more than seventy-five. You'll hear how teaching takes place on stage, which is obviously a very different environment from a classroom. (When the sage is literally off the stage!)
I also asked her about how she manages the logistics of a production: From choreography and props, to lighting, and sound ..the period costumes, and making sure the wireless mics come through! She has talented, passionate colleagues, the Boosters, and of course dedicated students. "It's a very, organic, creative process," says Otero. "At a certain point you hand it off to the students, and it no longer becomes my material." Hopefully, you get to peek under the hood of 'musical theater' at its best.
40 episódios