Sermon Series 140 Judging Right
Manage episode 432222726 series 3158672
In this Sermon Jesus leads us to look at 2 chronicles 19 when Jehoshaphat takes the groves away and appointed the Levites the chiefs, officers and the leaders the high priests. As well as the King and his right hand men. He commands them in verse 11 Deal courageously , and the Lord shall be with the good. This is our responsibility as Kingly Priests & children of the Kingdom. Jesus takes us to Isaiah 32 it sais Then Judgement shall dwell in the wilderness and righteousness remain in the fruitful field. Jesus wants us to remain righteous in our Judgement, how do we do that? By our belief and faith in Jesus , our obedience & practice of his 10 commandments and his Sermon on the Mount & encouraging others to do the same. Jesus also wants us to be fruitful in this sense of Judgement finishing out in Matthew 23:20-23 in our spiritual and daily lives. If we do these things we will be fruitful and remain in a fruitful field in the time to come . AMEN.
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