Healing is Believing - What is Humanity- Episode 23
Manage episode 311479277 series 3129235
Just launched our 23rd Healing is Believing podcast series with QW, Imaam Saab and Dr. Isa White Muhammad . Today we discuss upon What is Humanity? Humanity is a multi faceted spectrum of being. It is the be all and end all of everything. The essence of humanity is the characteristics of the noble Prophets, messengers in how they interacted in a given community. In how they interacted between what is morally right and wrong. From the perspective of The Divine Clinic Foundation humanity at large is about a spiritual resonance. It is about integrating on a spiritual level and everyone is vibrating at a similar level. When you look at the communities of the world from Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism they all have light and ultimately there are different levels of light. This is truly understood by the hand of the teacher. In understanding light for example there are people who are spiritually afflicted who are unable to co-exist with other members of society and there are people who are seeking detachment by removing themselves from the social norms because it goes against the natural human state. The difference is one is voluntarily and involuntarily. The people who practice esoteric practices look to detach and ultimately serve to be a beacon of light to help others. Those who are spiritually afflicted have spiraled in a negative state and their light is dim. When we look at the condition of the world – it is not the devil to be blamed but we need to look at ourselves. We have raped and pillage the world of its nutrients. We are to blame the destruction and the real answer of causing this downfall is the ignorance within ourselves. Our teacher says unless you are assured- your belief is shaky and then only everything moves with assurance. The spiritual perspective of humanity is that the soul is suffering and that the spirit is suffering and people are becoming distant from experiencing psychotic diseases to mental health traumas and then labeling these people and telling these people that they are different and reality is these people are suffering from negative energy including ancestral energy- as discussed in previous podcast. The ones who are awakened have a responsibility to help others and let the people who are in religious leadership positions know that they are accountable to their communities. This is the purpose of the Imam’s role. Hopefully they are tuning in with an open heart and are listening to our discussion. The problem is we lack a spiritual conscious? Can we have humanity without a spiritual conscious? It is like can a fish swim without water? The world has gone away from spirituality of self and spirituality of God. This is why it is so important to follow the footsteps of a perfect guide as stated “Guide us to those whom you have favored.” (Qur’an 1:6) Without spirituality we are doomed towards destruction. Our mission is to pull people as the world is evolving at a very fast pace. We are seeing that it is a very hard world to live and being aware of truths and seeing how people are suffering and knowing there is help out there. Everyone is hoping everyday and that power of hope brings one to true belief through the hand of true guidance. Religious leaders need to take more of a proactive role and see how people are spiritually afflicted. We are asking those who are afflicted and following a perfected religion that was perfected over 1400 years ago and if their community leaders cannot help them then turn your focus to The Divine Clinic Foundation. If the leaders don’t know -then open a discussion because Islam has all the answers. Humanity can only be better if you are living from a higher state of consciousness- otherwise you are not living. Everyone has questions and they need to be answered. Become a seeker for to seek is to find. #awakenthehigherheart #revivethesoul
42 episódios