Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast – Episode 18
Manage episode 308818817 series 3021030
Daniel M. Cohen | Single-Handed
The inspiring true story of Tibor “Teddy” Rubin
On Episode 18 of Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast, we talk with Daniel M. Cohen, filmmaker and author of Single-Handed, the inspiring true story of Tibor “Teddy” Rubin–Holocaust survivor, Korean War hero and Medal of Honor recipient.
This podcast episode was recorded August 9, 2015 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Host: Kevin Farkas. Guest: Daniel M. Cohen. Audiography: Kevin Farkas. Music available on Moist Appointment (Is It Really So Surprising), SNX (Shooting Stars), Sergey Pismennyy (Transition), Marcel du Preez (Firepower). ©Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast/The Social Voice Project, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast features conversations with those who tell veterans’ stories in creative and interesting ways, such as oral historians, authors, poets, playwrights, and photographers. This podcast is a production of The Social Voice Project, Inc., dedicated to understanding the voices and stories of our lives through the first-hand, authentic accounts of lived experiences we call oral histories. The podcast was formerly produced by the Veteran Voices of Pittsburgh Oral History Initiative, a veteran-run, award-winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Host Kevin Farkas is a US Navy veteran and independent multimedia producer specializing in creative sound design and audio engineering. He has produced several audiobooks, radio dramas, live storytelling events, a podcast network, videos, as well as print and digital media publications.
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