#232: “Six Forgotten Warriors”
Manage episode 427989565 series 3234503
Spider-Man goes to…Moscow? The beginning of season 5’s longest arc is a weird swerve, where Aunt May is central to a global conspiracy involving Peter Parker’s parents as double agent spies for Russia, a Nazi doomsday weapon, S.H.I.E.L.D. cover-ups and Silver Sable kidnappings, Robbie Robertson acting sus, and Kingpin reuniting the Insidious Six. It’s…a lot!
We’re watching Spider-Man: The Animated Series: Season 5, Episode 2: “Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter One”.
Source: John Semper's Facebook
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Theme song features: “Resonance (Cyan & Ladybot Remix)” by HOME | License (CC BY 3.0)
295 episódios