Mount Ararat Service Video - Stafford
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Talk is CheapPor Todd Gaston
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About Your MotivePor Todd Gaston
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About Your AngerPor Todd Gaston
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Freedom SundayPor Todd Gaston
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About Your TrialsPor Todd Gaston
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About Your TestsPor Todd Gaston
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Campus Pastor MessagePor Todd Gaston
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UnshakablePor Todd Gaston
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EndurePor Todd Gaston
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RunPor Todd Gaston
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More to SayPor Todd Gaston
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House Hunter: RahabPor Susan Wanderer
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Diamond in the Rough: MosesPor Andrew Segre
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Unfinished Business: JosephPor Jerry Williams
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Facing the TensionPor Todd Gaston, Susan Wanderer, Andrew Segre
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Rehab Addict: JacobPor John Cook
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Flip or Flop: AbrahamPor Todd Gaston
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Hammering Away:NoahPor Todd Gaston
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Measure Up:EnochPor Todd Gaston
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Property Brothers:Cain & AbelPor Todd Gaston
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AcceleratePor Todd Gaston
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SpeedPor Todd Gaston
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House in OrderPor Todd Gaston
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Face RealityPor Todd Gaston
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Held TogetherPor Andrew Segre
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Rip It OffPor Todd Gaston
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ResiduePor Todd Gaston
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StickyPor Todd Gaston
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Seventh WordPor Andrew Segre
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Sixth WordPor Todd Gaston
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Fifth WordPor Todd Gaston
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Fourth WordPor Todd Gaston
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Third WordPor Clayton King
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Second WordPor Todd Gaston
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First WordPor Todd Gaston
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RefreshPor Brian Burgess
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Through the RoofPor Todd Gaston
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Lead ForwardPor Todd Gaston
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Protect This HousePor Todd Gaston and Andrew Segre
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Teach the WordPor Todd Gaston
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Starting OverPor Jerry Williams
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ForgivenessPor Andrew Segre
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Go, Tell It on the MountainPor Todd Gaston
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Mary, Did You Know?Por Todd Gaston
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All I Want for ChristmasPor Susan Wanderer
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Silent NightPor Todd Gaston
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Pray Like JesusPor Andrew Segre
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Home Field AdvantagePor Todd Gaston
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Time OutPor Todd Gaston
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Orphan SundayPor Zac Ashley
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