st Jacobsstraat 171, Utrecht
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Fazantendrift 10 (Tollebeek), Tollebeek
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The newest sermons from Trinity Protestant Reformed Church on SermonAudio.
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The newest sermons from Hull Protestant Reformed Church on SermonAudio.
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El podcast de Protestante Digital, donde la fe cristiana dialoga con la actualidad. Visítanos en
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The newest sermons from Wingham Protestant Reformed Church on SermonAudio.
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The newest sermons from Grace Protestant Reformed Church on SermonAudio.
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Toutes les semaines retrouvez la voix de l'Eglise Protestante en Loire-Atlantique
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The newest sermons from Lefkosa Protestant Church on SermonAudio.
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Библия как карта для нашей жизни. Духовные законы существуют, ты можешь жить хорошо или плохо зависимо от знания и понимания как работают законы царства Божья. Бог уже приготовил для тебя судьбу, благую, угодную и совершенную. Узнай Бога, прими жизнь во внутрь себя через Иисуса, тогда ты сможешь слышать голос Бога в своем сердце и жить в соответствии его плана. Ты сможешь жить в соответсвии Божих законов и иметь благословенную жизнь.
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The newest sermons from First Protestant Reformed Church on SermonAudio.
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The newest sermons from First Protestant Reformed of Holland on SermonAudio.
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The Protestant Libertarian Podcast explores the intersection between protestant Biblical studies and libertarian philosophy. We will discuss the Bible, history, culture, economics, philosophy, and current events from both protestant and libertarian perspectives. Questions, comments, suggestions? Please reach out to me at You can also follow the podcast on Twitter: @prolibertypod. If you like the show and want to support it, you can! Check out the Protestan ...
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Pride in Protest is a Sydney based collective of activists who campaign for queer rights, refugee rights and Indigenous justice. You can reach us at on Instagram.
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Association protestante aux sensibilités culturelles et théologiques plurielles Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Weekly sermons
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Protestants outside the orbits of evangelicals and mainliners talking about church stuff.
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Doth Protest is a podcast on church history and how the theology of the 16th-century Reformers can inform us today. It is hosted by Episcopal priest Rev. Andrew Christiansen along with Stephen Burnett and Rev. James Rickenbaker. It also features interviews with theologians and scholars of church history. Show music is done by Aaron Shows. We can be listened to on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more. Follow us on Twitter @DothProtestPod FB & Instagram @doth.pro_ref.pod
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This podcast analyses contemporary issues that we face today
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Canal donde se habla de cosas incómodas pero que vemos día a dia.
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Estas são as principais notícias e dicas da DECO PROteste, a maior organização de consumidores portuguesa. Saber é Poder.
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Check it out! X
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Carême protestant Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Discussing the idea of losing innocence and how it is portrayed in protest poetry.
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The Irenic Protestants is a bi-weekly show where we strive together for knowledge of God, his word, and his world through the lens of the Classical & Confessional Protestant tradition.
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To all the mothers out there
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NFL Football and it's affect on culture. We bring the Real to the NFL.
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Protest poetry assessment for year 10 English. Addresses the social issues explored in the poems Hope by Oodgeroo Noonuccal and Treaty by Yothu Yindi.
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Tous les mois, 28 minutes de décryptage au cœur de l'actualité du protestantisme et de la Fédération protestante de France. Reportages, interview et flash info avec des chroniqueurs et des invités, c'est le magazine d'information diffusé en podcast et auprès des radios protestantes.
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Welcome to All Things Protest where we talk about protests that are currently happening/already happened/ or will happen. Cover art photo provided by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash:
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Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet and a Light unto my Path ~ Psalm 119:105
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Was bringt Menschen dazu, für Freiheit und Demokratie auf die Straße gehen - trotz massiver Risiken für sich selbst, ihre Familien und ihre Freund:innen? Wann entwickelt sich ein Protest zu einer Revolution? Und wie reagieren Regime auf Protest? Um Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden, geht “Protestcast” auf Spurensuche: In vier Folgen werden aktuelle und historische Proteste in autokratischen Systemen genauer beleuchtet: im Iran, in der DDR, der damaligen Tschechoslowakei und der Ukraine. “ ...
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Kate Lucas, 10Eng1, Assessment Task
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De minister van Justitie en Veiligheid, David van Weel, kondigde in augustus aan dat hij de grenzen binnen het demonstratierecht wil laten onderzoeken, wat mogelijk kan leiden tot een inperking van het grondrecht. HUB Utrecht onderzoekt naar aanleiding van dit nieuws wat het demonstratierecht in Utrecht betekent en gaat in een podcast in gesprek met betrokkenen en experts.
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Listen to the latest news, announcements, sermons, and materials from the Westover Air Reserve Base Protestant Community.
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Videos Cultos Dominicales
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This podcast seeks to explore what sets the Anglican Catholic Tradition apart as a unique gem in the Christian Faith. Like us on Facebook!
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That Church triumphs which break the yoke of worldly education, and which develops and practices of Christian education.
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Les Radios Protestantes vous propose cinq grands débats festifs d’une heure la semaine du 31 mai au 4 juin sur la FM ou en vidéo sur les réseaux sociaux. La radio est en fête ! Pour l’anniversaire des 100 ans de la radio en France et les 40 ans de la libération des ondes, le Ministère de la culture encourage les radios à commémorer l’évènement. Il n’en fallait pas plus pour que la Plateforme protestante des radios s’organise et vous propose durant cette semaine une heure d’émission spéciale ...
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Welcome to the Allen Simmons podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Bullshitum humanum est, perseverare diabolicum Une immersion audio dans la Startup Nation pour comprendre les humains et les technologies sous le vernis de la "transformation digitale" et du franglais branché… Plus d'informations :
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A interview with a Pentecostal and information on protestants in 16th century england.
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Bold faith. Clear truth. Real conversations. The Peaceful Protest is where I share my thoughts on faith, culture, and current events—all through the lens of a 17-year-old Christian conservative. Guided by faith, grounded in family, and passionate about freedom, it’s not about making noise; it’s about standing firm, thinking deeply, and speaking the truth. This is Peaceful Protesting. Let’s talk.
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Emission proposée par la Fédération protestante Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Reflection on Anti-Sex Work Deportation and Profiling (Ft. Sonya) | Special Episode
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Mais Tarde
56:58Content flag: Sexual Violence, Police Violence, Intense Racism and Transphobia. A transgender woman named Sonya contacted Pride in Protest's Damien from Villawood Immigration Detention saying that she would be deported tomorrow. In this episode, Damien recounts to Melissa his chat with Sonya the day after her deportation. They reflect on the issues…
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The German Peasants' War (with Lyndal Roper)
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Mais Tarde
1:05:08Dr. Lyndal Roper joins us on this episode to discuss the turbulent and devastating peasant wars of 1525, a series of events that comes up often in Reformation studies but are hardly in themselves ever the center of focus in historical study. Dr. Roper's most recent book Summer of Fire and Blood is the first major book in a generation devoted to thi…
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Uitzending van Protestantse Wijkgemeente Jacobikerk op 23-03-2025 09:46Tijdsduur: 103 minuten
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Uitzending van Protestantse Wijkgemeente Jacobikerk op 19-03-2025 18:49Tijdsduur: 54 minuten
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Ep 189: Private Charity is Better than Government Welfare with Gerard Casey
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Mais Tarde
1:01:07In this episode I talk with Dr. Gerard Casey, professor emeritus at University College Dublin and associate scholar at the Mises Institute, about charity and welfare. Dr. Casey argues that a libertarian approach to charity, which is based on the principles of non-aggression and localism, are a more efficient method of providing for those in need th…
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Le pasteur Patrice ALCINDOR est père de famille et pasteur de l’église évangélique de Nantes Boissière. Parmi ses nombreuses activités pour partager la Bonne Nouvelle de l’évangile, il est particulièrement heureux des quatre chorales Gospel qu’il anime à Nantes, St Nazaire et Angers. (Gospel : « Every prays »)…
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Uitzending van Protestantse Wijkgemeente Jacobikerk op 17-03-2025 14:43Tijdsduur: 10 minuten
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Uitzending van Protestantse Wijkgemeente Jacobikerk op 17-03-2025 10:23Tijdsduur: 121 minuten
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Uitzending van Protestantse Wijkgemeente Jacobikerk op 16-03-2025 16:52Tijdsduur: 87 minuten
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1. God Who Creates 2. God Who Redeems 3. God Who SavesPor Rev. Joe Holstege
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1. The Incense He Offers2. The Fire He Casts to the Earth3. The Answering NoisesPor Rev. Joe Holstege
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Por Rev. William Langerak
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Por Rev. William Langerak
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The NecessityThe MannerThe AssurancePor Rev. Stephen Regnerus
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LifeFollyWisdomPor Rev. Matthew DeBoer
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The Gathering of a Church Chosen to Eternal Life
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Mais Tarde
46:28Por Rev. Daniel Holstege
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Strong To Do All Things Through Christ
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Mais Tarde
41:13Por Rev. Daniel Holstege
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Uitzending van Protestantse Wijkgemeente Jacobikerk op 16-03-2025 09:52Tijdsduur: 125 minuten
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Uitzending van Protestantse Gemeente Tollebeek op 16-03-2025 09:22Tijdsduur: 81 minuten
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durée : 00:29:58 - Solaé, le rendez-vous protestant - par : Jean-Luc Gadreau - Jean-François Mouhot nous parle du livre de Katharine Hayhoe - réalisation : Thomas JostPor Jean-Luc GADREAU
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Ep 188: What We Believe Part 4 | Resurrection
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Mais Tarde
12:30Right before the pandemic, in February of 2020, I took on the role of interim student ministries director at my church. Then the world shut down. I hosted seven weeks of group online, and I recorded a series of videos about the basics of our beliefs for my students to watch before our weekly meetings. These short video introductions to important Bi…
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Uitzending van Protestantse Gemeente Tollebeek op 12-03-2025 19:19Tijdsduur: 68 minuten
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Uitzending van Protestantse Wijkgemeente Jacobikerk op 12-03-2025 19:16Tijdsduur: 84 minuten
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Por Rev. Joe Holstege
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1. Our Ignorance2. Our Labor3. Our ConfidencePor Rev. Joe Holstege
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Put Not Your Trust in Princes But in Jehovah Your God
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Mais Tarde
38:33Por Rev. Daniel Holstege
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6 Урок, Семестр 6, Школа Дерека Принца
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Mais Tarde
53:44Por Russian Protestant Church
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5 Урок, Семестр 6, Школа Дерека Принца
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Mais Tarde
53:31Por Russian Protestant Church
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Por Russian Protestant Church
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Por Russian Protestant Church
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Por Russian Protestant Church
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1 Урок, Семестр 6, Школа Дерека Принца
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Mais Tarde
55:10Por Russian Protestant Church
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Ep 187: No Work, No Food | 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
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Mais Tarde
1:13:00In this episode I explore Paul’s exhortation in 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 where he instructs the Thessalonians that “those that don’t work, don’t eat” (3:10). Building from last week’s episode on 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12, I explain how this passage functioned in its historical context and the principles that we should draw from it to think about economi…
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Evelyne FRECHET, protestante, psychotérapeute et psychanalyste, parle de différents livres écrits par Marie BALMARY, dont le dernier : « Ce lieu en nous que nous ne connaissons pas. À la recherche du Royaume ». A partir de l’étude de l’hébreu biblique et de la tradition juive, Marie BALMARY interroge les textes bibliques et propose une vision libér…
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Evelyne FRECHET, protestante, psychotérapeute et psychanalyste, parle de différents livres écrits par Marie BALMARY, dont le dernier : « Ce lieu en nous que nous ne connaissons pas. À la recherche du Royaume ». A partir de l’étude de l’hébreu biblique et de la tradition juive, Marie BALMARY interroge les textes bibliques et propose une vision libér…
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Uitzending van Protestantse Wijkgemeente Jacobikerk op 09-03-2025 16:36Tijdsduur: 114 minuten
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A Numberless Multitude Before the Throne
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Mais Tarde
48:541. Their Identity 2. Their Blessedness 3. Their SongPor Rev. Joe Holstege
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Partaking of Christ's True Body and Blood
Mais Tarde
Mais Tarde
35:05Por Rev. William Langerak
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Por Rev. William Langerak
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Por Brother Foster
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Her BeautyHer ExampleHer WorthPor Rev. Stephen Regnerus
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A Serious MatterA Sacred CallingA Saving PowerPor Rev. Stephen Regnerus
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Por Rev. Daniel Holstege
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Por Rev. Daniel Holstege
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Uitzending van Protestantse Wijkgemeente Jacobikerk op 09-03-2025 10:02Tijdsduur: 81 minuten
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Uitzending van Protestantse Gemeente Tollebeek op 09-03-2025 09:15Tijdsduur: 86 minuten
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