Willkommen bei punktEU – der Podcast mit Kathrin Schmid schaut hinter den Politik-Vorhang Europas. Wer zieht die Fäden in der EU – und wohin? Klima, KI, Krisen, Klischees – wir greifen uns die Top-Themen. Analytisch, meinungsstark, unterhaltsam. Jede Woche frisch aus dem ARD-Studio Brüssel.
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Berlins unprofessionellste Radiosendung - seit 1996.
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Playing my favorite punk, ska, surf punk and great bands from Bandcamp.
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Review of punk rock music and live shows
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http://Punknews.org contributors turn a critical eye on the week's most notable stories, offering commentary, insight, a few cool songs, and hopefully a little humor. Hosted by John Gentile and a rotating cast of Punknews writers, editors, and friends.
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Brisante Themen auf den Punkt
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The official podcast to the PunkStance music page. A vocal deluge from a guy wanting to share his appreciation for new punk and alternative releases, as well as everything in-between. For those interested in the PunkStance page, check out https://www.instagram.com/punk.stance/
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New and Classic Punk. Interviews, Beer tasting and other stuff.
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The Survivalpunk Podcast survival with a punk attitude
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Politics, philosophy, music, current events and more from a Punk Rock Libertarian perspective.
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Shalana Amazon Dennis hosts interviews with notable recording artists, creators, fashion designers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders in the realm of media, entertainment, and culture. Shalana is the founder of the Punkdemic merchandise line. Visit https://punkdemic.net
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Die Nachrichten des Tages - von der Süddeutschen Zeitung als Podcast auf den Punkt gebracht. Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden mit aktuellen Meldungen, Interviews und Hintergrundberichten. Kostenlos und immer aktuell. Jeden Montag bis Freitag gegen 17 Uhr und am Samstag gegen 7 Uhr.
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Keine Angst vor klugen Frauen mit starker Meinung? Dann bist Du hier richtig! Unter Punkt.PRERADOVIC greife ich jede Woche ein heißes und kontroverses Thema auf und diskutiere mit meinungsstarken Koryphäen – provokant und informativ. Auf den Punkt. Ich bin Milena Preradovic, Moderatorin („Punkt 12“, „Im Kreuzfeuer“, News), Autorin und Kolumnistin. Als Gelsenkirchnerin bin ich Schalke-Fan und war Deutschlands provokanteste TV-Journalistin und Moderatorin. Jetzt bin ich wieder da! Wie man mich ...
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We choose one year at random and select one punk, hardcore, emo, or punk adjacent album from that year to discuss.
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Damian Abraham has been many things... the singer of a critically acclaimed band, a failed VJ and food network host, one of the minds behind TV's "The Wrestlers", parent of 3... and undeniably, a punk music obsessive. Each week, he sits down and chats with an interesting person from various walks of life to find out how their world was influenced and changed by the discovery of a novelty genre that supposedly died out in 1978... PUNK!
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Bienvenue sur le podcast Punkin dev. Vous trouverez ici des récits de la vie de dev, des retours d'expérience sur certaines pratiques ou technos, sur la vie de Freelance, et des réflexions généralement en lien avec les métiers du développement logiciel. Vous pouvez me retrouver sur linkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/sylvain-coudert-b802a477/ sur twitter https://twitter.com/sylv_coud (https://twitter.com/sylv_coud) , sur BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/punkindev.bsky.social ou sur mon blog ...
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A podcast about punk and other stuff like it.
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Real Punk Radio podcast Network brings you the best in Punk, Rock, Underground Music around! From Classic Oi!, Psychobilly and Hardcore to some Classic Rock n Roll and 90's indie Alt Rock greatness!! With Tons of Live DJ's that like to Talk Music From Garage Rock, to Ska.. We are True MUSIC GEEKS!
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Music and interviews with bands from across the global punk scene, all coming at you from Spondon in Derby, UK. Join us every week and get rad with the fat lads.
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Weekly discussion podcast with surprise topics chosen by our guest, with host Raymond Strife and producer Eric Backlund.
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Growing Up Punk is a podcast about punk rock and all its friends. Your hosts David and Aaron grew up listening to punk rock, and now they talk about it. Weekly episodes dive into classic punk albums (mostly from the 90s and early 00s), as well as interviews from some of your favourite punk rockers.
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„Am Punkt.“ ist der Podcast des Linde Verlags für Juristinnen und Juristen zu den Themen Steuern, Wirtschaft und Recht. In kompakten wöchentlichen Podcast-Interviews nehmen Expertinnen und Experten Stellung zu den aktuellsten und praxisrelevantesten juristischen Fragen.
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Gespräche über früher und heute. Christopher und Jobst sprechen mit Menschen, für die Punk und Hardcore irgendwie eine Rolle gespielt hat oder noch spielt. File under "Punk not perfect".
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An hour of X-rated music and mayhem from The Heart of Sherwood Forest featuring tracks you've never heard before, expressions you've never heard before and jokes you'll never want to hear again - all hosted by Paulyb (everyone's favourite outlaw) and Butch Tony (everyone's favourite bandit).
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Punk Rock Podcast bilingue Español - Inglés conducido por Jorge Rivera, con un enfoque principal de reseña/resumen en el género Skatepunk/Hardcore melódico de los 90’s - 2K’s. De la misma forma portal y vitrina para dar difusión a bandas de la escena underground global actual ! Instagram/Youtube/Twitter/Facebook/Tiktok: @punkrocksanity
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Programa musical semanal con adelantos, novedades y con un par de clásicos de la escena nacional e internacional punk, rock y metal. https://mixtaperadio.online/
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Der Podcast für Deine Impulse für Innovation, Digitalisierung und Wachstum. Wer sind Visionärinnen und Visionäre im Land? Wer schreibt Erfolgsgeschichten? Was sind die Technologien und Produkte von morgen? All das bespricht Carsten Puschmann, der als Seriengründer und Startup-Investor, zu den führenden Gesichtern der Deutschen Digitalwirtschaft gehört mit seinen Gästen. Hier bekommst Du Deine Impulse für Innovation, Digitalisierung und Wachstum - und für alles was Mut macht. +++ https://www. ...
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Motivation inspiration
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If you were an honor student at Screeching Weasel High School, this is your podcast.
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Pop-Punk & Pizza is a weekly podcast featuring guests ranging from bands in your local scene to internationally known artists such as Less Than Jake, Reel Big Fish, Wheatus, and more! A lot of times, the interviews will take place while eating pizza. Hosted by Noelle Matonis.
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Two old punks from both side of the pond talk about everything and nothing, loosely focusing on punk rock both past and present. Opinions, facts and commentary on the way things were, the way things are and the way things should be in the scene. Plus you will hear some great punk rock from every era. Hosted by Tom Trauma and LiverpoolNeil. No rules!
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Der Wasted Fridays Punk Podcast: Zwei Punk Fans - Flo und Timo - fachsimpeln über Interviews, die sie mit Menschen aus der Welt des Punks geführt haben. Mit dabei Szenegrößen, Newcomer und alles dazwischen. Persönlich, ehrlich und nicht zu glatt - so wie Punk Rock - nur als Podcast! Das ganze kommt ein Mal pro Monat - immer am ersten Freitag.
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After 40 years NOFX are calling it a day. So comedians Eddie French and Red Redmond are now looking back over NOFX's back catalogue, their presence in the music world and their legacy to see why those 40 years were just so great. They'll be joined by people connected to the band and fans from the UK and US music and comedy scene to see what impact was made and will continue to be made by NOFX. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Punk Rock Demonstration Radio, one of the longest running radio stations located at https://www.punkrockdemo.com broadcasts punk, punk rock, and interviews of bands since 2005! New shows broadcast every Monday 7:00PM - 9:00PM and every Tuesday 7:00AM - 9:00AM Pacific time. This podcast serves as an archive of the previously broadcasted radio shows on Punk Rock Demonstration Radio.
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Punk Vacation - An Unofficial Vinegar Syndrome Podcast Finding the joy in unfettered creativity. A podcast dedicated to bringing awareness and context to movies of any budget, from anywhere, and during any time.
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Punk trat den arrivierten Bands und Musikern in den Arsch und ermutigte Jedermann dazu, selbst Musik zu machen. Ein Heer an Kreativen folgte diesem Ruf und aus Punk wurde Ende der 70er und Anfang der 80er Jahre Postpunk. Er drang in existierende Musikgenres ein und schuf neue. In unserem Post-Punk-Podcast erzählen wir die Geschichten dieses Sounds, der die Musik veränderte. Unser Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den 80ern, in denen wir mit diesem Virus infiziert und musikalisch sozialisiert wurde ...
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Politik auf den Punkt gebracht - der Podcast der Union Stiftung liefert Dir neue Ideen aus den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur. In regelmäßigen Folgen stellen wir Euch inspirierende Interviewpartner vor, die bei uns zu Gast waren. Durch den Podcast führen Michael Scholl und Dominik Holl. Jetzt reinhören und neue Ideen mitnehmen. Die Union Stiftung wurde am 1. August 1959 gegründet und verfolgt den Zweck, demokratische und staatsbürgerliche Bildung, internationale Verst ...
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A business podcast for entrepreneurs with kids, or thinking about having kids. Hosted by Dan Caldwell, founder of the mega 300M brand TapouT, and his wife and founder of Canada's first women owned architectual concrete company, iLdiKo Ferenczi. Join them as they explore what goes into building a business while raising small children.
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Video of NYC underground music scene in ipod compatible mp4
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Hana Gadze, Anna Zöllig und Céline Werdelis legen euch neue Schweizer Musik ans Herz und ins Ohr. Immer von Montag bis Freitag. Zwischen 19 und 20 Uhr. SRF 3 liebt Schweizer Musik. Schon heute kommen rund 20 Prozent aller Songs, die im Tagesprogramm gespielt werden, von Schweizer Künstlerinnen und Künstlern. Auch junge, noch unbekannte Bands finden bei uns eine Plattform – beispielsweise im Rahmen der «Best Talent»-Reihe, in der Talente wie Lo & Leduc, Steff la Cheffe oder Dabu Fantastic gef ...
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Podcast and Radio Show from Hamburg by Dj Iggy Punx. Check out the shows and come to listen to my dj sets. Twice a month you can hear the show live on FSK Radio Hamburg 93.0 FM. Live Stream: www.fsk-hh.org 1st Monday: 12-2 p.m. (12:00-14:00) 3rd Tuesday: 10-12 p.m. (22:00-00:00) Once a month broadcasting on RTM.FM SE London: https://rtm.fm/ For questions send an email to itsallaboutpunkshow@gmail.com P.S. I'm always really happy to get physical recordings for review (vinyls or tapes), just s ...
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Join Rob and Joseph as they chronologically discuss all the notable albums of the punk/new wave movement. From the messy, anarchic noise of the early 70’s proto-punk rockers to the tired, polished death-rattles of the mid-80’s corporate synth-poppers, no stone goes unturned in their quest to fully examine the birth, life and death of “the wave” that produced some of the most beloved songs in modern popular music.
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Podcast by Dave Canton/Jerry Beeks
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Ecommerce-Power, KI-Vision und unerschütterlicher Gründergeist – mit Gerhard Trautmann
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43:32Was passiert, wenn ein junger Gründer aus den wilden Anfangstagen von Rocket Internet und Co. durch einen radikalen Pivot geht und heute einen der größten europäischen E-Commerce-Marktplätze leitet? In dieser Folge erzählt Gerhard Trautmann, warum Scheitern im Startup-Kontext kein Drama ist und wie er mit seinem Team die Global Savings Group zu ein…
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Slackin' Idle: pop punk from Canada | Episode 274
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13:47I chatted with Slackin' Idle about how they started out, whether the Warped Tour or WWWY lineup is better, the importance of social media in promoting music, the best pizza place in Canada, and more! #poppunk #newmusic #band Listen to Slackin' Idle: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4WvMkyGAAP1LdPaVOnd6S2 https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCSb1Ux45pW…
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POWW Episode 260: we move to the Caribbean, with bands from Guadeloupe, Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Haiti. Featuring a variety of Oi, street punk, pop punk, hardcore, and folk punk.Por AnotherPunkSLC
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General Physical Fitness for Preppers & Survivalists | Episode 367
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27:03physical fitness General Physical Fitness for Preppers & Survivalists | Episode 367 When most people think about prepping, they focus on stockpiling food, water, and gear. But there’s one crucial factor that often gets overlooked—physical fitness. In a survival situation, your body is just as important as your supplies. Whether it’s carrying heavy …
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On this episode: three years of full-scale war in Ukraine. Fuck imperialism, fuck colonialism, fuck Putin, fuck Trump, fuck Netanyahu, fuck Lukashenko, fuck war. Talking about my sober february and introducing you to a lot of great new — and not only new — music. This episode was broadcast live on FSK Radio 93.0 Hamburg (https://www.fsk-hh.org/) on…
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We have quite a boon of an interview for you this week as we're joined by Canadian/Scottish/Mackem supergroup ROACH SQUAD. They're made up of 50% Leatherface, 25% Sainte Catherines and 25% pure Murderburger, so their pedigree is top tier. We talk about Graeme and Frankie's return to collaboration, the logistics of your vocalist being on the other s…
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It's the one where David plays a selection of songs from his 7" collection (mostly...sometimes e breaks the rules). There's new stuff, there's old stuff, and there's stuff in between. Hell, there's even some non-punk and hardcore stuff. Shout out Indolent Records, Set The Fire Records AU, Sell The Heart Records, Iodine Recordings, and more! OUR LIN…
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Document #12 by pageninetynine / Majority Rule with Desperate Living
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1:40:58This week we are joined by Brian Medlin of the band Desperate Living. We assigned him the year 2002 and he selected the split LP by pageninetynine and Majority Rule. Pre-order Desperate Living's City Sadness on vinyl from Noise Real Records - https://store.noisereal.com/products/864234-desperate-living-city-sadness-2025-remastered Desperate Living …
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Mixtape Radio #151 - Punk, Rock & Metal Radioshow
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59:44Razón de Odio, Colapso, Koma, Azero, IDO, Anthrax, Braindrag, Dosgamos, Iron Maiden, Dead End Irony, Sagrat, Led Zeppelin, Perfect Plan. Toda la info en: https://mixtaperadio.online/mixtape-151/
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2:31:16Christopher & Jobst im Gespräch mit Kat. Wir sprechen über Moers, das Zusammenspiel von Publikum und Band, das Laissez faire der Holländer, die Vorzüge von Deutschen, nette Punks in Stuttgart, Hans-A-Plast in der Mausefalle, das Hammerschlag in Schorndorf, autonome Zusammenarbeit, das Sumpf-Orchester, die Emmaus-Gemeinschaften, Die 3 Musketiere mit…
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2:31:16Christopher & Jobst im Gespräch mit Kat. Wir sprechen über Moers, das Zusammenspiel von Publikum und Band, das Laissez faire der Holländer, die Vorzüge von Deutschen, nette Punks in Stuttgart, Hans-A-Plast in der Mausefalle, das Hammerschlag in Schorndorf, autonome Zusammenarbeit, das Sumpf-Orchester, die Emmaus-Gemeinschaften, Die 3 Musketiere mit…
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Episode 14 - March Announcements and Eugenio Ercolani
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2:37:08Finding the joy in unfettered creativity. A podcast dedicated to bringing awareness and context to movies of any budget, from anywhere, and during any time. In Episode 14 we cover the announcements from March 1st along with one of the absolute legends of critical thinking and special feature work around Italian cinema, Eugenio Ercolani. Eugenio has…
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This week’s show, after a 1973 New York Dolls dollop: brand new Miki Berenyi Trio, Jesse Welles, Kim Deal, Drop Nineteens, John Davis, The Moles, and Modern Shakes, plus Glide, Prince Buster, Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & The Trinity, Porter Wagoner, P...
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Why Your Entrepreneur Mindset Must Change When You Get Married
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43:46EP 212 Why Your Entrepreneur Mindset Must Change When You Get Married. Join us on our podcast journey and please let us know how our podcast is impacting your relationship, and you as a parent and entrepreneur. Your feedback is invaluable – Don't forget to Subscribe, leave a review, and email us with your questions to be part of the conversation. C…
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The KOPPOD Troika hop behind the wheel and tear through the streets of Beantown; their steering ain't the best in this episode, but if you've ever driven in BOSTON, surrounded by BOSTON DRIVERS, you know that's WICKED appropriate!! LOL! THE DEPARTED !! So grab yourself a wicked Dunkin Donuts Beverage and enjoy this edition of our CITY TO CITY serie…
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The Hepatitis Bathtub Chapters 31 - 45
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1:51:46Book club is back and we're excited about it! Please consider joining out Patreon at www.patreon.com/PunkRockElite Also... buy our tribute album! https://midlifeelite.bandcamp.com/album/a-tribute-to-punk-in-drublic https://linktr.ee/punkrockelitepodcast https://linktr.ee/midlifepp Produced by Eddie French Theme by Eddie French Art by Chris Hood at …
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The Dummy Room #209 - Tron Carter (Dropped Out, Hoaxxers)
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1:29:30Tron Carter from Dropped Out, Hoaxxers and a bunch of other cool bands hung out with me for a bit. Finally.Por Dummy Room
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send a text or email us at misplacedpunkshow@gmail.com Lovehearts - Forever Fast Eddie - Home Lone Creep - Counter to Your Culture Total Massacre - No Fun Manifesto Seize & Desist - Stand for Something Reagan Youth - I Hate Hate Pep Talk - New Blood Mesa Lanes - By Hook or By Crook The Ratchets - Rock & Roll Class of 1984 - Sick City Boys Power Pan…
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Tom and Neil once again have their significant others pick five records from their collection and talk about them. This time around things get very...varied. There's also some talk about a recent scandal involving pop punk, and another regarding hardcore legend Raybeez. Songs come from Dick Dale, Surf Punks, The Proclaimers, Thin Lizzy, The Doors, …
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Zwei Siegerinnen, eine Mission – Miss Germany im Wandel mit Valentina Busik, Apameh Schönauer & Max Klemmer
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52:59Was passiert, wenn eine Ärztin mit KI-Ambitionen und eine visionäre Architektin plötzlich mitten in den Wirbel um „Miss Germany“ geraten – und beide am Ende den Sieg davongetragen? In dieser Folge treffen zwei starke Persönlichkeiten aufeinander, die im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes für ein neues Frauenbild stehen: Apameh Schönauer (Miss Germany 2024) …
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Punk Rock Sanity - Episode #67 - REBUKE - Petter Mossberg
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54:39On this episode No. 67, straight from Gothenburg, Sweden. we bring you Petter Mossberg, vocalist-guitarist from the high-octane punk rock band REBUKE, sharing all the info about their new album THINGS ONE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO SAY, diving into his personal influences, tours, music videos and plans for 2025 and beyond. This is definitely an episode you …
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BONUS: Notable EPs of 1980 (pt.1)
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1:21:57Join the lads as the they examine the debut EPs from Oingo Boingo and the Payola$. Email us at deepdives.deepcuts@gmail.com.
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Oh, you may be leaving soon and you may have had your fill but if this can’t change your mind then nothing ever will: Bob Mould has come back to TOAP! Damian sits down with his long time friend to talk about the same the things they talk about every time they talk: punk and pro-wrestling. So, listen in as Bob and Damian celebrate friendship and rai…
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GiG ESSENTIAL - Russian Modern Post-punk #24
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1:18:26Подписывайся на GigsiphonicYOUTUBE - www.youtube.com/channel/UCGTh3…VK - vk.com/gigsiphonic_podcastsPROMODJ - promodj.com/gigsiphonicPor Gigsiphonic
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PRL Podcast Episode 525: Trump Bucks
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1:01:44Puerto Rico, Alex's Mayoral Candidacy (?), DC housing prices and more! ----- Help out the show at PRLFans.com!! Buy our shirt at libertariancountry.com and enter code PRL to save 10%!Por Punk Rock Libertarians Podcast
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#987 2/17/25 Punk Rock Demonstration Radio Show with Jack
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2:00:00Punk Rock Demonstration Radio Show with Jack #987 2/17/25. This is an archived broadcast of a previous Punk Rock Demonstration Radio Show. New shows broadcast every Monday 7:00PM - 9:00PM and every Tuesday 7:00AM - 9:00AM Pacific time. You can listen live and participate at https://punkrockdemo.comPor Jack
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MTV, Viva und Musikvideos in den 90ern
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53:34Popkulturell waren die Musiksender MTV und Viva in den 90ern große Nummern. Es entstand in jenen Jahren eine beachtliche Videokunst mit vielen einflussreichen Clips und Sendungen. Aber irgendwann gabs auch viel Schrott. Wir erinnern uns an ein paar wirklich coole Musikvideos u.a. von The Prodigy, den Smashing Pumpkins und Marylin Manson. Und wir la…
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Punk Up The Airwaves Episode 119
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1:00:00119 Fruit Boots-The Dwarves Leaders of men- Joy Division Tacoland-Dead Milkmen Zambot 3 - The Sheckies Surf punks-Citric Dirty boots-Sonic Youth Super STuff-The Swingin’ Neckbreakers Darla-Lucky 33 Second Class Citizen-Lone Creep Adios Mother fucker-Canker Blossom Alcohol-Kill Allen Wrench Endless party-DirtyFences Only Shallow-My Bloody Valentine …
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Episode 50: High Vis (Graham Sayle)
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1:02:34In dieser Episode sprechen wir mit Graham Sayle, dem Sänger der britischen Punkband High Vis. Es geht um ihre aktuelle Platte Guided Tour, die Entstehung der Band und die vielfältigen, musikalischen Einflüsse, sowie die Bedeutung von kleinen Clubshows und großen Festivalauftritten. Der Wasted Fridays Punk Podcast: Zwei Punk Fans - Flo und Timo - fa…
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Punk 77 (punk rock vinyl set 76-80)
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1:00:11мой первый панк винил сет 2019 годамой ТГ: t.me/adversumtvPor Sergey Mukhin
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