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Rabbi Daniel Rowe

Rabbi Daniel Rowe

Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, Kabbala, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis.
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the Torah reading of Vayigash starts mid sentence, following the cliff-hanger anding of last week's Torah reading Miketz. With Binyomin (Benjamin) framed by the Egyptain viceroy Tzafnas Pa'aneach (Yosef/Joseph) thre brothers face the looming catastrophe of the loss of the last reminaing child of Yaakov (Jacob)'s favoured wife Rachel. This week begi…
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In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives. This episode brings out the essence of the ideological clash between the Seleucid oppressors and the Jews of the Chanuka story. It addresses the curious selection of 4 areas of observance that were…
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In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives. Previous episodes showed how Chazal (Rabbis of Talmud and Midrash) locate the deep spiritual roots of the Chanuka story to the divisions within the Jewish nation and family going all the way back t…
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In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives. This episode examines the two aspects of the Jewish people as manifest in the Biblical ancestors Yehuda (Judah) and Yosef (Joseph). The schism in the first family that becomes national division in …
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In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives. In the previous episode we traced the roots of Chanuka (Hanukkah) back to the sale of Yosef (Joseph) in the Torah (Hebrew Bible). Rather than a mate rof simplistic jealousy, we discovered the dange…
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In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives. This episode explores the fraternal tension in the first family of Israel. The Torah (Hebrew Bible) recounts the story of the brothers who sell Joseph. In this video we discover the fear they had t…
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In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives. This first episode discusses the Rabbinic insight that traces the roots of Chanuka right back to the darkness and light of the first day of creation. Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish…
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Vayeshev opens with apparent jealousy and hatred that results in his sons selling their brother Yoseph (Joseph) into slavery. The sidra (weekly Torah reading) follows the twists and turns of Yoseph's saga as he rises up to seniority in the household of an Egyptian official Potiphar, only to be framed and thrown in jail. There too his attempt to hel…
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In this Question and Answer session on areas of Judaism and Jewish thought with Rabbi Daniel Rowe at Aish HaTorah Yeshiva, the following questions are raised and discussed: 00:00 How does prayer fit into our other service of Hashem? Why do we pray? 14:35 Can we feel or experience spirituality? 23:30 How do we motivate ourselves to bring God's light…
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The section of the Torah called 'Toldos' (literally 'offspring' or 'generations') begins the critical process of the creation of the nation Yisrael (Israel). The drama takes place in four acts, the birth of the rival twins Yaakov (Jacob) and Esav (Esau), the displacement of the family and their struggles in the land of Gerar, Rivak (Rebecca) switch…
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What is Moshiach supposed to do? Can we really expect him at any moment? What is meant by the 'World to Come'? is it physical? spiritual? DO people come back as an old person? What if someone was reincarnated? Could they come back as their own granchild? In multiple marriages? And why are these concepts so fundamental to Judaism? Are they even disc…
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00:00 What is the difference between soul mind brain and body? 08:28 Is the 'yetzer hora' (negative inclination) an angel? our body? something else? 13:35 What does the Torah mean when it says 'God came down'? (Prophecy etc) 18:39 Are generations getting spiritually weaker? and how do we compensate? 21:55 Why do we want the Temple? (part 1) (Stages…
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In this Q&A on Jewish Philosophy, Rabbi Rowe is asked about the following topics that cover different schools of thought in Jewish Philosophy Kabbalah, Rationalists and so on: 00:00 Philosophical arguments for Jewish beliefs vs 'Emunah Peshuta', 'straightforward faith' 15:08 What are 'angels'? do they have freewill? 27:56 Why does the Torah not giv…
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Sukkot is described in the Torah (Hebrew Bible) as the 'time of our rejoicing'. Yet its commandments to move out of a house into a temporary structure (Sukka) and the waving of rht 'four species' (lulav, etrog fruit etc) do not at first seem obviously linked to either joy or holiness. Rabbi Rowe explores the Talmudic teachings and shows how Chazal …
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Through the first 3 chapters, Rambam (Maimonidies) analysed the nature of Teshuvah ('repentance') in Jewish philosophy, moving from the 'tikun' undoing damage, to the healing of relationships, to a rediscovery of our place in the world. In the 3rd chapter Rambam introduced the 'book of life' and the way in which our lives are not individuated disti…
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In the 3rd chapter Rambam (Maimonides) offers a third dimension to the nature of Teshuva (repentence), Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, by exploring the notion that life is not merely distinct persons, choices and moments, but also has totalities. People places and the world as a whole can be defined as tzadik (righteous) rasha (anti-righteous) or beno…
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In the continuation of the 2nd chapter Rambam (Maimonides), topics familiar from the first chapter re-emerge in a radically new light. There is a new meaning to repentance, to confession, and to the Day of Yom Kippur (Day of atonement). In place of metaphysical cleansing, there is an unmissable opportunity to reconnect to Hashem as Source of creati…
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00:00 What is the goal of creation? (and different opinions about it) 03:33 Is it fair that only some people are born Jewish (or any other life circumstance that we never chose) ? 15:41 Is it selfish to want a relationship with Hashem for reward? 20:15 Does it matter to God what we do? 23:53 If we can serve God in every situation why do we want ble…
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In the 2nd chapter Rambam (Maimonides) turns away from the metaphysics of atonement and instead focuses on Teshuva as the restoration of relationship with God, with other people and ultimately with ourselves. The masterful brilliance of Maimonides and his careful analysis of the prophetic verses revels some of the most profound psychological and sp…
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A series exploring the Rambam's (Maimonides') Laws of Repentance. These chapters explore the world of repentance, or more literally 'return' to one's true self, and also include discussions of some of the most fundamental principles and themes of Jewish philosophy; freewill, the world to come, reward and punishment and loving Hashem (God). Chapter …
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Speaking at Aish Yeshiva, Rabbi Daniel Rowe discusses the significance of Rosh Hashana, and how one can prepare for the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, but strangely enough it occurs in the middle of the year (in the 7th month). Talmudic commentaries suggest that it does not mirror the day of creation, but the day that 'it ar…
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On every significant date in the Jewish calendar, whether fast day or festival, it is a straightforward matter to know what the emotional state we are trying to achieve. Rosh Hashana is different. There are aspects of judgment, and prayers that refer to it as a heavy and sever day when life and death stands in the balance. On the other hand there a…
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How to relate to and connect to the longest Tefila (prayer service) of the Jewish year. The Talmud in Rosh Hashanah gives an enigmatic overview of the Rosh Hashanah musaf service and the need to add in verses about God's kingship (Malchuyot), human and national Jewish memories (Zichronot) and events involving the Shofar (Shofarot). What is the purp…
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During his weekly Q & A sessions with Aish Yeshiva, Rabbi Daniel Rowe answers a variety of questions on many different Jewish topics. This week he answers questions about the purpose of our existence in the time of Moshiach (the Messiah and the Messianic era), the Authenticity of Zohar, and Jewish Mysticism. This is one of many videos in which Rabb…
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In this first edition of the weekly Q & A sessions at the Aish HaTorah Yeshivah in Jersualem, Rabbi Daniel Rowe answers a variety of questions on many different Jewish topics. 1. What is the Jewish view of evolution? Does it contradict Torah? 2. If we lose freewill in the Messaianic era and lose the ability to gain reward then why should we pray fo…
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The section of the Torah (Hebrew Bible) called 'Chukas' or 'Statute' (Bamidbar/ Book of Numbers19-22:1) opens with the law of he red heifer, the paradigmatic 'Chok' or incomprehensible law about the purification process of one who has come into contact with a corpse. the sprinkling of water mixed with ashes of the red heifer contains a paradoxical …
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The Torah reading (Bamidbar/Numbers 13:1-15:41) focuses on the disasters report of the spies, and the Children of Israel rejecting the land. In this Shiur/lecture we discover that the consequence was not merely the need to wonder the Sinai desert for 40 years, but ultimately lead to wondering, exile and suffering for millenia. Subscribe for more vi…
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The Book of Ruth is one of the best known and best loved of all the Biblical works of the Jewish Bible. This series explores the hidden levels of depth and meaning. The last 2 chapters involve Ruth assuming two persons in one, as she suggests marriage of herself to Boaz. It seems unclear whether this is intended to be for her own good, her own actu…
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The Book of Ruth is one of the best known and best loved of all the Biblical works of the Jewish Bible. This series explores the hidden levels of depth and meaning. The second chapter introduces Boaz, a wealthy landowner in Bethlehem Judea, who later turns out to be the head of the religious court. The Rabbis identify him with the porphet Ivtzan. O…
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In this series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe learns and explains the classic Jewish mystical work, "Nefesh HaChaim" by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, touching on many deep Kabbalistic and philosophical truths in Judaism. This episode explores the power of speech and also the 4 Kabbalistic worlds, or layers of relality, known as 'Atzilut' (Emanation), 'Beriah' (Crea…
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What is the Jewish view of free will? In this video, Rabbi Daniel Rowe concludes a series of episodes reacting to arguments of great thinkers on the question of freewill. Do we have it? What is it? and how does the mind and soul connect to the brain? In this episode he concludes by sharing the Jewish approach to the subject. Subscribe for more disc…
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The Book of Ruth is one of the best known and best loved of all the Biblical works of the Jewish Bible. This series explores the hidden levels of depth and meaning. The first chapter links back to previous episodes of Torah and the Book of Judges, arching all the way back to the traumatic departure of Abraham's nephew Lot to the anti-Abraham town o…
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In this series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe learns and explains the classic Jewish mystical work, "Nefesh HaChaim" by Rav Chaim of Volozhin, touching on many deep Kabbalistic and philosophical truths in Judaism. This episode analyses the 12th chapter that discusses how the world to come is composed entirely of our own actions; we literally live inside the ac…
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Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Daniel Rowe explore some of the depths of the Haggadah. Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern wit to captivate audiences around the world. Social media: Tiktok: / th…
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Journey Through The Haggadah: Episode 4: Journey To The Days Of Mashiach Join Rabbi Rowe as he journeys through the inner meaning of the Pesach/Passover Haggadah in this brand new series! Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep kn…
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Do you have free will? In this video, Rabbi Daniel Rowe discusses the notion that free will is an illusion, popularized by Aperture. Watch the video to see why their argument does not hold water. Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses…
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In this series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe learns and explains the classic Jewish mystical work, "Nefesh HaChaim" by Rav Chaim of Volozhin, touching on many deep Kabbalistic and philosophical truths in Judaism. Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, wh…
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Exploring the Weekly Torah Reading: Tazria - Man And The Skin Of The Serpent Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis. Follow Rabbi Ro…
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Watch Rabbi Rowe's responses to all sorts of interesting Judaism questions at this open Q & A with Rabbi Daniel Rowe Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate aud…
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Watch Rabbi Rowe's responses to all sorts of interesting Judaism questions at this open Q & A with Rabbi Daniel Rowe Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate aud…
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Journey Through The Haggadah: Episode 3 Join Rabbi Rowe as he journeys through the inner meaning of the Pesach/Passover Haggadah in this brand new series! Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and p…
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Do you have free will? In this video, Rabbi Daniel Rowe discusses the notion that free will is an illusion, popularized by Aperture. Watch the video to see why their argument does not hold water. Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses…
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Exploring the Weekly Torah Reading: Shemini Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis. Follow Rabbi Rowe on Social media for regular ne…
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In this series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe learns and explains the classic Jewish mystical work, "Nefesh HaChaim" by Rav Chaim of Volozhin, touching on many deep Kabbalistic and philosophical truths in Judaism. Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, wh…
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Journey Through The Haggadah: Episode 2 - Citizens Of The Future Join Rabbi Rowe as he journeys through the inner meaning of the Pesach/Passover Haggadah in this brand new series! Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge …
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Do you have free will? In this video, Rabbi Daniel Rowe discusses the notion that free will is an illusion, popularized by Aperture. Watch the video to see why their argument does not hold water. Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses…
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Exploring the Weekly Torah Reading: VaYikrah & Tzav - Why Animal Offerings Begin The Centerpiece of Torah Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a…
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Do you have free will? In this video, Rabbi Daniel Rowe discusses the notion that free will is an illusion, popularized by Aperture. Watch the video to see why their argument does not hold water. Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses…
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Watch Rabbi Rowe's responses to all sorts of interesting Judaism questions at this open Q & A with Rabbi Daniel Rowe as part of the NXT program of JFS 6th formers at Aish, on Tues 19th march 2024. ▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Intro - begins taking questions 0:48 - Charlie - 'Jewish view of abortion? Different opinions from different r…
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Journey Through The Haggadah: Episode 1 - The Four Children In Each Of Us Join Rabbi Rowe as he journeys through the inner meaning of the Pesach/Passover Haggadah in this brand new series! Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep k…
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