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Supervision Matters with Rita Sever

Big Blend Radio and Magazines

Supervision Matters is a Big Blend Radio podcast covering Leadership, Supervision, and Human Resources with Rita Sever, a noted author, leadership coach, HR consultant, speaker, and workshop facilitator. New episodes air every 3rd Friday at 12pm PST / 3pm EST.
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Supervision Simplified

Supervision Simplified Podcast

Welcome to Supervision Simplified, the ultimate podcast for mental health clinical supervisors. Join us as we delve into the world of supervision, sharing insightful strategies, captivating stories, and thought-provoking conversations with clinicians seeking, providing, and supporting supervision. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to educate and elevate counselors, social workers, and psychologists, empowering them to serve their communities at the highest level of fidelity and service. Th ...
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Spielkinder unter Supervision

Spielkinder unter Supervision

Herzlich Willkommen bei den Spielkindern! Wie der Name schon nicht sagt, sind wir ein kostenloser Podcast über Filme, Serien und Videogames. Mit einer etwas frecheren Zunge machen wir Reviews zu aktuellen Kinofilmen, zerlegen und interpretieren altbekannte Werke und quatschen über Themen aus dem Gamingbereich. Interessiert dich alles nicht? Dann freut es dich vielleicht, dass wir darauf scheißen, dass das Internet offensichtlich ein fotographisches Gedächtnis hat und bei jedem Cast zu Beginn ...
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Three Associating is a podcast that offers the listener a peek behind the closed doors of therapists working within a relational psychoanalytic model. Join Rachael and Andrew as they explore with their supervisor Gill how their own hidden feelings and motivations influence the therapeutic process and affect their patients. In each episode, a relational dilemma arising in the context of work with a fictitious patient is explored. While reasons of confidentiality and privacy mean that none of ...
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Zero Supervision Comics

Zero Supervision

Welcome to Zero Supervision Comics! Every week we discuss new releases and dive into the history of the characters so that whether you are a long time reader or just buying your first issue you can understand exactly what's going on. We post new episodes every Wednesday.
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Supervision Time

The PodTalk Network

Counseling can be a balancing act. On this podcast, part of the PodTalk Network, the hosts Gina Martin and Dr. Gideon Litherland will be interviewing current counseling supervisors to have conversations about supervision and the many facets that go into facilitating a supervisory relationship. If you are looking for more perspectives on how to handle those challenging conversations in counseling supervision, or if you are a student learning how to approach a supervisor, this podcast will app ...
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Beer Supervision

Aaron Rajamani and Jesse Richardson

Learn about the joys of working in Mental Health over a Cold Brew. Join an Early Career Psychologist and Social Worker as they take an honest look at what it's like to work in the Mental Health field, interview expert guests, and review some local beers. Welcome to your first sesh. Questions, Thoughts, and Enquiries:
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Engaging in reflective practice helps us to understand our thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions in any given situation. It is in this ongoing reflection that we gain insight, self-awareness, and the ability to shift perspective. When we engage in reflective supervision in our work, we have the opportunity to have someone hold space for us to deconstruct an experience/situation so that we can understand ourselves and others more clearly. As professionals who engage in relationship-based ...
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These podcasts series will deliver to you the main ideas discussed in the book Regulation and Supervision of the OTC Derivatives Market written by Dr. Ligia Catherine Arias-Barrera, published by Routledge in 2018, and ranked third within the best new banking law books to read in 2018 and 2019 by BookAuthority. In 2024 this podcast explores the key discussions of the book The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance by Dr. Ligia Catherine Arias-Barrera. (Routledge, 2024)
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show series
In this episode, Andrew struggles with the power of splitting and projection as they close down thought, generate anger, and diminish compassion. He gets caught in these dynamics and struggles with his own reactivity as anger and defensive intellectualisation masquerading as thinking emerge in the therapy space. Through supervision, Andrew realises…
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In this eye-opening episode of Supervision Simplified, Dr. Amy Parks welcomes Skye Clark to share her shocking and deeply personal experience with an unethical supervisor. From blurred boundaries to outright manipulation, Skye takes us through the harrowing journey of navigating supervision during the pandemic, uncovering deception, and ultimately …
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Kennt ihr Bolt? Den Disneyfilm von 2009? Überflüssig oder unter dem Radar? Wir haben uns dem Ganzen mal angenommen und es für euch herausgefunden. Benni und Katrin labern in gewohnt ungezwungener Manier (und mit einigen schwarzen Humor - Achtung Triggerwarnung) über den 16 Jahre alten Streifen und wie sie ihn sich heutzutage zu Gemüte führen. Außer…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's SUPERVISION MATTERS Podcast with Rita Sever focuses on Communication for Supervisors and Individuals. Learn essential skills such as I Statements and Active Listening; Tips on Word Choice and Positive Framing; and Traps like Assumptions, Gossip, and Ignoring Problems. Rita Sever is the author of “SUPERVISION MATTER…
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Heather and I are talking about how we use To-Do Lists Constantly thinking about to dos is stressful Same stress thinking about to do as doing them Shift to done lists, plan to complete Heather and I would want to hear about how you manage your to do list, making the most effective.…
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In this episode of Supervision Simplified, Dr. Amy Parks and Valarie Harris dive into the essential topic of capacity building for supervisors and clinicians. They explore the challenges of maintaining emotional resilience, discipline, and adaptability in a field that demands constant support and leadership. Valarie shares her personal experiences …
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In this episode, Rachael works with a young woman who is desperate to find the right man and equally desperate to find a failsafe way to make a good choice. A prolific consumer of social media, she scours all the information about red flags that are meant to help someone spot a narcissist (e.g. lovebombing, gaslighting, self-centredness). She appea…
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Heather and I are talking about complainers People are complainers This is not endearing Complaints can guide positive change Heather and I would want to hear about a complaint that you turned into magic, and you love the outcome.…
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Heather and I are talking about titles Sometimes have been given to us Titles can minimize our work New titles fit corporate or cultural changes We can change this Heather and I would want to hear what you and the people work with call yourselves.…
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Navigating difficult conversations is a critical skill for supervisors and supervisees alike. In this episode of Supervision Simplified, Dr. Amy Parks and Valarie Harris dive into the complexities of addressing uncomfortable topics within the supervisory relationship. From offering constructive feedback to supervisees, to building trust so supervis…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's SUPERVISION MATTERS Podcast with Rita Sever focuses on how supervision is about setting up your team for success. Rita explains how to follow SCOPE: S - Set Up for Success C - Communicate O - Oversee P - Partnership E - Expectations Rita Sever is the author of “SUPERVISION MATTERS: 100 Bite-sized Ideas to Transform…
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Sponsored by CLINICAL SUPERVISION DIRECTORY, @clinical_supervision_directory; In this episode of Supervision Simplified, Dr. Amy Parks and Valarie Harris explore how family systems theory—like triangles, differentiation, and projection—applies to clinical supervision. From “checking the triangle” to staying curi…
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Sponsored by CLINICAL SUPERVISION DIRECTORY, @clinical_supervision_directory; Happy New Year from everyone on the Supervision Simplified team! We are kicking off 2025 with a powerful conversation about capacity, mentorship, and leadership in clinical supervision! Our co-hosts, Dr. Amy Parks and Valarie Harris di…
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Heather and I are talking about beginnings and endings. Set the tone Lasting impression Beginnings and endings shape the future Heather and I would love to hear about some of your favorite beginnings and endings.…
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Ihr habt so richtig Lust auf Weihnachten und steht schon Anfang November in Ugly Christmas Sweater und blinkenden Rudolfpantoffeln im Wohnzimmer und dekoriert voller Vorfreude den Weihnachtsbaum oder ihr seid am anderen Spektrum der Weihnachtsfreude und liegt lieber mit tiefen Ringen um die Augen einsam auf der Couch vor Fernseher, schaut Strib lan…
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In this episode, Rachael is conflicted about performance artist Petra's wish for Rachael to watch a video of Petra engaging in human suspension. Rachael has an immediate countertransference feeling that she doesn’t want to be “implicated". Rachael does not understand this feeling as she is aware of the mastery involved in this activity and also Pet…
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This inaugural episode of Big Blend Radio's SUPERVISION MATTERS Podcast with Rita Sever focuses on how HR professionals can work with employees to reflect on 2024, and get prepared for a successful 2025. Rita Sever is a regular expert guest on Big Blend Radio. She is the author of “SUPERVISION MATTERS: 100 Bite-sized Ideas to Transform You and Your…
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Während des Podcastens hat sich ein neues Format ergeben. In 10 von 10 präsentiert einer von uns einen Film, der zu seinen/ihren persönlichen Lieblingen gehört. Naja und dann widmen wir uns diesem Werk. Das hat uns sofort bei Starship Troopers in kontroverse aber konstruktive Diskussionen geführt, mit denen wir viel Spaß wünschen. Den Taco könnt ih…
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Heather and I are talking about trusting yourself. Trust yourself before others will trust you Sincerity, reliability, competence You can grow trust in yourself Heather and I would love to hear about some of ways you help your supervisees learn to trust themselves.…
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In this session, Andrew is confused by why Amber, an anorexic adolescent woman, is so silent in session when she chats easily with other team members. Andrew is sidetracked both by his anxiety about his position in the team and his anxiety that he is getting it wrong. In supervision, Andrew comes to understand that his different treatment by Amber …
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Sponsored by CLINICAL SUPERVISION DIRECTORY, @clinical_supervision_directory; In this episode of Supervision Simplified, Dr. Amy Parks and Valarie Harris tackle some of the most complex and controversial topics in the mental health field, including the intersection of therapy, politics, and ethics. They explore …
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In this episode, Andrew finds himself conflicted. His talented young patient reflects a contemporary set of values and ideas that Andrew wishes to honour, but he has a nagging sense that Jaxx is running ahead of himself. He is caught between admiring Jaxx’s resilience and wondering about the cost. But Andrew is not sure if his worry reflects a more…
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In this episode of Supervision Simplified, Dr. Amy Parks and Valarie Harris explore the challenges and opportunities social media presents for clinicians and supervisors. They discuss the importance of intentionality in online spaces, from managing personal branding to navigating ethical dilemmas in media engagement. The conversation highlights the…
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Kurz in eigener Sache. Da wir nicht die gewünschten Podcastzahlen erreicht haben, versuchen wir es jetzt auf andere Weise. Wir haben uns von der Disney Serie Agatha inspirieren lassen, die wir nach einem Thementalk in einem spoilerfreien und spoilerhaften Teil in unserer neuesten Episode besprechen. Wir hoffen so mehr Zuhörer beschwören zu können. …
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In this episode, Dr. Amy Parks and Valarie Harris dive deep into the concept of capacity - what it means, how it expands and contracts, and why it's a critical skill for clinicians navigating personal and professional challenges. Valarie shares her transformative year filled with personal upheaval, professional growth, and unexpected lessons in res…
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Ja, ich bin bekennende Geschichtenliebhaberin. Und wenn es dann noch eine so fantastische ist, wie die vom Autor und Regisseur Jan Theurich umso besser. Wenn es die dann noch umsonst und auf die Ohren gibt, mit so bezaubernden Stimmen wie der von Sonja Ströl, geraten Spielkinder ins Schwärmen. Und so ist es nicht wunderlich, wie dieser Podcast zust…
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In this episode of ‘Supervision Simplified’, Dr. Parks & Valarie Harris dive into the unique supervision needs of graduate-level interns compared to pre-licensed clinicians. They share insights on managing foundational skills, regulation, and building confidence while addressing the pitfalls of imposter syndrome. We discuss hands-on techniques, lik…
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In this episode of ‘Supervision Simplified’, we are thrilled to welcome Debi Frankle onto the podcast to discuss her unique and proactive approach to clinical supervision. Debi brings her vast experience in grief counseling and a passion for guiding supervisees through the unique challenges of this essential work. We explore topics like integrating…
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Heather and I are talking about the impact of artificial intelligence on counseling. We lose the beauty of human imperfection Inconvenience allows space for creativity Imperfections and creativity keep us engaged Heather and I would love to hear about what keeps you feeling creative and engaged.…
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In this episode, Rachael⁠ revisits the complex feelings that child sexual abuse evoke in both patient and therapist. Rachael discovers that her wish for magic powers has not disappeared and has reappeared in a different form. Beyond this, Rachael contacts both the magic and the terror of the therapeutic journey itself and the loneliness this someti…
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Wir hatten Lust auf ein bisschen Kindergrusel in der Oktoberzeit und haben uns tatsächlich erstmalig Disneys Hexenkomödie geben. Neben einer ersten Meinung und einer ausführlichen Besprechung darf natürlich auch nicht unser Thementalk fehlen. Diesmal sprechen wir über unsere Top 3 Erfindungen der Menschheitsgeschichte. Vielleicht hätten wir da insg…
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In this episode of ‘Supervision Simplified’, Dr. Amy Parks sits down with licensed clinical social worker Doan Pham from Houston, Texas, to discuss the transition from clinician to clinical supervisor. Together, they explore the practical steps for getting started with supervision, from building a professional network to navigating legal and ethica…
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In this episode of Supervision Simplified, Dr. Amy Parks and Valarie Harris reflect on their transformative experience at the Masters Conference in Oxford, England. The duo shares insights from learning under world-renowned trauma experts like Dr. Gabor Maté, Dan Siegel, and Janina Fisher, while exploring the profound impact of being physically pre…
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Hat jemand dreimal Spielkinder unter Supervision gesagt? Nein, wir sind trotzdem zurück und genauso wenig tot kriegen wie die beiden Hauptdarsteller:innen aus Tim Burtons Film. Moment? Egal! Entweder um euch auf den Oktober oder um euch auf den zweiten Teil vorzubereiten, haben wir Tim Burtons Geisterfilm ausgegraben und bequatschen ihn gemütlich i…
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In this episode of ‘Supervision Simplified’, we are talking about all things CSD - The Clinical Supervision Directory! With its core mission to connect supervision seekers with competent supervisors, the CSD is an invaluable resource for everyone looking to connect in our industry. You’ll hear Dr. Amy Park's motivation for creating the CSD, having …
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Heather and I are talking about feeling like we are running out of time. What is your mindset about time? Time is valuable Learn to be in the moment Heather and I would love to hear about ways that you prioritize your time.…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's SUCCESS EXPRESS Business & Career Show features author, professional coach, and organizational trainer Rita Sever who discusses the good, the bad, and the possible when it comes to human resources. Topics of discussion include: - What does a good HR department cover? - What are some traits of a good HR person? - Wh…
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In this week’s episode of ‘Supervision Simplified’, we explore the supervision tactics and approaches to succeed with colleagues at any level of their professional development. From interns to more experienced clinicians, we break down the clear goals, expectations and best practices for supervisory success - no matter what career stage your superv…
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Heather and I are talking about hybrid work and the balance between engagement and productivity. Everyone can shape their experience Greater retention and satisfaction We need to overcome bias against hybrid work Heather and I would love to hear about adjustments you have made for hybrid work.…
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