The official podcast devoted to chronicling the life and work of American Composer Frank Zappa.
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Music and drinks with Ahmet Zappa and friends
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Podcast by Everything Zappa Podcast
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We take a look - and listen - into all of Frank’s 62 albums that he recorded during his lifetime. Every track, every album with commentary and context from Jeff Allen and guests.
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Music discovery podcast and blog from composer/performer Ben Sommer. Interviews with musicians and artists who's music "sounds like" Frank Zappa - the incomparable composer and guitarist.
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All things health and wellness. We will talk about physical, mental, and even financial health.
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Musiker og musikjournalist Per Wium holder musikforedrag om Frank Zappas musik – et foredrag, der nu kan opleves og lyttes til som podcast. I løbet af to episoder går Wium tæt på Zappas fantastiske univers - ideerne, kompositionerne, arrangementerne og de skæve taktarter i hans musik. Kom helt ind under huden på Zappa i de radiofoniske versioner af Per Wiums Musikforedrag. Podcasten er produceret af Anette Hallstrøm fra Hallkom. Tak til Amanda Wium Hallstrøm for produktion af speaks. Per Wiu ...
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