Two A-D-D Asian combination. A Malaysian-born Chinese American, Ding, and a local Malaysian, Ling will guarantee a good fat dose of laughing therapy. Laughing with us regardless of our topic of choice.
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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!
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Ongline #506 Remembering Archerr
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1:39:30It’s been our tradition to do a show together on our new iPhones, and this year, we are missing Archerr from Archerr Radio 😔. Ricky and I talked about our iPhone 16 Pros and remembering our podcasting friend, Paul aka Archerr. Duration: 1:39:30 | 143.3 MB | Stereo |…
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我们将深入探讨人们对于科技中的苹果产品的狂热热爱以及与之相关的种种故事。从经典的iPod到引领潮流的iPhone,再到多功能的iPad,这些苹果产品已经渗透到我们的生活中,成为我们日常不可或缺的一部分。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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我们都知道美国崇尚人权自由,但叮在那里生活有没有遇到过什么困难呢?有没有试过被歧视呢? :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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铃很好奇,为什么叮要留在美国?到底美国的生活有什么特别?让我们来聊一聊在美国生活的日常。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::
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乘搭飞机,如果能坐到商务舱,那是多么享受的一件事。叮和铃来谈谈坐商务舱的体验和为什么会坐到上瘾。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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Ongline #505 Singing to Sheila Majid
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1:02:50Sharing a few highlights of my recent trip back to Malaysia. Meeting my idol, Sheila Majid and sang her song to her! Link to YouTube: Singing Antara Ayer dan Jakarta to Sheila View this post on Instagram A post shared by John Ong ( View this post on Instagram A post shared by John Ong ( Duration: 1:0…
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Having Sheila Majid in our Clubhouse room. Visiting my family in Nashville. Being a godfather to Arthur. New equipment! Learning from my 5-year-old self in a chiffon dress! Clubhouse Room: Everything Sheila Majid 🎶 1st Anniversary 🎈 Special 🎉 Old episode mentioned in this podcast: Ongline #373 Gay Little Boy Click here to view my 5-year-old self in…
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My friend Andrew shared the story of how he reunited with his cat, Mac, from across the country. The old episode of Ongline #183 Meeting Andrew where I met Andrew in person for the first time. Duration: 58:38 | 112.6 MB | Stereo | Please checkout the photos of Mac a…
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Shared the experience 48 hours after my second COVID19 vaccination shot. Lots of firsts since the start of the pandemic this past week. Why I'm changing my language. Duration: 21:55 | 42.1 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen on iPh…
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Got my first COVID-19 vaccination shot. New monitor headphones by Beyerdynamic. Duration: 34:13 | 65.7 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Get in touch with me: @JohnOng (👋 Clubhouse) …
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Sharing my experience of being an east Asian man in America over the past year or so. Understanding what gaslighting means and why we shouldn't be quiet our experience now. Duration: 42:03 | 80.7 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen…
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Ongline #499 A Pandemic & Two Major Surgeries
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25:13It's been a minute since I I last posted here. I'm back to share with you what my year 2020 was like. Spoiler alert! NOT GOOD! Duration: 25:13 | 48.4 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 Get in touch with me: @JohnOng (👋 Clubhouse) …
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哪一家酒店让你毕生难忘?有没有住过一些让你觉得很高兴很爽,又有哪些酒店让你觉得糟透的酒店呢? :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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正常人或多或少都会有妒忌心,叮和铃有没有妒忌些什么?他们曾经因为妒忌而做了什么不为人知的事? :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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在学生时期的叮和铃是个怎样的学生呢?他们是不是个好学生?他们曾经做过最坏的事情是什么?铃将分享他怎样缺席上课又不被开除还有作弊的经验哦! :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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现在许多人已经有了新的购物渠道 -- 网购。你习惯在网上购物吗?来,听听叮和铃的网购经验吧! :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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你喜欢直销的行业吗?我不喜欢因为觉得很烦。让我们来聊聊最让人厌烦的原因和我们有趣的经验。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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现在人人都闻冠色变,世界各地都有新冠肺炎的足迹。马来西亚和美国也实施了行动管制令,让我们来谈谈这次的经验。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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这几年来兴起了网红朝,从以前的部落客到现在的facebooker,youtuber到tiktoker,让我们来讨论网红圈子里的点点滴滴。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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每年的初九福建人都会拜天公,让我们来看看拜天公有什么难忘和好笑的回忆。 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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去年一阵奶茶风吹起,奶茶店如雨后春笋般不断出现,吉隆坡更是出现了奶茶城。这集就让我们来谈谈这些奶茶到底有什么特别? :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad ::Por 叮 与 的铃
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 46:53 | 71.8 MB | Stereo | Being a caregiver for my dad last year, when he was admitted to the hospital unexpectedly. Twitter @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong Snapchat: 👻JohnOngSnap👻…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 13:09 | 18.8 MB | Stereo | Preparing for my trip to Malaysia. Follow me on Snapchat and get all the latest updates from my trip. Twitter @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong Snapchat: 👻JohnOngSnap👻 Beme: Joh…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 35:32 | 54.9MB | Stereo | My weird quirks in selecting products in a store. Meeting Brad & George. Twitter @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong Snapchat: JohnOngSnap Beme: JohnOng…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 28:39 | 44.1 MB | Stereo | Surprise! Back to your ear holes. As promised on my Snapchat, here's my story about my Friday the 13th experience last week. Of course, a few other tangents along the way. T…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 33:37 | 52.4 MB | Stereo | Catching up! What's been keeping me busy. The release of my Penang Hokkien Podcast t-shirts. Chai's medical adventures. We are launching our first Penang Hokkien Podcast t-s…
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Ongline Video #64 Performing in Holiday Inn
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12:13Taking our craziness and put it into a show and performed at the luxurious Holiday Inn!
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Having fun with the girls in Columbia, Missouri despite the cold weather.
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Ongline Video #62 Miss Universe Says F*CK YOU
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15:49The road trip continues. We discussed the Miss Universe 2015 drama. We bed-smashed in our hotel!
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Ongline Video #61 Condensed Happy Juice
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10:07Taking a short road trip to Columbia, Missouri with a couple of friends. This is the condensed down version of our conversations we had in the car.
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Ongline #493 The Story of My Facial Hair
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31:37Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 31:37 | 48.5 MB | Stereo | Obsessed with Justin Bieber's new album. Re-loving the four seasons. Maybe I will hate winter less this year. My facial hair story. Discovering Tous Les Jours. Twitter: @Joh…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 29:45 | 45.5 MB | Stereo | Christmas decorations. Burning out. I shouldn't complain that much after hearing what a few other podcasters are going through in life. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.On…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 29:59 | 42.8 MB | Stereo | My crazily busy and fun life and weekend. Find out what annoys me when I'm busy. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 34:10 | 49.1 MB | Stereo | Sharing the power of coming out. Full explanation on how I hurt my upper lip this weekend. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 55:42 | 79.5 MB | Stereo | Ricky from the Foul Monkeys Podcast came back this week to talk about our new iPhone 6s Plus. Our purchasing experience and all the new features on this phone. Twitter: @Joh…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 52:08 | 76.3 MB | Stereo | Ricky from the Foul Monkeys Podcast and I talk about Apple Watch and the new and improved watchOS 2. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 31:37 | 47.1MB | Stereo | Visited Palm Springs. Sent my parents off in LA. Moved our TV room upstairs. New sofa for our living room. Follow me on Beme! Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 22:14 | 34.6MB | Stereo | Inspired by a fellow podcaster, RichPav from HerroFlomJapan. Rich inspired me 10 years ago to do get a pair of binaural microphones. Today, he inspired me again to do another…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 37:22 | 55MB | Stereo | Have Pride48 withdrawal, so I decided to get on the feed right after the closing show. My brother's wedding. Quick business trip to San Francisco. Starting a Personal Journal P…
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Ongline #484 Seventeen Short Years (UPDATED)
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34:04Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 34:04 | 51.7MB | Stereo | UPDATED: The level of the first audio was extremely low. I have updated it. Sorry about that. Thanks Scott for pointing it out. Korean lunch with work friends. Preparing for …
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 41:06 | 60.5MB | Stereo | I am enjoying my parents' visit. Discuss what a personal journal really is. The shame and the pride of personal journal. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 37:03 | 53.2MB | Stereo | My Apple Watch. How much do you care about what others think of you? Being Asian. May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 33:39 | 48.7MB | Stereo | Would you reach out for help when you need it? Kelli's GoFundMe page. Collecting and archiving my photos and videos. Good job Brenda Boo. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.O…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 33:17 | 49.8MB | Stereo | Stressful work week. Birthday. Parents' visit. Visiting China. Apple Watch. Follow me on Periscope. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 15:41 | 23.6MB | Stereo | Quick update of what you've missed since I last put out a show. I have a few topics to talk about, but I was kicked off air by farts! Find out exactly what I'm talking about.…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 58:34 | 87.5MB | Stereo | Reading listeners' comments about last week's show. Why my trip to Asia was very rewarding to me. Everything mundane is special to me when I visit Penang. Twitter: @JohnOng I…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 39:09 | 55.2MB | Stereo | Talking about Nick Thomas's latest podcast about his suicide plan. Not the typical lighthearted episode, but very important. I need your help figuring stuff out about mental …
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 43:12 | 62.2MB | Stereo | Telling you about my trip. This week's theme is "Reunion". Reuniting with my parents, a friend I've never met, and my primary school friends. More to come. Twitter: @JohnOng …
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 28:41 | 41.7MB | Stereo | A quick recap and summary of my trip. What this trip meant to me. Check out the rest of my traveling pictures here in this album Flying back to Asia 2014-2015 Twitter: @JohnO…
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Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 [audio:] :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Duration: 34:03 | 51.9MB | Stereo | Find out why I haven't been posting a show for the last month, other than my laziness. Talking about doing a show for 10 years. Twitter: @JohnOng Instagram: @John.Ong…
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