Talks, interviews, and other audio reflecting my past and current spiritual adventures as a Christ follower
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A radio interview deals with the influence of my personal spiritual journey on the professional journey that has brought me back into higher education for the third time as Director of Northwest University's Center for Leadership Studies.Por Earl Creps
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Based on the 5 dream sequences in Matthew 2, this talk describes the role and function of dreaming in the Bible and asks, "what is your dream?"Por Earl Creps
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This talk lays out the biblical lifestyle of gratitude and offers guidance on owning this super power in our lives.Por Earl Creps
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In the aftermath of the 2016 election this talk asks what the election says about us as a nation and how we navigate our new political terrain form a biblical perspective.Por Earl Creps
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This talk explores the way the small story of our lives (trailer) can lead people to the large story of the Gospel (the movie).Por Earl Creps
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Everybody wants love, but no one seems to know exactly what it is. Drawn from 1 John, this talk presents a biblical definition of love and delves into why that matters.Por Earl Creps
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Based on the Tower of Babel story in Genesis, this talk challenges us to consider what we are building and why.Por Earl Creps
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Drawn from Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan, this talk focuses on the way faith can grow out of questions and then be made practical in love.Por Earl Creps
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Jesus' parable of the wedding feast teaches humility, not as a personality or an attitude, but as a radical choice.Por Earl Creps
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Drawn from Jesus' teaching on judgment, this talk suggests a new "algorithm" for knowing how and when judgment is called for.Por Earl Creps
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Drawing from 1 John 1, this talk deals with the crucial role of confession as the immune system of spiritual life, keeping us healthy and protecting us from threats.Por Earl Creps
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In the wake of the Orlando shootings we have to ask how people of faith should react. How do we become peacemakers and receive the blessing Jesus promised?Por Earl Creps
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Is Jesus Better than Working at Facebook?
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26:57If huge tech companies offer us a dream lifestyle, does faith in Jesus add any value? If so what it is?Por Earl Creps
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Based on Jesus' teaching, this talk encourages both single and married people to consider the relationship as it was "in the beginning" when God created it.Por Earl Creps
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Drawn from Jesus description of John the Baptist, this talk emphasizes the power of receiving and affirming God's purposes for our lives.Por Earl Creps
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When believers come together in worship, the presence of Godmakes every aspect of our lives a candidate for change.Por Earl Creps
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This talk is drawn from Colossians 3 and deals with how to make Jesus at home in our hearts.Por Earl Creps
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Drawn from Peter's teaching on being the people of God in hard times, the talk describes our first job as not making things worse! Without that, our other efforts mean little.Por Earl Creps
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This talk is based on Jesus' gathering the 12 around the broken bread and the cup at the Last Supper signifying the new community his sacrifice would create, and offering a seat at the table to anyone who will respond, a place that gives meaning to all the other tables at which we sit.Por Earl Creps
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As the disciples argue over who is the greatest, Jesus teaches a life-changing lesson on servanthood by washing their feet--24 feet. Hours before his crucifixion he establishes his identity, his Lordship and his compassion--with a towel and a basin, the same assets he offers us.Por Earl Creps
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Downtown Jesus, Pt. 2 - A Whip for the Temple
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36:52The "Downtown Jesus" series asks "what does Jesus bring to cities?" One of his contributions is the power to confront systemic unrighteousness and injustice as he did with of whip of cords in the temple, a responsibility now shared by the Church.Por Earl Creps
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Downtown Jesus, Pt 1 - Tears for the City
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26:10What does Jesus have to say to cities? Is Christian faith even necessary in urban areas? The Downtown Jesus series of talks examines the 4 things Jesus brought to the city of Jerusalem as he was on his way to the cross. The church must bring these elements to the city today. Part one: tears for the city.…
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The 360 Brand: Premiere Sunday at the East Bay Media Center
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29:13This talk is from 360's first Sunday in our new location, the East Bay Media Center, differentiating the congregations brand: what it is and what it is not.Por Earl Creps
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The Journey of Faith, Pt 4 - Destination: A New Journey
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28:50The record of Abraham's walk with God in Genesis offers so many lessons. This talk at Berkeley's 360church describes the journey's destination as the beginning of a new journey.Por Earl Creps
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Drawn from the life of Abraham, this talk deals with the role of testing our lives, why it occurs and how it functions to bring God's plans to fulfillment.Por Earl Creps
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Araham's journey of faith begins with one simple word: "Go". This talk given at Berkeley's 360church draws the distinction between static faith (about holding on) and dynamic faith (about hitting the road with God).Por Earl Creps
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And Then...? Pt 4 - The End of the World
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14:33This final installment in our "And Then...?" series raises the unthinkable question: how does the world end? The rapture of the church and the return of Christ are our "blessed hope." It's not an end, it's a beginning.Por Earl Creps
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What would the universe be if you were God? This second installment of the "And Then?" series deals with the unthinkable: hell. How could it be possible? How could a loving God allow it? What can be done about it?Por Earl Creps
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This talk given at Berkeley's 360church begins a series called "And Then...?" focused on the life-changing effect of valuing eternal things over transient things. Death is one of the first answers to the "And Then...?" question, so live in a way that will make people laugh when they remember you that the funeral.…
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This talk was given at Berkeley's 360church on 9.27.15 as part 4 of our 1 Corinthians series. The teaching addresses the question of how Christians make decisions on issues in culture that are not clear-cut.Por Earl Creps
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Christian Normal, Pt 3 - Relationships
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28:39This talk given at Berkeley's 360church is Part 3 of the "Christian Normal" series and deals with how believers can thrive in times of shocking change and how their relationships can continue to function in a healthy way.Por Earl Creps
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This talk given at Berkeley's 360church deals with the ways in which culture imports a factious, "beefing" spirit into Christian faith communities, and offers steps to the kind of humliity that is our only defense.Por Earl Creps
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Christian Normal-Pt 1-Is Culture Friend or Enemy? Yes.
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30:50This talk given at Berkeley's 360church on September 6, 2015 opens a series on 1 Corinthians that asks how we can contribute to and enjoy culture without being overwhelmed by it.Por Earl Creps
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The 7th Day, Pt 4 - Why Do We Take Offerings?
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34:10This talk given at Berkeley's 360church on August 23, 2015 continues our "7th Day" series by asking why we are so bold as to ask people for their money on Sunday morning.Por Earl Creps
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The 7th Day: Pt 2 - Why Are There Sermons?
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32:54Given at Berkeley's 360church, this talk is part of the "7th Day" series investigating why Christians do what they do on Sunday mornings. Earl asks "why are there sermons?", unpacking the biblical and cultural history of preaching and tracing both upstream to the source.Por Earl Creps
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Complaining. We all do it. But what happens when we complain to God? Moses found out. This talk, given at Berkeley's 360church, unpacks Moses' complaint conversations with the Lord, and recommend we do the same!Por Earl Creps
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Need your life changed? Jesus did that every day with his astounding teachings. This talk, given at Berkeley's 360church, portrays how He did it then, and how He still does the same today.Por Earl Creps
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This talk, given at Berkeley's 360church, takes on an issue we here little about: exorcism. Jesus delivered deomonized people on a regular basis. Deliverance was His "normal," and should be ours.Por Earl Creps
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This talk at Berkeley's 360church is drawn from the gospel of Mark as asks what was Jesus' core message and how does it change everything?Por Earl Creps
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This talk at Berkeley's 360church is from the book of Mark and asks exactly what Jesus calls people to do and the way the world would change if they did it.Por Earl Creps
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This talk given at Berkeley's 360church is drawn from the book of James and compares the power of acceptance with the destructive effects of favoritism in faith communities.Por Earl Creps
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This talk at 360church, given on 4/19/15 is Part 3 of my series on "James: True Religion." The talk contrasts thinking about Wisdom as "konwledge" or "problem-solving" with the power of living it as a Spiritual Discipline.Por Earl Creps
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James - Pt 1 - Am I Counting Joy or Chasing Happiness?
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29:56This talk from James 1 given at 360church contrasts the benefits of "counting" joy with the futility of "chasing" happiness when we face trials.Por Earl Creps
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Easter 2015 - What Do People Say About You When You're Not There?
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24:20Drawn from Luke 24, this talk unpacks Jesus' post-resurrection visit to his frightened and doubting disciples. When He's in the room, everything changes.Por Earl Creps
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Purity, Pt 4 - What You Need Instead of What You Want
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27:41How do we live in the Kingdom of God? This talk eaxmines the trade-off between what we want and what we need as the starting point of that life.Por Earl Creps
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This talk asks how we can cleanse our mental pocesses so they become life-giving and faith-filled.Por Earl Creps
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This talk given at Berkeley's 360church is Part 1 of the "#Purity" series and asks what is a pure heart and how can I get one?Por Earl Creps
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The Lord's Prayer-Pt 3-Prayer Makes Us Stop
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29:39This talk by Dr. Earl Creps at Berkeley's 360church is based on The Lord's Prayer and asks why we should pray? One big reason: it's the only way to get us to stop our crazy lives long enough to connect with God.Por Earl Creps
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This from John 20 talk is Part 1 of the 360church month of Missions. Are we sent or stuck?Por Earl Creps
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This talk provides a survey of the major themes of the Old Testament.Por Earl Creps
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