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Welcome to ”The Head Over Heels Show”! I’m your host Nina Kako, I’m so excited to be alive with YOU right now. This journey has taught me that by manifesting and attracting everything we desire, we can truly love our lives. This belief fuels my passion for inspiring others to live their best lives through a positive mindset and abundant energy. As a certified life coach, happily married to my best friend for over 20yrs, and a proud parent of two wonderful children and the greatest furry baby ...
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In all podcast's we discuss topics about stress management, life & work balance, dealing with the diseases and other life circumstances which upset our balance and the path toward balance. No mater in which part of life - business or private these changes occured, we allways experience them as missing balance in our life. From that point we resolve dissbalance in different ways. In Podcast we reveal good practices how to rebalance ourself and feel peace and harmony again. // V vseh podcastih ...
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show series
Katarina Keček je novinarka več kot 30 let, je tudi tv voditeljica, kolumnistka in pisateljica, pa tudi učiteljica joge. Za njo so težke življenjske izkušnje, smrt otroka, brezdomstvo in tudi diagnoza rak. Je to veliko za eno žensko? Je avtorica knjig Umetnost zavijanja z očmi, ter ravnokar izdane avtobiografije Okupatorjeva hči. Katarina pravi, da…
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Kdo ne pozna Milene? Je poosebljena modrost, toplina in zdrava kmečka pamet. Milena je avtorica številnih knjižnih uspešnic, pogovornih oddaj, bila je radijska voditeljica, komentatorka, kolumnistka, raziskovalka slovenske duše,...Zase pravi, da je njeno nič kaj dolgočasno življenje razdeljeno na dva dela. V prvem, ki je trajalo do 55 leta, je bila…
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Staying optimistic while living in a refugee camp without any hope for freedom was extremely hard but being grateful for being alive and manifesting constantly for a Better life was the only option. Listen to how I escaped one of the worst wars and went on to live my fairy tail life. Book: Mind Magic by Dr. James R Doty Our Links: Free: Nina's 1 we…
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The beautiful Penny Phang Is here today to help you realize your super power, how you can turn your thoughts into things, and create your desired reality. A topic very dear to my heart. For all inquiry go to Our Links: Free: Nina's 1 week of clean eating E-Book Full Body Door Workout System Insta @headoverhe…
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Mojca Debelak je ustanoviteljica energijskega centra MojChi. Mojčina terapevtska pot je drugačna predvsem zato, ker jo odlikuje njena nenavadna natančna intuicija, ki jo je znanstveno preučeval in potrdil celo specialist klinične psihologije na Interni kliniki UKCL Dušan Enova. Mojca znanstveno dokazano vidi človekova čustva, podzavestne vzorce, po…
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Urša je avtorica in gostiteljica podkasta Pot k ravnovesju, ki ga je pričela voditi pred dvema letoma. Je ustanoviteljica Master Change Traininga, programov, ki se celostno ukvarjajo z obvladovanjem stresa, povečanjem notranjega miru, osebno rastjo ter ravnovesjem uma, telesa in duha. Je tudi avtorica novo izdane zbirke Več sebe (knjige, dnevnika i…
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Nina Ivanič je igralka. Od leta 1996 je kot svobodna umetnica igrala v Eksperimentalnem gledališču Glej, ljubljanski Drami, MGL, sodelovala pa tudi s Špas teatrom v Mengšu in pri zunaj-institucionalnih projektih. Nastopala je v več TV nadaljevankah in filmih. Z možem Matjažem imata dva že odrasla sinova, Luko in Miho. Na podkastu se pogovarjava o l…
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Whether it’s your relationship that's in turmoil, financial pressure, lack of health or problems in your job, negative situations arise because of lack of gratitude over a long period of time . If we are not grateful for each thing in our lives we are unintentionally taking things for granted. Taking things for granted is major cause of negativity.…
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THINK BEFORE YOU ACT Make it a daily habit to determine the outcome of every event in your life through your thoughts. Set the Universal forces head of you in everything you do and everywhere you go, by thinking the way you want something to go, in advance. Then you are creating your life intentionally. Today we talked about how to set yourself up …
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Are you looking to spice up your love life. Well the best time to so is Valentines, and the absolute best person to help you get there is SUSAN BRATTON!!! This is Susan's 3rd time on the show. I guess making this a 3 some for us and Susan. We discuss ways to make your sex life fun and exiting. We need you to think outside the BOX. (Pun Intended) an…
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Do you find yourself having to choose between your family and your spouse? Does your family get between your relationship or how you live your life. Well you will have to choose how to react. Are you siding with your family or friends? Or do you side with the one you are currently trying to build a life with? Unless your spouse is being abusive or …
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Wow! Would you look at that, its 2024 already!!! What are you looking to change or add this year? Whatever it is. It all starts with your mind set. If you are able to get that right. Then you can have anything you want. That better body, That happier marriage, That love of your life. Whatever it is. You can have it. Because mind set is everything. …
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Manu Hvala je pevka, avtorica in tekstopiska, ki ima s svojimi navdihujočimi besedili in melodijami edinstven način tkanja glasbe, ki poslušalcu omogoči, da se spusti globlje vase. Celo svoje življenje brezkompromisno sledi svojemu notranjemu glasu, v popolnem zaupanju, ki jo vodi po poti ravnovesja, “med nebom in zemljo”, da lahko živi in ustvarja…
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Rok je raziskovalec sreče, avtor, predavatelj in holistični coach, predvsem pa človek, ki živi v čudovitem svetu in ki zelo rad pomaga. Skozi svetovanje in svoje vsebine pomaga drugim do korenitih sprememb navad in vedenjskih vzorcev, ter zaživeti bolj polno življenje. Tesnobo zelo dobro pozna, saj je prvih 30 let preživel v njej. Pri svojih 30 let…
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Have you been through a lot in your life? Did you grow up from a broken home? Have you been through trauma? Don't let that determine what your life is like now. Change the channel! It is very possible. You see it all the time. 2 people have been through the same trauma, or negative life experiences. 1 is thriving in life and the other is suffering,…
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As Humans We Have 6 Basic Needs. 1. Certainty 2. Uncertainty 3. Significance 4. Connection & Love 5. Growth 6. Contribution We normally relate to 2 of these strongest. As a couple its important to know what your partners 2 are. So you can meet them there. But. The way we see it. Lets try to include all of these needs in your relationships. As they …
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Think about it. We don't keep our Money, Cars & Gucci Purses next to us on our death beds. We want our family. I'm sure you've seen videos out there, show a Tiger, Lion or even an Alligator that was raised by a human from birth. The animals run up to them and lick them or cuddle with them! Those killer animals love them. They will not want to eat t…
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Gregor Breskvar prihaja iz športne družine. Že pri rosnih 4ih letih se je začel ukvarjati s tenisom, ki ga je treniral do svojega 20 leta. Bil je tudi večkratni državni prvak. Pri 16 letih se je tako prvič srečal tudi s športnimi stavami. Vse se je začelo nedolžno in samo za zabavo. Ker pa v vseh stvareh, ki jih počne želi biti najboljši, se je tud…
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Today we have a different show for you!!! Do you feel you are aging a little? Aging in your face??? How about down there??? Both guys and girls??? Well. The founder and CEO of Lumesque Skincar & Creator of Co2Lift Lana Kerr. You may ask what does skin care have to do with relationships. Well... Lana is a fierce advocate for women's health issues, p…
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How about A Threesome Babe? Have you been asked to have a 3some with your spouse, Boyfriend, or Girlfriend? But first we discuss our Canadian thanks giving. What we are thankful for and amazing cooking. Then we tackle a discussion we had a few times with friends and followers. THREESOMES For some reason this conversation came up a few times. We wer…
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Watch this episode on YOUTUBE Today we discus trust and mid set. We answer a few questions that you have about trust and jealousy. We discuss how we handled it at the different stages of our relationship. Trusting your partner fully will help them feel free to be themselves. When you are free to be yourself around someone. Then you enjoy your time …
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CHECK US OUT ON YOUTUBE Sometimes your mindset can lead you to a negative spiral. One that you don't think you can control. Well that same mindset can also send you to a positive spiral! The choice is yours. We discuss how you can change your mindset you can change your life for the better. YOUR THOUGHTS BECOME YOUR REALITY. Try it. Change your tho…
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EVA REMŠKAR je arhitektka in oblikovalka. Po duši ljubiteljica črk, besede, hoje, gozda, knjig in vsega lepega. Je ambasadorka hoje po caminu, saj na podlagi številnih uspešnih romarskih odprav pod Pireneji in Alpami, prehodila juh je kar 13 krat, zaznava mogočne učinke, ki jih prinaša hoja. Njena stalnica so potopisi na socialnih omrežjih, v kater…
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After having a discussion on our TikTok Live with some of our followers regarding jealousy and your reaction to your partner looking at other people, liking someone's pic on socials, or just how they react to others beauty. We thought it would be great episode for those of you struggling with this. Is it jealousy, or just insecurities that you are …
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Todays guests are here to talk about there new Book called SIDE BY SIDE. The secret art of couples aging with wisdom & love. Where the interviewed long term couples. They actually spent a few days with them, to learn how they live and what struggles they had to go through in order to get where they are in their relationship. They discover things li…
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Desa Muck je slovenska pisateljica, otroška pisateljica, igralka, scenaristka,.... Deluje kot svobodna umetnica in piše časopisne kolumne, radijske igre, vendar je najbolj znana po svojem mladinskem leposlovju. Je najbolj popularna slovenska mladinska pisateljica, za zbirko zgodb Anica je leta 2005 prejela Levstiko NAGRADO. KAR 5 LET ZAPORED (od 20…
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Nina & I walk you through our 20th Anniversary in Italy & France. This is also our first podcast that we filmed for YouTube. Make sure to go check it out. We will also add some pics and videos of our trip on that episode. We took our kids with us and had the time of our lives. If you haven't been. Its beautiful. We had a romantic time. We talk abou…
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Karel Gržan je duhovnik, dr. literarnih ved, pisatelj, publicist, režiser, mladinski pisatelj in kmet. V času svojega službovanja v duhovniških vrstah se je ukvarja tudi s problematiko zasvojenosti in na Razborju pod Lisco ustanovil Don Pierinovo komuno za dekleta- prvo in edino tovrstno skupnost v Sloveniji. V njegovem ustvarjalnem opusu je preko …
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Jan Plestenjak je eden naših najbolj zaželjenih, priljubljenih in plodovitih glasbenikov. Na podkastu se ne pogovarjava samo o glasbi, ki je sicer njegova velika ljubezen. Beseda teče o preizkušnjah, ki nas vse doletijo slej ko prej in kako se Jan z njimi sooča in jih doživlja. O smrti, o ljubezni, o temu kje on vidi lepoto in kdaj, o njegovih najv…
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Dr. Tracy (Ph.D,) the author of The is a thought leader, entrepreneur, and women's empowerment expert with over 30 years experience in teaching life transformation. We discuss Narcissism in a relationship. How to handle them, How to identify them, & how to start over. Dr. Tracy has created many programs of empowerment, but her most i…
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Did you get your fathers day present yet? Well give him the gift of Praise. Tell him how he is doing. Assure him. Every once in a while men need that so they don't go crazy thinking they "AIN'T SHIT" Also look at what you are contributing to the household and family and what your partner is contributing. This will help put some light on what you ea…
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Today we answered a few questions from our listeners. My partner and I have been arguing a lot more then usual. How to we fix it? My partner and I have been struggling with intimacy. How can we reignite the spark? Nina & Roger answer those questions with what has worked for them in the past. Normally when a couple argue more then usual. Its not wha…
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Uroš Ferlin raziskuje človeške potenciale in uči hekati čas. Pomaga odkrivati in pokazati zgodbe uspešnih ljudi, ki so uspeli narediti preobrat na bolje v življenju. Raziskuje navade pri obvladovanju časa. Razvil je metodo "Identity circle" za odkrivanje edinstvenosti v poslu. Je ambasador Inštituta za disleksijo, ki je dislektično razmišljanje spr…
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Do you get along with your Mother In-Law? Are you a Mother In-Law? How much do Mother In-Laws & family get involved with your relationship? Lets discuss... Join Nina's 14 Day Bikini Body Challenge Today! Grand Prize: $300 Second Prize: $100 Draw: Full Body Workout System Our Links: Free: Nina's 1 week of clean eating E-Book Full Body Door Workout S…
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Who initiates all the sex in your relationship? Is it you? Is it them? Well ask yourself... What if they stop Initiating? Then what? No Sex?!? Here is a question. Do you know how the initiator feels about always be the one? The one who has to start or ask? Do they think you don't want to, thats why you never initiate? Or If you are the initiator, D…
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Mothers Day is a special day to honor and celebrate the women who make all the people! Mothers brought us into this world and raised us. Its a day to reflect on the sacrifices that our mothers have made for us and express our gratitude for all they do. Just because you become a mom, it doesn't mean you cant be yourself. Or someone you can be proud …
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Are you tired of feeling stuck in your relationships, unsure of how to deepen your connection with your partner or loved ones? Do you find yourself struggling with communication or feeling like you're not being heard? Today we are "Unlocking the Mysteries of Relationships: We share with you insights & strategies on a variety of topics, including ef…
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Are you getting bored with your day to day? Do you want more excitement in your relationships? Roger & Nina talk about fighting the REPETITIOUS BOREDOM! The scary conversations with your partner. The conversations you want to light a fire under both of you, to get up and go. Lets try something new ands exiting. This is something they know to well. …
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I don't know what it is. But seems like every year we get older? Must be some weird time thing. The good new is... You can fight it. You can age gracefully or reverse it by making yourself look and feel better. Over the past 10 years, Nina and Roger double down on eating well and exercising regularly. We've noticed a huge difference in the way we l…
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If someone walks up to you and says "I want your partner" How would you react? What would you say? A women a lounge came up to Roger and said "Are you with that blond women? Cause my friends really want you" After Roger said "Yes that's my wife" then after she heard we've been together for 26 years. She had to go up to Nina and ask her how?!? Then …
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Jaša je nekdanja osebna trenerka, ki je skozi opazovanje človeških teles in gibanja človeških teles spoznala, da jo bolj kot pravilno izveden gib zanima občutek, ki človeka giba. Njeno spoznavanje človeka jo je vodilo vedno globje v telo, na celično raven, kjer je vse energija. Glavni duhovni preboj je doživela pri 27 letih kot posledico psihofizič…
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Gost tokratnega podkasta je Žiga Valetič, pisatelj, prevajalec, scenarist in oblikovalec ter moj bratranec. Med letoma 1998 in 2006 je prevedel več knjig mistične poezije, pozneje pa napisal nekaj knjig s tematiko samomora. Leta 2013 je bil z romanom Optimisti v nebesih nominiran za nagrado Mladinske knjige Modra ptica. Je soavtor nekaj dokumentarn…
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With the world being crazy as it is. Are we supposed to shelter our kids? With all the violence in this world. Its hard not to be scared of what could possibly happen to our kids out there! What else can we do? We want them to learn a little street smarts. We want them to have experiences and gain a little independence. But at what cost??? After le…
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Today we started by raising awareness to Steak & BJ Day for our men who do well on Valentines Day! Please help THE CAUSE and tell a friend. Then we discuss a post Nina came across by @Jameszmurphy talking about lessons they've learned in their marriage over the years while growing a successful business together. We noticed that all of these points …
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Have you ever been targeted and stolen from? Makes you feel violated, victimized, week, angry, sad, and insulted. Your story builds up in your head. "why did this happen to me, whos fault is it, what could I have done differently, I'm A loser, I'm an idiot for letting that happen, your an idiot for letting this happen" You place blame. You take out…
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Gostja tokratnega podkasta je izjemno strastna, srčna in prodorna oseba, zelo uspešna podjetnica, ki dobesedno živi to kar govori in dela. Danes, zelo zadovoljna, vodi in je lastnica treh izbranih podjetij, s katerimi je v Sloveniji in vedno bolj tudi na Hrvaškem vidno prisotna na področju naravne kozmetike, narejene po najvišjih eko standardih. Na…
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As we come to a close on Love Month. Nina and I found ourselves with an empty house for the entire day & a good chunk of the evening. What to do??? Well we managed to get caught up on our intimacy... Well a few times. Knowing that we will not have anyone come to the house and kids were out. Nina and Roger definitely dressed to impress. With many ch…
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From Valentines Tattoos to the silent treatment. Our mood swings and emotions are contently changing. We go from being loving to resentment and blame, From happy to mad. But we cant forget to STOP get out of your head a be present with the ones you love. The ones who are still here sharing your world with you. Show happiness, love, stop and be pres…
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Need Valentines Day Ideas. Today we discuss our Ideas and plans. We also get the help of of founder of Party Host Helpers Renee Rhinehart to give us some unique ideas for your special Valentines. We hope that if you listen to our podcast on a regular. You already do valentines day type things throughout the year. Things like, date night, random Dre…
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