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After surviving an attempted cult sacrifice, Jason Fenix finds himself entangled in the affairs of a secret, government organization that is responsible for handling paranormal, esoteric and occult activity. Unable to recall the past eight months, Jason must work together with Special Agents Elijah Long and Alexandria Watts, in order to solve the mystery behind his missing memories.
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Podcast Sobre Vampiro: A Mascara e mundo das trevas
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Podcast de Rodrigo Varandas com Rafael Nascimento, antigos colegas do curso História da UFJF. Falando de filmes, séries, jogos, animes, livros e Japão quando dá pra gravar. [email protected]
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Würden wir nicht automatisch mehr Sport machen, wenn die Fernbedienungen oder die Handys wesentlich schwerer wären? Wenn das letzte Wort eines Satzes eine Abkürzung ist, stehen dann dort zwei Punkte nebeneinander? Schont man seine Matratze, wenn man nur einen leichten Schlaf hat? Wenn Kühe Scheuermilch gäben, könnten sie dann nicht ihren Stall selb…
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The trio’s down to one. Allie Watts is trapped in another universe with one goal: find Elijah and Jason. With the help of some strangely familiar allies, will she be able to find and save them before it’s too late? EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Joseph P. Farley WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong and Ausdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga, J…
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Season 3 premieres February 4th, 2025! STARRING IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE: Erin Nicole Lundquist Rita Amparita Chelsea Krause Griffin Puatu Noah Belachew Jamie-Lyn Markos Corey Holland Xander Grant Eurie NamPor The Technomancy Project
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Stevinho Talks #611: Knallfrosch im Äther
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34:18Wo befindet sich bei einem Riesen das Zwerchfell? Steigt der Papst am Lebensende beruflich auf? Essen fromme Kannibalen freitags Fischer? Haben blinde Eskimos Blinden-Schlittenhunde? Alle Antworten auf diese Fragen bekommt Ihr in der neuen Ausgabe meines Podcasts! Hier die Themen der heutigen Ausgabe: – Hurra! Es schneit… – Nochmal Geschenke-Tipps …
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Vale Cast - Ordem Paranormal - Sexta Feira 13
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3:29:01E você achando que na sexta feira as coisas podem dar erradas somente no trabalho… Venha com esse time investigar o que anda acontecendo a quase 13 anos e por que eles estão ligados. Narrador: Dan Caio: Rafael Damacena Tales: Alex Nago: Leandro Yu: Morgana
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Stevinho Talks #610: Warum ich doch weiter PoE 2 spiele…
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35:24Belehrt allein der Verlust über den Wert der Dinge? Darf man ohne Führerschein eine Lawine ins Rollen bringen? Wo ist beim Baum hinten? Welchen Beweis für Ihre Existenz würden Sie gelten lassen? Alle Antworten auf diese Fragen, bekommt Ihr in der neuen Ausgabe meines Podcasts! Hier die Themen der heutigen Ausgabe: – Hört Ihr überhaupt noch unsere P…
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Stevinho Talks #609: Ich komme nicht von WoW los!
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45:59Wie viel Blutzoll muss Dracula bei einer Auslandsreise lassen? Können Schlümpfe kein Brot backen, weil sie gar ga Mehl haben? Tankt Superman auch manchmal Diesel? Was tut Spiderman, wenn ihm der Geduldsfaden reißt? Alle Antworten auf diese Fragen bekommt Ihr in der neuen Ausgabe meines Podcasts! Hier die Themen der heutigen Ausgabe: – Kaffee-Vollau…
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Vale Pocket 05# - Ashes Of Tomorrow
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1:07:26Hei ... Hei você aí ... Sim, você mesmo. Não, rapaz é com você mesmo que eu estou falando!!! Vem cá, rapidinho ... Chama aí o teu amigo também, vem junto, vocês dois. Pirâmide? Não, não ... Isso é com o outro. Mas vem cá, vocês já ouviram falar na palavra do Ashes Of Tomorrow? Se você não sabe o que é Ashes Of Tomorrow, não sabe de onde veio, pra o…
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Kann ein Glückspilz auf giftig sein? Kriegt man vom Haschrauchen Grasnarben? Warum steht man im Fahrstuhl? Sind Kondensstreifen am Himmel, weil den Engeln die Frischmilch ausgegangen ist? Alle Antworten auf diese Fragen bekommt Ihr in der neuen Ausgabe meines Podcasts! Hier die Themen der heutigen Ausgabe: – Ich spiele die Alpha von Ashes of Creati…
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Spielen eingewechselte Spieler wie ausgewechselt? Fühlt sich der Ball anders an, wenn ein Spieler viel Ballgefühl hat? Ist der Ball platt, wenn aus einem Spiel die Luft raus ist? Ist der Platz schlecht gewartet, wenn die Spieler extrem tief stehen? Alle Antworten auf diese Fragen bekommt Ihr in der neuen Ausgabe meines Podcasts! Hier die Themen der…
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1.01 REIMAGINED - The High Priestess, The Magician, and The Hanged Man
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35:55Hear the Technomancy Unit’s first mission come to life in an entirely new way in the reimagined pilot episode. WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga, Josdon Thong, and Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga, Josdon Thong, and Ausdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdon Thong MAIN THEME BY: Arjuna Woods END T…
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Currently, only episode 1.01 of the Reimagined Season 1 is available, but if you want to be the first to know when more episodes are released, be sure to subscribe!Por The Technomancy Project
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Kann man Weinbrände mit Obstwasser löschen? Wie viele Runden dreht ein Radler im Biergarten? Ist ein Blauwal immer besoffen? Rührt eine Weinschorle zu Tränen? Alle Antworten auf diese Fragen bekommt Ihr in der neuen Ausgabe meines Podcasts! Hier die Themen der heutigen Ausgabe: – Füllkrug und Hummels – Schulformen, Vergleiche, Pro und Contra – Kein…
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Valecast- Batismo de Fogo - Part.1
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1:49:17Nossos vampiros dão o primeiro passo em direção a uma conspiração muito sinistra que os aguarda... Tema do Episódio: Aventura, Suspense, Sobrenatural, Mistério Participantes: Narrador: Rafael Damacena Patrick: Alex Matner Shaka: Leandro Evelyn: Larissa Redes Sociais https://twitter.com/TrevasVale https://www.facebook.com/vale.dassombras.9 https://w…
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Ist der Hahn tot, wenn man ihn zudreht? Was für Löcher hämmert der Schluckspecht? Gibt es auf der Bierbank die Zinsen in Prozent oder Promille? Schon mal bei einem Barkeeper ein Eigentor geschossen? Alle Antworten auf diese Fragen, bekommt Ihr in der neuen Ausgabe meines Podcasts! Hier die Themen der heutigen Ausgabe: – Diät: erstmals unter 90 Kilo…
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Hat Jack the Ripper seine Opfer durch Stichproben gefunden? Warum steht man im Fahrstuhl? Schon mal versucht bei Spiderman anzurufen, und der hatte kein Netz? Wer zuletzt lacht, hat es nicht eher begriffen? Alle Antworten auf diese Fragen bekommt Ihr in der neuen Ausgabe meines Podcasts! Hier die Themen der heutigen Ausgabe: – Wechsel ich zu Androi…
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Wohin schaut das Guckloch? Dürfen Türsteher sich von Zeit zu Zeit hinsetzen? Kann man auch „kalte Luft“ reden? Können Seeräuber keine Kreise ziehen, weil sie Pi raten? Alle Antworten auf diese Fragen bekommt Ihr in der neuen Ausgabe meines Podcasts! Hier die Themen der heutigen Ausgabe: – Neue Brainfart-Kolumne – Kickstarter-Probleme – Allimania Ga…
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Belial’s plan has finally been revealed and Earth is under the looming threat of the almighty Vatori fleet. With their time running short, can the Technomancy Unit find some way to prevent an all-out war between worlds? WRITTEN BY: Colin Bradley, Emily Consaga, Josdon Thong, and Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga, Jos…
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Vale RPG Cast - Resident Evil Terror Nas Montanhas Arklay
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3:41:34Bem-vindos, ouvintes destemidos, a mais uma jornada pelo mundo sombrio e intrigante dos jogos de terror. Preparem-se para mergulhar nas profundezas do desconhecido, onde o medo é tanto um inimigo quanto um aliado. Eu souRafael Damacena, seu anfitrião nesta jornada sinistra. Hoje, adentramos o universo sombrio de "Resident Evil", uma saga icônica qu…
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In a last ditch effort to keep Belial from breaking out of containment, Jason Fenix, Elijah Long, Allie Watts, and Agent King are forced to look deep within themselves, and discover who their real enemy is. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon …
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After months of searching, the Technomancy Unit finally reaches a breakthrough in their search for the Immortals. Their discovery takes them abroad to the beautiful country of Norway, but their mission becomes more complicated once they discover that not all is as it seems. WRITTEN BY: Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consa…
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Reeling from the events back in Las Vegas, Elijah struggles to move forward and has taken a turn for the worse. Can Allie and Jason pick up the pieces before the Technomancy Unit falls apart? WRITTEN BY: Josdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdon Thong …
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Following a sketchy lead provided by Layla, the Technomancy Unit makes their way to Las Vegas to search for an Immortal named Quinn. However, as per usual of their luck, things never go the way they plan. WRITTEN BY: Colin Bradley and Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga S…
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Everyone has skeletons in their closet that they refuse to talk about. And when Elijah receives a less-than-welcome visitor from his mysterious past, he’s forced to confront that darkness head on. WRITTEN BY: Josdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdon T…
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Somewhere in Canton, Mississippi, there are cases of miraculous recoveries and overnight phenomena occurring with no rhyme or reason. What could be the cause behind these strokes of good luck? It’s up to the Technomancy Unit to find out. WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY:…
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With the search for the other Immortals begun, the trio start their investigation at a local museum. However, things never stay easy for too long as they unexpectedly come face-to-face with relics from Jason’s distant past. WRITTEN BY: Colin Bradley and Ausdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN …
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Vale Pocket #05 - Bate papo com Pontes
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1:13:13Sejam bem vindos, trevosos e trevosas deste meu Vale das Trevas. Hoje o Valepoket está louco de especial. Diferente do habitual, esse episódio vai ser uma conversa marota entre amigos, uma conversa para conhecer um pouco mais deste bebê do mundo das trevas! Quer saber quem é o convidado e quais Fabulas Cotidianas estamos falando ... É só atravessar…
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2.02 - Beneath the Yew Tree, Comes the Witching Man
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42:19With the team reunited under the threat of Belial’s rampage, they must race against the clock to find a way to stop him. But how do you stop a King of Hell? You might not like the answer… WRITTEN BY: Josdon Thong DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga, Josdon Thong, and Joy Ofodu SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdo…
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How well do you actually know your enemy? In this episode, we finally learn Jason’s side of the story and see exactly how he came to be a King of Hell’s host. WRITTEN BY: Emily Consaga DIRECTED BY: Josdon Thong PRODUCED BY: Emily Consaga and Josdon Thong SOUND DESIGN BY: Emily Consaga SCRIPT EDITING BY: Ausdon Thong MAIN THEME BY: Arjuna Woods END …
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Season 2 of The Technomancy Project premieres June 1st. Make sure you're there. Twitter: @TechnomancyUnit Instagram: @technomancyproject TikTok: @thetechnomancyproject Starring Noah Belachew as Jason Fenix Erin Nicole Lundquist as Allie Watts Griffin Puatu as Elijah Long Rita Amparita as Vox Hereticus Yannick Haynes as Belial Joy Ofodu as Ijeoma Nj…
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Season 2 of The Technomancy Project premieres June 1st. Make sure you're there. Twitter: @TechnomancyUnit Instagram: @technomancyproject TikTok: @thetechnomancyprojectPor The Technomancy Project
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Vale Pocket #04 - Bate papo com Felipe Headley
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33:10Salve, salve, trevosos. Como diz aquele velho ditado: Quem é vivo sempre aparece! E como estamos nesse meio termo, depois de uma longa pausa ( culpa do Ventrue que passou cheque sem fundo aos pedreiros da ponte e do Tremere que foi fazer um discurso que eles são clã numa convenção cheia de Nosferatus e Gangrel saiu de lá em torpor de tanto apanhar.…
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Depois de mais um longo hiato, Rodrigo e Rafael retornam para frente de seus microfones para saírem de suas zonas de conforto e por duas horas falarem basicamente sobre Pokémon. Depois desse inesperado papo sobre a criança com 10 anos de idade e 25 anos de experiência, Rodrigo fala de que ele infelizmente voltou para o buraco dos animes e está assi…
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Depois de um mês complicado emocionalmente devido ao Brasil e a festa da democracia, esse episódio foi finalmente editado em que é conversado sobre eventos políticos que hoje já são antigos, Pokémon – obviamente, séries de fantasia e nosso amor pela From Software 00:00:00 ~ 00:18:24 – Japão, mortes e política 00:18:24 ~ 00:58:04 – Pokémon 00:58:04 …
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Vale Cast Especial - Fé Verdadeira Part.2
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1:35:00Nesse episodio concluímos a saga sobre Fé Verdadeira
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Depois de um ano sem gravar ou publicar podcast e mais de um mês esperando ser “editado” após a gravação, Rodrigo e Rafael finalmente estão de volta para explorar assuntos nunca antes discutidos nesse programa: Japão, One Piece, Pokémon, Star Wars, Assuntos Que Nenhum Dos Dois Tem Conhecimento Para Estar Falando e recebem um final digno para esse r…
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Vale Cast Especial - Fé Verdadeira Part.1
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57:16Nesse episodio vamos debater sobre Fé verdadeira dentro do mundo das trevas (WOD)
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In the conclusion of season 1, our heroes must face their biggest enemy yet. Still stunned by the reveal at the end of last episode (go listen to it), the team must pull themselves together to do their jobs, even if they’re not getting paid nearly enough for this shit. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of…
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Vale Cast #18 - O Clã Ravnos PT.4
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1:02:44Finalmente chegamos a ultima parte. Venha conosco e vamos adentrar o mundo das trevas. Grand Dark Waltz Allegro by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/7921-grand-dark-waltz-allegro License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
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Jason is gone. King is pissed. Elijah and Allie are in hot water. They’ve got 48 hours to find Jason or everything they’ve built together will all be for nothing. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This episode was written by Josdon Thong. CREDITS: Daniel Lear as Jason …
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Allie has never been a fan of the outdoors. But when rumors of disappearing campers and a supposed witch cause the gang to head out into the great wilderness, bugs and no wifi will be the least of their worries. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This episode was writte…
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It’s that time of year again. A warlock, a mad scientist, and the Spider King must put aside their differences to secure their quarterly funding. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This episode was written by Emily Consaga. CREDITS: Daniel Lear as Jason Fenix Erin Nicol…
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Multiverse theory is one of science’s greatest unsolved mysteries. Fortunately, with Elijah’s help, Allie will finally be able to check it off her bucket list. Will this be the adventure of a lifetime or the stuff of nightmares? The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This e…
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A favor from your boss is always invaluable. That is why Agents Long, Watts, and Fenix take a break from saving the world from the forces of evil to babysit their boss’ daughter on her birthday. Too bad the kid’s a little monster. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This…
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An alien race known as the Vatori land on earth for the first time since the 60s. Well, crash land would be a more accurate term. With their ship broken, seemingly beyond repair, Allie becomes their visitor’s only hope to return home. Let the shipping commence. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteri…
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When a strange whistling is heard on the far outskirts of Uada Falls, Jason and Elijah follow it to the farm of Thomas, a former druid and Elijah’s sponsee. There they learn just how dangerous it can be to be consumed by grief. The Technomancy Project presents an audio log from the archives of the Bureau of Esoteric, Paranormal, and Occult. This ep…
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Vale Cast #17 - O Clã Ravnos PT.3
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1:18:27Dessa vez o bicho pegou geral. Vamos ouvir o resumo da semana dos pesadelos? pega seu fone de ouvido ou não e venha conosco! foi sinistro a coisa.
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1.01 - The High Priestess, The Magician, and The Hanged Man
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47:28Waking up, cold and chained down, in a dark basement was not where Jason Fenix expected to find himself. And not alone. Before the cultists can kill him, he's saved by two mysterious strangers. Instead of freeing him, the two strangers take Jason with them to an undisclosed location where his life will never be the same again. This episode was writ…
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Vale Cast Especial - Força de Vontade
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1:34:41Nesse Vale Cast para lá de especial reunimos a equipe para falar sobre essa característica presente na ficha de praticamente todos os viventes (e não viventes) do mundo das trevas. Venha Conosco e vamos adentrar o mundo das trevas! Convidados Rodrigo Pontes do Fabulas Cotidianas https://fabulascotidianasrpg.blogspot.com/ Redes Sociais https://twitt…
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Vale Cast #16 - O Clã Ravnos PT.2
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1:26:46O Ravnos ainda está no Vale causando altas confusões pela cidade, e aproveitando esse momento de descanso iniciamos a segunda parte do podcast dessas aves de mau augúrio. Venha conosco e vamos adentrar o mundo das trevas! Redes Sociais https://twitter.com/TrevasVale https://www.facebook.com/vale.dassombras.9 https://www.instagram.com/valedastrevas/…
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