SBI Card Pulse The SBI Card Pulse launched by one of the largest banks in the country, the State Bank of India (SBI) is a fitness focused credit card, specifically designed for those who follow an active lifestyle. Axis Bank Aura Credit Card Axis Bank has launched Aura Credit Card, which is exclusively designed to cater to the health and wellness needs of individuals. the card offers unique features that are powered by Poshvine and other specialists such as Decathlon, Practo, Fitternity, IndushealthPlus, etc. For more information, refer to YES Bank Wellness Plus Credit Card YES Bank Wellness Plus Credit Card, focuses on the holistic health, self-care and wellness of its users. The card is offered by YES Bank in collaboration with Aditya Birla Wellness Private Limited. With this credit card you get benefits around annual health check-ups, round the clock doctor or counsellor helpline, in-studio or home-based workout sessions as well as personalised diet plans. Apollo SBI Credit Card There have been credit cards for every type of expenditure, except healthcare. The Apollo and State Bank of India’s partnership, however, puts an end to that and starts something anew. This card serves that end, targeting those who spend on healthcare at various Apollo centres - hospitals and pharmacies - around the country. HDFC Bank Doctors Regalia The HDFC Bank Doctor’s Regalia Credit Card serves as a credit card and also a safeguard for your career. It covers your expenses, costs and any unforeseen professional events..…