This show depicts my journey to joyfully redefine balance between work, home, relationships, and personal purpose. For over 20 years I've helped thousands of people to achieve mental, spiritual, and physical success... join me as I share the life hacks that have taken me years to figure out on how to live and reDefine Balance...
Do you struggle with facing your fears? Are they keeping you from living the life you love? Check out the tips and tools from from Life Coach Mandy Marie who will help us see how dealing with our fears can positively impact us for good! Get her simple tool that will help you start working through your top fear today!…
Ever wondered how to accomplish your goals when you have NO TIME? Get your 5 Minute Habits Solution- it works! DTL member and Habits Coach Tonya Wirfs shares the how to's! If you want to connect with Tonya you can find her on Instagram @5MinuteHabitsforMoms. You can also join her FB Community and get her free 5 Minute Mom Reset Meditation right her…
Do you want some terrific tips to help you step out of your financial comfort zone? Whether the time has come, or you want to be prepared when it does, this episode has got you covered. Check out the latest episode of the Money Mindset Mentors and be inspired!
Want tools to get through your stage of divorce? Join our panel discussion today from women in the trenches sharing healthy, effective tools to navigate it. PART 2 OF OUR NAVIGATE LIFE AFTER DIVORCE SERIES.
Want to know more about an investor's mindset? Find out about intent, planning, and even more questions answered during this month's Money Mindset Mentors podcast!
Are you a mom and want to accomplish goals, but don't even know how it's possible right now? Ashlee Stratton shares enjoyable, successful tools to make it happen in the family mix. Enjoy! Connect with Ashlee Stratton on Instagram: @realashleestratton, on Facebook: Ashlee and Co. (, and on her …
Did you get to attend BYU Women's Conference? I had the sweetest miracle happen with that and want to share that with you as well as two other things I learned that didn't come from a class! Enjoy! P.S. To see the schedule for Women’s Conference go to
Have you ever wondered what we do as Disciple Thought Leaders? Get the lowdown from three amazing women, who not only are Disciple Thought Leaders, but also are presenters at BYU Women’s Conference this week. In today’s podcast they share their journey to be a speaker, writer, and media presence For Him! P.S. To see the schedule for Women’s Confere…
Have you wondered how to take your unique gifts and abilities and do it all for Him? Raised among the trees of Oregon, Disciple Thought Leader Graduate Ardice Lorscheider has always found joy in the beauty of nature and serving her community. After attending a Disciple Thought Leader Retreat, Ardice established Ardice + Co. in 2021 with a unique fo…
Is investing in today's real estate market intimidating? Can you invest with a long-term, big-picture mindset? Find out from Amy, Rachel, and Amanda how to navigate a fluctuating real estate market without jumping out at the wrong time, look at the numbers to set yourself up for success, and keep your emotions out of the equation in this newest epi…
What do you experience at a DTL Retreat? How does it help you fulfill your purpose and more effectively share your message? Find out today with Katrina Seamons, President of Deliberate Families and DTL Ambassador and Retreat Director! To schedule a free call and find out more about the Retreats, go to…
Find a better way to help your teenager deal with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. *Names of clients have been changed Find Diane and lots of terrific resources on her website:
Have a loved one dealing with addiction? Dr. Trish Barrus shares ways to help that work to actually move them out of the debilitating cycle. And to help YOU stay mentally well in the process. :) Go to to see if Dr. Trish Barrus is the perfect fit for you!
Preparing for Easter and want a new, meaningful way to do it? Our guests today share their story of the Mesa Easter Pageant and experiences as they wrote and compiled stories on this beautiful spiritual experience. Find these remarkable women and their book on their website: P.S. The book is available in Costcos, and a do…
Meet Diana Groesbeck--a Coach and Sponsor for our Speaker in a Day event. She has helped so many with communication issues, relationships, self-worth, and more. She is the real deal! Check out this fantastic and empowering podcast.
Want to expand your speaking skills in personal or professional ways? These skills help you ROCK your daily life and show up to new and wonderful opportunities!
Got a side hustle or small biz? You likely want help with marketing. Brit Bennion, brand and content creation coach, is in the house! And she's sharing tips and tools as well as her journey as a Mom And, to help you!
Want to create a home you love with what you have? Angela Ingo, owner of Angela Ingo Home, shows you how. Learn her purpose journey on becoming a designer and how you can take those success steps, too.
Ready to get your finances working for you in the new year? Get your money vision and mindset with our mentors! Find your plan, work the plan, and feel the abundance of the plan for Him.
Feeling disconnected, or are your loved ones? Wanting to deepen relationships but not sure how? Our DTL guest today, Marne Traasdahl, shows us how. Learn how to eliminate self-judgment, wisely approach vulnerability, and how to tap into the good ways of connecting!
Got money questions on holiday money, slowing down the season (in life and real estate), gift giving and how much? Reflection on your money journey this year, and more!
Got holiday stress? Let's release it with Lyndsey V! The author The Black Book shares simple tips to let go of emotional weight and finally experience the joy the season offers!
What if your purpose is something you are working hard to avoid? Disciple Thought Leader Sarah Clark avoided anything "domestic," and intentionally took Auto and Shop classes in school instead of Home Economics. She made jewelry, fixed cars, started a farm, became a birth doula and an aesthetician . . . but didn't cook. Founder of The Dainty Pear C…
Need to talk to your young adult kids about the future? Their money? Credit/debit cards, saving for college, preparing to move out? We address the how and details of getting your kids financially ready to fly the coop:)
Want responsible and respectful kids? This podcast is for you. Meet Angela Meyers, parenting educator and founder of Kudos for Kids where she helps kids shift behavior as fast as ONE DAY. Connect with her and her journey right here!
Do you wonder how you can use your unique gifts and talents to do more--to be an instrument for Him? When Disciple Thought Leader Wendy Jones, a DIYer, attended a DTL Retreat nearly two years ago, she had no idea how she could use her skills with power tools to do something for Him. Two years later, she's getting ready for her own seventh retreat a…
Is it really the right time to buy? How long does this take you to get to "the right place" with your money so you can invest, and are no longer in debt? Listen to some great tips from Amy Kendall and Amanda Powell in this session with the Money Mindset Mentors!
Ever feel like you don't know who you are, or what you're to do? Ever feel like you've been struggling alone, and you need help to move forward at all? Ever wanted to share your message but were scared to do it? Find out how this Disciple Thought Leader took the next steps on her journey to help women and girls deal with effects of trauma. She offe…
Got investment questions? Ask the Money Mindset Mentors...for Him:) Weave the spiritual and financial together so you stay focused on what matters most, while learning how to multiply what you've been given:)
Do you ever wonder what happens after one of our Disciple Thought Leader Retreats? Women can join the Disciple Thought Leadership Circle. They have learned these skills and tools, and then they've taken a year in the program to be able to practice them in the doing for their personal purpose, and then using those skills to be able to find and fulfi…
All four Money Mindset Mentors get together for this podcast to answer your questions. Budgeting Scarcity/Abundance Investing Financing Interest Rates These topics and so much more in this fantastic discussion that will give you answers you need to move forward.
What kind of a disciple do you want to be? This is a question I asked myself as I was searching for ways to find my purpose in Christ. And the phrase that really stuck with me is I really want to be a representative of Jesus Christ’s ideals. And that is exactly what a Disciple Thought Leader is. If we are Disciple Thought Leaders, that means we are…
Money Mindset Mentors takes you on an Investment Journey with Amanda! She's going from start to finish on finding, purchasing, and managing a property. Join us for the journey to help you on your own!
Fulfilling your purpose, but running into roadblocks? Disciple Thought Leader Wendi Christensen shares her journey and some tools for moving forward with joy and success! Check it out and enjoy!
Want to invest but don't know where to find the money? We got you. Join us for the Money Mindset Mentor podcast today with Amy Kendall, real estate investor and property manager!
How do you create a Deliberate Family for Him? Meet Disciple Thought Leader, Katrina Seamons! As President and Founder of Deliberate Family, Katrina Seamons shares her journey and tips that work to create a distinct and different family in daily, deliberate ways. From Katrina: “Know your ‘why’ before you know your ‘how.’” Find out how this, and oth…
Want to leverage your money? Get more abundance with what you’ve got? Know how to talk to your kids about money? Have a better "relationship" with money? In this Facebook Live, four professionals (and Moms!) share tips about real estate, budgeting, property management, and mindset. You definitely want to hear this!…
What is the actual POWER of an “abundance mindset”? Probably more than you think. “The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” -Buddha Following the key steps in creating, practicing, and perpetuating an Abundance Mindset can be literally life-changing. In this interview with Disciple Thought Leader Amanda Powell, you’ll understand key ste…
We've had Week #4 of our Let's Conference Talk discussions! We talked about Elder Larry S. Kacher's talk: "Ladder of Faith," and got fantastic takeaways such as: “As we accept the Lord’s will, He teaches us how to walk with Him.” "As we move toward true faith in Jesus Christ, our mindset begins to change." He also asks: "How will life's challenges …
“Let us humbly put ourselves in a position where Jesus can lift us, lead us, and make the most of our abilities.” With Christ we can do all things! What insights have you gained by studying with us during LCT? Watch this discussion that has terrific takeaways such as: we don't always see results right away; we're all figuring this out every day; yo…