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All that you desire in life - success, happiness, innovation, creativity, teamwork - is your natural state, once the drama is gone. Hosted by Alex Dorr, a practicing drama dissolver and keynote speaker who's worked with Fortune 500 companies, The Carvery is a place for all to learn the simple tools, practical strategies and proven mental processes to carve away the drama in our lives. In this show, Alex shares his stories of living drama-free (or trying to), teaching the philosophy and how l ...
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show series
In this video, I discuss my recent article with Emergence on how to truly create a culture of ownership with our ground-breaking tools that cultivate accountability and self-reflection. After doing 70-80 sessions per year for the last 7 years with Fortune 500 companies in all industries across the world, these were the 5 key areas that leaders tend…
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Designed for you to share with everyone you want to introduce No Ego and Reality-Based Leadership with, this podcast walks through the 5 main sources of drama that all leaders and teams will encounter in the workplace. Drama leads to over 2.5 hours per day of lost time and energy per person in an organization on average. Modern leaders know the big…
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I have become more and more fascinated with this idea of being a bridge as a leader. The bridge can first be taken personally when you are asked to evolve or step up in your career. The bridge can be in moments when you are able to take the energy away from whey we can't and get it refocused on how we could. Many times the bridge can be where you a…
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Ever find yourself with so much on your mind that you want to accomplish that you are almost frozen? I find myself often getting ahead of myself thinking about what amazing things are coming or can come in the future and missing the reality that each moment I spend 'ahead of myself' I am taking no action in the moment. In this episode, I share this…
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In this episode, I dive into the importance of steadiness as a skill to be developed. So many people focus on their performance and improving their skills, but many don't realize how important consistent and steady effort is to being successful in their career. This episode allows you to reflect on your own steadiness along with 2 more areas where …
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Many people find energy in checking the boxes each day and getting a ton of tasks done on their list. I admit myself that this feels great. However, many don't take a step back to see if all of those boxes they are checking are truly adding value and moving along the higher-value work that would move things forward at a grander scale. This episode …
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I couldn't be more excited about the new format I am taking to help you keep learning the tools and philosophies of living beyond drama at work and in your world. This episode level sets on the structure of the new podcast flow and what to expect from each episode. From this new structure that amplifies all of the creative ideas I have flowing thro…
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Are you racking your brain trying to figure out how to keep your team engaged in the virtual environment we are in? This has been one of the most common questions coming through from leaders trying to navigate the work from home, hybrid and work from anywhere environments we are in. Download the FREE guide I mentioned in the introduction and the se…
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2020 has been (and is continuing to be) a year that none of us could say we were prepared for as a leader. There is just no other way of saying it. Leadership is always a challenge, but leading in a crisis has revealed so much to us and our people. There is an evolved skillset that a leader needs to successfully support, grow and develop teams in t…
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We've heard endless YouTube videos about building your personal brand so you can LEAVE your job and start your own business, but what about building a personal brand WITHIN our job because we love what we do. This episode will give you four ideas to build your personal brand with your colleagues and customers from the lens of being a low-drama, hig…
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Your level of accountability is most correlated to your results and happiness in life. Many that interact with learn this information and take-off with this idea and really start to live out the four factors of accountability in their lives and start to feel different results pretty quickly. However, many run into a similar experience I did where t…
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It was a heck of a ride jumping from around 40 speaking engagements in 2018 to 85 sessions in 2019. I'm beyond grateful and, as I reflect back, I have learned so much. I have summarized all of these lessons and packaged them up for you in this podcast episode. As you go from city to city and interact with various clients from all of the industries …
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A conventional leadership wisdom out there is that you CANNOT play favorites at work. However, did you know that the same leadership will not please a high-accountable mindset and low-accountable at the same time? This creates an interesting consideration we go into on this podcast. Many organizations haven't come around to the fact that they have …
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One common confusion with leadership and our philosophy is that people miss that high performance does not necessarily correlate with your highest accountable employees. This podcast clarifies and explains why this is so important to understand. For years organizations have focused diligently on measuring performance and when many hear our work the…
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"Well...that's the way we've always done it" is one of the most frustrating statements for leaders and organizations to hear for the reason to not change the way we are doing something. This statement reveals a bigger issue than most might realize once you start to understand the power of learned helplessness. This episode dives deep into victim-mi…
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Having the courage to explore the first layer of drama at work is big, but many miss the opportunity to start peeling back the layers of drama that truly get in the way from our teams being highly successful and happy. This episode dives into this idea of the deeper layers of drama that exist and a few tools to identify them and move beyond them. T…
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Listen in on a full keynote of mine on how to ditch the drama at work with Reality-Based Leadership. Ever wondered what it would be like to sit in the front row for one of my sessions? That's what you are listening to here! This session was one of my best yet. Concise and straight to the point with a TON of energy and practical tools to start leadi…
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Does your drama you bring to the table impact others more the higher up you get in your career? This was a great questions asked by a recent executive leader at one of my sessions that got me thinking. This podcast breaks down my thoughts on whether the impact of our personal drama as a higher-level leader in an organization is grander than our ini…
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"How can I make someone do something I need them to do at work?" is one of the most common questions I hear as I speak to groups across the country. Most are surprised to find out that trying to change someone is nearly impossible - but you can stop enabling them. Enabling the behavior you don't want is typically what leads to so much conflict or b…
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So many people are asking for transparency at work, but are then upset when it happens. Transparent feedback from their leaders seems to ignite the ego. Transparent numbers about how they are doing in their performance can trigger excuses. The transparency of the new internet world has been causing a ton of disruption as well because the tracking a…
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Today's episode features an idea that has been keeping me up at night. Could there ever be some universal good mental processes that everyone agrees on that lead to more happiness and results in our lives? If so, could they become non-negotiable as professional ways to behave in meetings and discussions. I'm fascinated with this idea and share some…
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Workplace wellness is a hot topic out there and an important concept for me and I loved diving into what ditching the drama means for this movement on the Redesigning Wellness podcast with Jen Arnold. We discuss the main sources of drama draining people’s energy at work and what that means for the push for more wellbeing in the workplace. Loved thi…
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Many of us follow leadership wisdom that is passed down to us or that we have read and heard in management seminars of the past. Are they currently helping or hurting? Our research is showing that many are fueling drama instead of reducing it. This podcast discusses the top 7 deadly sins of the current leadership approach and what we can do to cour…
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**Apologies for the scratching noise on some of the audio throughout the clip. There was a little interference between the two microphones I was wearing. Hope you can hang in there for the content! Many organizations have gone all in on employee engagement. Coke and pepsi in the breakroom, increase vacation days, flexible working hours and whatever…
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There are two ways to go through each day - joy our misery, our choice. I was reminded of this powerful lesson after a recent morning I had when I thought my car was stolen after getting home late from a speaking engagement. I thought this lesson I share in this episode can show the impact of living the philosophy on the daily and how the same even…
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What if I told you that the job you hate today can become the job you love tomorrow? It sounds too good to be true, but I have had so many attendees reach out after our sessions and say that this is what happens in their mindsets after they learn our principles. I am actually fascinated with the recent trend that so many people are longing to start…
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Many people are searching for ways to increase their confidence as a leader, but find themselves holding back. In a recent session of mine, an attendee loved the content but didn't know how to confidently give the techniques a try and wanted some advice. This episode breaks down my thinking on how to truly increase your confidence with some simple …
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Clarity is a secret weapon in leadership. So many of us are unaware of the impact of our level of clarity (or lack there of) we bring to the table and how it influences team dynamics. In a recent team workshop focused mainly on this topic, I had huge learning moments around this topic and how it can greatly improve your leadership and the level of …
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The famous Steve Jobs quote is "We don't hire the best talent to tell them what to do, we hire the top talent so they can tell us what to do." In this episode, I add my commentary to this quote to ensure top talent stays drama-free in what they suggest for you to do for ideas. By understanding a few of these filters as a leader you can ensure that …
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Many people who are frustrated with the rapid pace of change in their organizations bring up this concern that their companies are pushing changes just for change's sake. They are convinced that the company is not being strategic about the direction and reason for many of the changes they are implementing. This episode dives into navigating this fr…
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When working with a client earlier this year I was told about a somewhat toxic situation that happened between a manager and a large number of employees that were accusing her of being basically the most negative person ever. By the end of the situation, the manager who'd been considered negative had left the organization and it seemed as if a larg…
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Being a speaker is something so many people connect with me on to hear my story on how I got started and advice for getting started themselves. After my almost 4 years as a speaker and learning directly from New York Times Bestselling Author, Cy Wakeman, who has built a successful speaking business over the last 20 years, I wanted to share all of m…
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The Reality-Based Leadership philosophy really resonates for so many people. It reveals some universal truths and actions steps to start living a drama-free life both at work and at home. However, the ego and the human condition can play tricks on us and often causes some common challenges when first starting to try out the techniques and ideas. Be…
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I had to jump in on this viral clip that went out from a college football player that was upset about a "lack of buy-in" that was hurting their team. So many athletes and coaches talk about the importance of buy-in of all involved in order for a team to be successful. The problem, however, is that buy-in has remained an illusion and unteachable for…
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Everyone is a learner and everyone wants to get better at something. The problem is that we haven't yet utilized the research when it comes to learning in the best way. Trevor Ragan is on a mission to magnify the best research out there to make us all better learners. In this podcast, Trev and I talk about ditching the drama from the learning proce…
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We dove deep on venting and whether it is helpful or not in the workplace. As we discussed, an attendee in one of my sessions wanted to know our best ways to stop the venting, but to do it nicely where it doesn't hurt the person's feelings AND doesn't look like you are taking the side of the other person, group or department involved. Here are my 3…
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Ever find yourself confused of decisions by leadership? Many share with me that the organization seems to have no idea what is really going on and are even making poor decisions. This episode will open up some freedom to know how to move forward to succeed anyway. So often in my speaking engagements people get through about the first half of traini…
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One of the most common questions we get in sessions boils down to "How can I change another?" So many of us are frustrated with a colleague who consistently doesn't do what they say they are going to do. They may even consistently let us down. In this episode, I answer a question from a session of mine when someone brings up that they are having a …
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Who would you be without your story? This was the central question in a recent 9-day retreat I experienced and what a journey it took me on! In this episode, I share how I dove deeper into the power of our unquestioned stories and how they create suffering in our lives and eventually solidify into identities that can keep us from being our authenti…
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I am fascinated by how many people report that they leave work completely drained each day with no energy left for families, friend or hobbies. What we've found in our research on drama is that it is not our daily jobs and tasks that exhaust us, it is all of the drama caused by poor mental processes and drama that we bring in to our jobs. This epis…
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Here it is you guys! The entire Reality-Based Leadership philosophy in one episode. Many have asked for a full overview with stories and examples to bring the ditch the drama philosophy altogether and this is it. Ready to recapture the 2 hours per day per person that is lost to drama at work? Listen in! Reality-Based Leadership is a revolutionary l…
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Your level of happiness is not correlated to having perfect circumstances in which to thrive in, it is correlated to the amount of accountability you take for those circumstances. Your circumstances are just your assignment to succeed anyway in. In this episode, I reveal our research into happiness and how it aligns with some of the best happiness …
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I've noticed that my entire life people have given me varied advice and quotes about fear and how to overcome it. In saying that, I was often frustrated at the lack of practical tips to overcome these feelings of fear in the moment. This idea of fear was something I just couldn't shut off by snapping my fingers until I discovered the Reality-Based …
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A recent speaking engagement in Alaska led to a heck of an adventure and a pretty interesting test of living out the philosophy as my plans played out. I hope you all get a laugh out of me trying to practice what I preach so to speak with our drama-free philosophy! When you listen through this adventure, you probably won't be able to believe that I…
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Many believe that empowerment and having authority comes after you get a job title and it simply is not true. In this episode, I give practical ways to have incredible impact in any situation regardless of your job title or authority in an organization. So many people I come across are sitting back and waiting for a leader to impact a situation and…
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You hear it everywhere - change your mindset, change your life. There is so much out there about the importance of changing your mindset or being in the right frame of mind to get better results. But how do you actually change a mindset? What practical ways can you do that in the moment? Why is it even important? In this episode, I discuss our huma…
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We've been talking a lot about drama in our lives and in this episode I wanted to pinpoint exactly what causes that drama so you can quickly recognize it when it comes. Drama is simply mental/emotional waste in our lives. To get rid of waste or inefficiencies, it is standard business practice for businesses to implement good processes to eliminate …
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In this episode, I share the backstory of why I felt The Carvery podcast had to be created, what space it fills in the world and how the content will help people ditch the drama from their lives to reveal their natural state of success and happiness. The Carvery is a place for all to gather to learn practical tools and simple strategies to carve aw…
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