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Gifu, Nippon Nov. 28, 1945 Dear Marion – I’m on the way – save a date. Love, Dip To all the readers and followers of this project, I want to thank you for coming along with me and Dorance Alquist on this journey. It started back in 2017 for me and 1941 for him. He was drafted in June of 1941, before the United States had even entered the war; one o…
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Nov. 26, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – Oh how I hate to admit that I’m still here in Gifu waiting! The whole redeployment program here went suddenly sour at 90 pts. - & me with 89 – isn’t that just about my luck? I guess back home you folks read about all the troops they’re getting back from the Pacific every day. Well maybe they’re going out from Tokio & …
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Gifu, Japan Nov. 11, 1945 Dear Marion – Though I hate to say it – I’m still “sweating” those walking (or sailing) papers. I’ve waited for the day for three & a half years now, & these last two weeks seem like half of that time. It’s awful – can’t read, can’t write, can’t sit – they better give me the “go” signal or I’ll surely be Section 8 material…
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Gifu, Japan Nov. 6, 1945 Dear Marion – Guess I shouldn’t be writing you at this moment cuz I’m really in a dark purple mood. Twelve of our high point officers went home this morning & here I still am – very lonely. The worst part about it is that I was supposed to be with them. When the order first came out it incl. all officers over 85 pts. – that…
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At Anchor Oct. 13, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – Expected to be on shore long ago but here we still are out on the water. We’re in Wakayama Bay at the moment (can you locate it in the almanac?) – it’s about 200 mi. south along the shore of Honshu from Nagoya. We are waiting ‘till the mine fields are completely cleared at Nagoya before we pull out of here &…
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At sea and how! Sept. 31, 1945 Dear Marion – The rocking of this ship is not exactly conducive to neat penmanship so try to bear with me while I scribble this note. I’m finally over the hump now, I hope, and don’t expect to get seasick from here to Japan. I’m really proud of myself, cuz I haven’t missed a meal thuuu (whoops that was a bad roll) thu…
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Lingayen Gulf, Luzon Sept. 24, 1945 Dear Marion – Yup – I’m on the water again – this time bound for friendly shores – I hope. At least the radio & newspapers say they’re friendly now. You can check the map of Japan & pick out the little “burgh” of Nagoya – that’s where we’re going. They tell us it has been about 30% destroyed, so don’t know what t…
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Tarlac, P.I. Sept. 20, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – This is just a hurry up note to let you know I’m still OK. The lights are going off in a couple of minutes & I must get this off tonight. You see I’m packed, crated, & ready to shove off in the A.M. No – not for home – you know where. I might get another chance to write before I shove off, but if I don’t…
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Luzon, P.I. Sept. 15, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – No I’m not on my way home – thought maybe you’d think so, seeing as I haven’t written for about 10 days. Don’t worry – when I’m coming you’ll know about it. I won’t just come ‘round the corner whistling the way I did the one time. It certainly seems like ages ago since I took those miners up to Cp. McCoy …
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Manila Leave Center Luzon, P.I. Sept. 9, 1945 Hi Marion – Yup I’m in that shot-up town of Manila again. It’s Sunday afternoon – just thot I’d pause here in the R.C. and say hello to ya. I have about an hour before chow time. Sure wish you were here we’d go out dancing tonight at Cielito Lindo’s or Ciro’s – They’re the two nicest. Of course if you w…
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Luzon, P.I. Sept. 5, 1945 Dear Marion – It’s raining bugs – Tony just opened up a Freon bomb and blasted all the little pests around the light. That stuff is potent – in about two minutes after the treatment, they start dropping from all angles. Right now I’m having trouble keeping this page clear enough to write on. Have to blow a path for my pen.…
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Luzon, P.I. Aug. 28, 1945 Dear Marion: We just finished a rough & tough volleyball game out there in the hot sun. I feel as though I’m thoroughly baked & just about ready to be served. Care for a bite? S’cuze me for about 5 minutes Marion – Ahh! Much better – just had myself a cool shower, and now I’ve got about a half hour for a chat before I have…
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Luzon, P.I. Aug. 19, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – It’s Sunday night – have a few quiet moments to say “Hello” before the movie. Tonight we are having “The Corn is Green” – I believe Bette Davis plays the lead so must be good. Now that all the excitement has died down how do you all feel about the war news? I’m certainly waiting for the first letter from y…
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Luzon, P.I. Aug. 15, 1945 “V-J-DAY” Dear Marion – Little girl – this is the day! I’m so happy it’s impossible to put it in writing! Up to now I’ve never dared even hope that such a thing could happen. If you can guess where I would have been a few months from now if peace hadn’t come – you know just how much it really means to me. I can’t see a tri…
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Luzon, P.I. August 13, ‘45 Dear Mom & Dad – It has probably been quite a little stretch between my last letter and this’n. Another Lt. and myself have been on a 3-day pass to Manila and I didn’t have a chance to write before I left. As you warned me in the letter I just got today – I’d better not let too much time lapse between letters or you’ll th…
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Luzon, P.I. Aug. 12, 1945 Dear Miss. Marion – Didn’t get to write you before I left on my 3 day pass, so guess this Sunday morning lull is a perfect opportunity. I’m sitting in the U.S.O. club at the Manila Leave Center where I’m staying. Just got rid of three cups of steaming coffee & several doughnuts. I was hungry cuz I slept thru breakfast. Any…
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Aug. 1, 1945 Luzon, P.I. Dear Mom & Dad – Well I was wrong. Thought I’d get a chance to write you on Mon. right after our Manila weekend, but, gosh, I’ve been so busy with training that I just haven’t had a spare moment. The days certainly fly by now that we’re so busy. Another thing – at night after our training is over we are building ourselves a…
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Luzon, P.I. July 20, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – I’m writing from the orderly room just before chow. It’s about noon time I know, cuz I can smell the pork chops frying. Just got thru giving a lecture on Tactics, so my labors of the day are thru. Our schedule only runs ‘till 11:30 for the present. It’ll probably increase at a later date. Our area is stric…
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Luzon, P.I. July 17, 1945 Dear Marion: Today’s my anniversary – four long & barren years in the army. Isn’t it awful! Just think, Marion, I could have had a college education in that time, & be all set to take a $500 a week job, buy a home (with a white fence), and settle down to raise about 6 kids. Well, naturally a wife fits into the picture – (l…
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Luzon July 11, 1945 Dear Miss Marion – Thought I’d better use the formal tone just in case you’re peeved – it’s been a long spell since I last wrote. In fact I’ll accentuate – it’s been quite a long spell. I could have written a short note & explained long ago, but always expected to write a lengthy letter the next night. I’m truly sorry, Marion. L…
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Wed. June 27th Luzon Dear Mom & Dad – Got your very interesting letter today telling of the Colonel’s friends coming to visit you. I’m certainly glad you met & liked them. The Col. really praised them – he said they seemed like parents to him. So the news of Denny’s coming home is out. Well it’s just as well, although I think he wanted to surprise …
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Luzon June 20, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – I’m at the airstrip again for a little flying, reading, writing, & lounging. It’s really a great life. I’m also getting some good exercise down here. We play volleyball every afternoon. There is a movie here in the neighborhood about every other night. On the odd nights we play bridge or read. Just finished Razo…
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Luzon June 18, 1945 Dear Marion – This’n’s going to be short cuz – well, eh gads, I just wrote you night before last. I’m not doing bad, eh? Today the mail finally caught up to the fightin’ soldiers. I also got mine. And amongst them three very special perfumy ones from some gal back home. Was I both happy & surprised – and more happy than surprise…
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Luzon June 16, 1945 Dear Marion: Gosh, here it is the middle of the “month of love” and what have I done about it? Not even Fifi around to liven things up. Incidentally she hasn’t written me since I shipped-out. Obviously I didn’t create a very lasting impression. Yes, Marion, life overseas is very barren – the best I can do for something sweet is …
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Philippines June 12, 1945 Dear Marion – It’s a typical “blue-monday” – cloudy and rainy. If you plan to do the washing you better hang it in the basement instead of outdoors. Oh excuse me I forgot you were a working (?) girl. There are two main topics around the battery these days – “point system” and “relief.” A lot of our boys have been overseas …
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June 7, 1945 Philippines Dear Mom & Dad – We’ve been fighting all day – with this darn irrigation ditch around our tent. We dig it deep enough when the sun is out. Then when the waters start to run down from the hills they bring all the silt & mud down with ‘em and fill up our nice ditch. Of course the result is a tremendous overflow which tumbles …
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Philippines June 1, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – I’ve been very busy lately – that’s why I haven’t written as often as I would have liked. You see I have a new job now – Btry. executive. That means I am in charge of the firing btry. itself – the men who actually fire the guns. It’s one of the most cherished jobs in F.A. Naturally I like it very much. That…
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Still here May 20, 1945 Dear Marion – Seeing as how I’m again back in the battery for a few days rest, I’d better say hello quick while I have the chance. War is sure hell, Marion, & if you don’t believe me I wish you could see us “sad-sacks” wallowing around in the mud & slime around the area here. The doughboys fight ahead for 100 yds. and slip b…
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May 19, 1945 Philippines Dear Mom & Dad – Haven’t had a letter now for about 5 days – it must be held-up somewhere. Consequently this one will probably be short – not having any letter from you to answer. Things are about the same here & with me. We’re still fighting. Couple o’ days ago I had the sniffles & anticipated a peachy cold but they went a…
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Philippines May 13, 1945 Happy Day Mother! This is the day I’d like to be home to help you celebrate. Church in the morning, a long Sunday aft. ride, supper out, and then maybe a good show at the State, Minnesota, or Orpheum. It’s early we might as well stop at Elmer & Esther’s and take some money away from them in a poker game. Oh me – I’m just dr…
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May 8, 1945 Haven’t moved. “V.E. Day” Dear Marion: Oh happy day – two down & one to go! Say I’ll bet you’ll have a “big head” tonight – guess I would if I was home. Fact is we’d both have one together. Now if only the Japs would wake up to the fact that they will be whipped in time, and surrender. At any rate if Japan chooses to continue the fight …
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May 7, 1945 Same place Dear Mom & Dad – I’m still at the air strip shootin’ down at the Japs. The flying is getting a little rougher now – the rainy season has set in. Once in awhile the clouds & rain closes in & tries to hide the field on us. So far it hasn’t succeeded. It’s still a lot better than sweating out that doughboy foxhole. The wet weath…
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Philippines May 1, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – I’m still OK & struggling along from day to day. Have received about three letters from you in the last “as many” days. Gee, you certainly were a messenger of sad tidings in your latest letters. For a while we were lucky in having no close friends or relatives killed in action. Lately we’ve not been so fortu…
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Philippines April 30, 1945 Dear Marion – You continue to amaze me – no sooner do I complain about no mail & wham! The mail orderly slips me 3 at once supplemented by a neat little square package. Marion, I promise I’ll never b—ch again (oh, scuze my vernacular) about your letters not coming fast enough. In fact at the present reading I believe I’m …
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Philippines April 26, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – I’m on duty at the air-strip again as aerial observer. Is it nice compared to the front line duty! I’ll probably only be here about a week, but I’m really going to enjoy it. We’re far enough “behind” here to have our Coleman lanterns going at night – also the radio. I just had my sheets washed & slept in …
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Philippines April 15, 1945 Dear Marion – I’ve been too darn busy that’s why! Otherwise I’d a had a letter comin’ your way long time ago. OK? Well hi you – how are ya? I must say you surely are lookin’ good – and I do mean it. Gee those pictures you sent were swell. You gals look good enough to eat - & I’m hungry! It’s a dirty trick tho sending one …
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Philippines April 14, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – It’s raining – a good time to do a little writing. I’m sorry it’s been over a week since I last wrote, but I have been busy. For the last 4 or 5 days I’ve been over my chin in legal papers. Boy, did I get stuck with a dilly of a job! Have you ever heard of a T.J.A., (Trial Judge Advocate)? No? Well it’s t…
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Philippines April 5, 1945 Hi there – ‘T has been about two weeks since I’ve heard from you, Marion, so just to change my luck I’ll write you. Maybe this afternoon I’ll be lucky. I have an absolute abundance of no news to tell you. The war is still continuing with very slow progress. These high mts. together with the steadily increasing Nip resistan…
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Philippines Easter Sunday Dear Mom & Dad – I don’t have one little iota of news to tell you, but just wanted to say hello & let you know that it’s a beautiful, sun-shiny, very typical Easter morning. The kind of day on which I’d like to take a long ride around Lake Calhoun & Lake of the Isles. I’ll bet Mpls. is starting to reveal some definite sign…
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Philippines March 29, ‘45 Dear Mom & Pop – The fighting son has nothing very interesting to report this time. I’m still OK & feeling very fit these days. Of course I’ve been doing lots of hiking up and down these confounded mts., so I should be in some kind of shape. We’re still battling those stubborn Nips and, if anything, the resistance is getti…
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March 23, 1945 Philippines Dear Mom and Dad – Things are a bit quiet this morning here in the gun position so I’m catching up a little on my writing. Just wrote one to Marion & one to Dorothy and now one to you. Meant to write yesterday as I said but was kept busy with fire missions all day. Also I spent part of the afternoon writing up some Bronze…
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March 21, 1945 Philippines “Spring” Dear Mom & Dad – First of all – to put your mind at ease – cuz you haven’t heard from me for so long, I’m still OK and feeling perfectly healthy. Haven’t had any chance to write because I’ve been up on the lines again in those nasty ol’ foxholes. The going is extremely rugged now – we’re fighting over some of the…
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Friday, March 9, 1945 Philippines Dear Marion – The Nip who had this stationery has no further use for it so I might as well use it up. Guess I should be writing up and down but to keep from mixing you up too much, I’ll stick to the orthodox way. No I didn’t spill that ink up there – the Jap probably did that when one of our artillery shells landed…
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Philippines March 8, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – The Jap who had this stationery doesn’t feel like writing so I’m going to use it for him. Guess he’d write up & down but I’ll stick to the orthodox so’s you can read it. I’m still in the battery and haven’t been out front since I last wrote. We have been busy however, moving to new positions. We’re still p…
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Philippines March 3, 1945 Dear Mom & Dad – Gosh – I spose you’ve worried your heads off! I see by my little book that my last letter to anyone was written to you on Feb. 11. No, I’ll take that back it was Feb. 14th and to Esther. That was the day I was ordered “up front” with the dough-boys – I was with them until yesterday when I was relieved. Gue…
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Tues. Feb. 13, 1945 Philippines Dear Marion – The war has slowed down for a couple of hours so I’ll say hello – “hello!” I went up the front today, collared the General & told him to take time out, cuz I hadn’t written you for quite a spell. So he did - & I am. Gee, I really feel tops right now – just had a bath in a cool stream running right along…
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Feb. 11, 1945 Philippines Dear Mom & Dad – Just looked at my little calendar and was surprised to find it’s Sunday. Days of the week have absolutely no meaning to us over here now – it’s the same routine every day. It’s hard enough to keep track of the date and month. Just received 2 letters & a V-mail from you. V-mail dated Jan 15 & the air-mails …
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Feb. 6, 1945, Wed. Philippines Dear Mom & Dad – I now have letters from you dated Dec. 21, 25, 29 and Jan. 1. They came all in a bunch, and you can bet I had a picnic reading all about everyone & everything back at home. Will endeavor to answer all of them in this letter if I’m not interrupted. First of all I was certainly happy to hear that you al…
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Jan. 31, 1944 Philippines Dear Mom & Dad – We’re still busy as little bees here – moving all the time. And we’re moving in the right direction too, even if Radio Tokio says we aren’t. I’ve tried to write you a half dozen times in the last two days but every time I sit down to write either a fire mission comes in or a march order. Today I’ve been fl…
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January 26, 1945 Philippines Dear Mom & Dad – It’s a beautiful sunny day, & here I sit peacefully writing a letter with the planes soaring overhead on their way to blast the Nips. I’m on duty with the grasshoppers for a week or so as an air observer. This is very flat terrain with few good hills for OP’s, so we fire a lot by air. We fly up over the…
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